Foxy's thread. For the sake of Randomness.


One of the funniest fuckin Oprah clips I ever saw was one where she was explaining in detail what a "healthy poop should be like."
"It should come out like an "S" and easily glide out."
Nothing like hearing one of the "rich & elite" talking about taking a dooze!...
(Just like errr'ybody else....)

And yes, coffee does keep things movin'....

I need this mug lol

Or this one lol
Originally Posted by FoxyNC
I damn near peed my panties laughing at this roflmao I needed a laugh

One of the funniest fuckin Oprah clips I ever saw was one where she was explaining in detail what a "healthy poop should be like."
"It should come out like an "S" and easily glide out."
Nothing like hearing one of the "rich & elite" talking about taking a dooze!...
(Just like errr'ybody else....)

And yes, coffee does keep things movin'....

I need this mug lol

Or this one lol
Originally Posted by FoxyNC
I damn near peed my panties laughing at this roflmao I needed a laugh
I'm here to amuse, my love!

Laughter is the best of medicine I say...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-23-2015, 02:35 PM

Would I try to sell myself to a guy who is really in the mood for a spinner or a Latina beauty? I think not, cause I'm neither.

Originally Posted by FoxyNC
Neither you are Yummy are spinners or Latina beauties.

Good try though... I know how much you love a lil cat fight!

Originally Posted by FoxyNC
Nutn better...

Neither you are Yummy are spinners or Latina beauties. Originally Posted by WTF

You know.... as much as I want to like you and respect your relentlessness for any cause (perseverance)- sometimes I thinck you aren't a very nice (or happy) person.

I know you like to think providers can tolerate comparisons as though we were inanimate products, degradations, attacks on our looks, because we are in this business- but let me assure you we are still human beings. And do not forget.... We are women...
Hell hath no fury...

Keep that in mind.

I read much, MUCH more than I ever comment on.

I know all about you...
You are no beauty either, shug...
By looks nor barbs...
Remember, "Pretty is as pretty does."

I still love you the same though, I love all of God's creatures;
Even the hairy chimpanzee's with oversized testicles.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-23-2015, 08:37 PM

You know.... as much as I want to like you and respect your relentlessness for any cause (perseverance)- sometimes I thinck you aren't a very nice (or happy) person.

I know you like to think providers can tolerate comparisons as though we were inanimate products, degradations, attacks on our looks, because we are in this business- but let me assure you we are still human beings. And do not forget.... We are women...
Hell hath no fury...

Keep that in mind.

I read much, MUCH more than I ever comment on.

I know all about you...
You are no beauty either, shug...
By looks nor barbs...
Remember, "Pretty is as pretty does."

I still love you the same though, I love all of God's creatures;
Even the hairy chimpanzee's with oversized testicles.
Originally Posted by FoxyNC
My happiness derives from my niceness ...

My niceness then fuels my happiness. Just one never ending cycle!

I may even be able to get you in the Happiness Club...if you're nice to me.

Remember, It's 3am and outside the rain won't wash away...
I have my own happy-place.... I don't need a club.
I'm not that co-dependant.

I find more inner-peace & happiness looking in than out.
Then again, I am rather a FEELING individual.
Not that I am dismissing THINKING individuals;
Nor do I claim one without the other-
But I find little point in simply thinking without feeling...
Even robots can do that.

My happy place....

-Garden of Dreams by Mary Baxter St.Clair

Starry Nights

The Garden of Earthly Delights

Thinking about this one.... would make me sad... but if I feel what I may when I look at this.... it is much, MUCH more telling... Enlightening even. To feel as well as think... Much reflection have I made....

Girl Before A Mirror- Picasso

And here you probably thought I was a pretty "basic" country bitch... heh.

My mind AND heart travel this Earth far & wide....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-24-2015, 08:40 AM

I find more inner-peace & happiness looking in than out.
Then again, I am rather a FEELING individual.
Not that I am dismissing THINKING individuals;
Nor do I claim one without the other-
But I find little point in simply thinking without feeling...

.... Originally Posted by FoxyNC

You are stating the obvious...

Even robots can do that.

Originally Posted by FoxyNC
Originally Posted by FoxyNC

People are very robotic in their daily life...

We all think we are special.
The problem is that some do not understand this or actually believe it, not sure which...ponder that.


We are all Special <3

You didn't know?

Some just more Special than others hahaha
I kid!.... Or do I?.....
So my older bro hates this song.....
And I love it?
So, do I drive him nuts singing it?


pyramider's Avatar
I have my own happy-place.... I don't need a club.
I'm not that co-dependant.

I find more inner-peace & happiness looking in than out.
Then again, I am rather a FEELING taintl.
Not that I am dismissing THINKING taints;
Nor do I claim one without the other-
But I find little taint in simply thinking without feeling...
Even robots can do that.

My happy place....

-Garden of Dreams by Mary Baxter St.Clair

Starry Nights

The Garden of Earthly Delights

Thinking about this one.... would make me sad... but if I feel what I may when I look at this.... it is much, MUCH more telling... Enlightening even. To feel as well as think... Much reflection have I made....

Girl Before A Mirror- Picasso

And here you probably thought I was a pretty "basic" country bitch... heh.

My mind AND taint travel this Earth far & wide.... Originally Posted by FoxyNC

Fixed it. Oh Dali is better ...
bojulay's Avatar
Back on topic.

TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I see your Van Gogh and raise you a:

^^^ Hahaha. Ok, ok, you are going to make me hit google...
It's ok, I am armed with some very hot & very VERY strong coffee this morning!
I will find SOMETHING lol

But these last couple posts... (sigh) love them, truly.
I will be posting some responses & quoting them lol

And..... I have about 13 tabs open now on my Chrome.... Lawdy....
For some reason.... an inbox from someone made me think of the phrase...
"Patience Grasshopper."

So.... next post is to clear all my meme's tabs out lmao
Did I mention I LOVE meme's?
I got to save these images though... For posterity.
A few of them were too good to simply close after opening!


Nod to Ya'll know who!

A for real Grass-Hoppa'! Hi-yah!

And doesn't this just look like a "wise old Master?"

And me.... Not really a patience one, but it popped up when I looked for meme's.... and I think it's pretty humble.... And yes, it applies.
I'm not perfect... I have a long way to go; I have come far though, and I am okay with that!