Going Without

How long can you Gents or Ladies go without having sex or masturbating? Originally Posted by shorty
I don't really know....What time is it??
Cpalmson's Avatar
While off topic, why on earth would a guy expect a provider to "fall in love with them"? Sure maybe over time a client and provider can become friendly, but as a client, I don't want a provider to love me. I'm just there for the fun and games. While I do want my provider to have as much fun as me, I most certainly don't want her to fall in love with me.
Naomi4u's Avatar
While off topic, why on earth would a guy expect a provider to "fall in love with them"? Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Wow. I wish I would have dated more men like you. Most of the men I saw would fall in love with me. Two very well known hobbyists proposed to me. The second time was just a few weeks ago ....via text message (LOL). You would be surprised. A lot of men blur the lines.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Let it be put on record that if I EVER find myself proposing or "falling in love" they have permission to put a bullet in my head.lol in short I'd have to be mental to take that trip down the aisle again.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I've never really believed in "falling in love" myself. I think it's a choice you make. I think some people use that line to make an excuse for making poor decisions. As if they can't help it. Like saying sex addiction is an illness or alcoholism is an illness.
nutinmuch's Avatar
It's been 4 1/2 years since I f'd my wife. When's the last time I had sex - last nite! lol!
burkalini's Avatar
For me going without sex is like not eating. I havn't been with anyone for almost a month now. Since I broke up with my SO. It's a record for me. Just don't have the urge right now
London Rayne's Avatar
i always admire your brutal honesty it is refreshing. that being said you on occasion make note that sex is not that important to you and without commitment not important it makes it seem like what your doing is kinda a pain in the ass something you just as soon not do. other women on here seem to have the attitude hey i love this might as well get paid for it. it would seem in choosing one might lean towards someone who might actually or at leat pretend to enjoy the activities. just a thought. Originally Posted by petiteassman
You should not read so much into what I say lol. "Sex" is enjoyable as I said, but don't be naive to think that just because it feels good that someone can't have self control. Any woman getting you to believe that she adores every client she sees regardless of how disgusting he might be, is doing exactly what it takes to get business lol.

If I did not enjoy this, I wouldn't do it love. I also would not get all in a tissy every time some lame brain said he wanted gfe yet just laid there like a dead fish for me to service him. If I actually "want" a guy to kiss me and go down on me, that should be your first clue that I am all about the entire experience. You can just ask one of the hundreds of guys who have reviewed me. Just because I don't need constant approval by saying what I think the crowd wants to hear, does not mean I don't enjoy what I do.

It simply means I don't have to go that far to get business. This may come as a shock, but sex is not my LIFE! I don't think about it non-stop and live for nothing but that. I have far more significant things to obsess over than busting a nut, and I don't see anything wrong with having a healthy balance...that's why I don't get burned out every other month.

So who needs business and who chooses to be here? If I don't like a guy, I won't waste me time seeing him again...that's the point. It only becomes " a pain in the azz" when you have to screw just anyone and everyone because you have a bill to pay. I can assure you, that's not me.

The point is that sex on demand is a freaking fantasy. No one is horny and ready 24/7 and anyone buying into that notion needs a reality check. It's simply not possible. People get sick, tired, stressed, etc. and all these factors contribute to how they feel about having sex. Even a broken heart can alter your sex drive, so it's ludicrous to think that providers who "talk a good game" are sex machines who have no other lives. If someone chooses not to see me because of what is said on a SHMB, I can assure you no love would be lost as I doubt someone that sensitive and unrealistic would get along with me anyway.
.... Two very well known hobbyists proposed to me. The second time was just a few weeks ago ....via text message (LOL).. .... Originally Posted by Naomi4u
So, I'm thinking that's a NO?!? Or should I wait for you to text me back??
Naomi4u's Avatar
So, I'm thinking that's a NO?!? Or should I wait for you to text me back?? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Awwwww! If you asked me to marry you Ed, I'd say yes Yes YES YESSSS!!!
Ok now Naomi before you get hitched we need to fullfill that 6 man gangbang fantasy of yours. Do you already have the guys in mind ?
I went an entire year once and could do it again if I wanted to. Sex is not the end all/be all when it comes to my life. It's enjoyable but without real intimacy that you cannot buy, it's not nearly as good. Honestly, skydiving is about the same rush for me and I do that every chance I get. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I have to agree with ya on that. I am no longer Married and when Iam not dating I'll seek the company an escort just to scratch an itch. They may like me, they may not. Generally I don't like them that much and with the few I've seen not one have I seen twice.
So, I'm thinking that's a NO?!? Or should I wait for you to text me back?? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Try to use your Head Ed, If you Marry her you'll end up being just a garden variety cuckold.
Let it be put on record that if I EVER find myself proposing or "falling in love" they have permission to put a bullet in my head.lol in short I'd have to be mental to take that trip down the aisle again. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
who's they? I doubt they will even notice, so you're safe.
Without intimacy, sex is just sex. Any girl that says she's falls in love with every client that walks through the doors of her hotel/incall is lying. How can you fall in love/care for/make love to someone you don't know and you just met?

...........However, I know some damn good actresses I tell you (myself included ). How's that for honesty, love?

For those that I keep in contact with via email/phone/whatever.. that is another story. I have developed feelings for them. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
They aren't saying that, I don't believe anyway. If a provider ever told me she was in love with me, I would laugh hysterically. Then I would call you, cause your attitude is about as crappy as mine.