Some Texans Have Prepared a Petition to Secede from the USA

An embarrassment to the great State of Texas, just like our goofball, idiot of a governor who couldn't remember which three federal agencies he had repeatedly proclaimed must be abolished.

This secede shit isn't new or unique, there is always one group of whacko's or another promulgating it. Most Texans laugh at it. A few crazies truly believe ought to move down COG, you'd fit right in with the fringe loonies here. Better looking women too.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I used to live in Ft. Worth. I loved it!

Randy4Candy's Avatar
The reality is that it will never happen, unfortunately.
Texas is probably the only state that could stand alone without the assistance of the other states, I mean the largess of the federal government.
The problem would be keeping the rest of them out and from coming here and fucking shit up like they have done in the rest of the nation. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Ah, T2Nutlickers (and the rest of you Tea Partay Parrotriots), once again your flawed, no, LACK, of logic (and a grip on reality) fails you...

1. The tech brains in Austin will hit the fu*kin' door if Tejas seceeds.
2. All of the United States of America military installations will either be evacuated or defended to the teeth. If the latter were to happen, hell San Antonio would be this huge hole of United States soverignty right in the middle of the new republic...he he he!
3. Enjoy dealing with the next hurricane that hits the gulf coast all by your little lonesomes.

Your stupid-ass fantasies are much better served with a tube of K-Y and a visit to your favorite porn site.
I used to live in Ft. Worth. I loved it!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Was it immediately after we ran your smelly ass out of Texas that you landed in Wichita?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You don't understand Ekim, the people can leave but the base and equipment stay. Same thing with the nuclear missiles and stealth bombers in Missouri.

You may laugh about this but what will happen when California petitions the US (the states and the people) to make good on their $600 billion debt. You want to pay your irresponsible neighbors debts?
Poet Laureate's Avatar
I am a proud Texan. I love the freedoms that Texans seem to poccess.
But we do have our share of goof balls, and morons that dropped out of school before they took any History.

Texas did have an agreement when they first entered the Union that under certain circumstances they could become their own Republic again.

The only problem is, all of the originol treaties were made null and void when Texas left the Union during the War Between The States, and re-entered the Union as a defeated foe.

Of course, any State can vote to leave the Union if they so choose. The United States of America also has the right to invade them, kill every disloyal citizen that raises arms against the Union, and bring that State back into the fold.

The War Between The States left no doubt about that fact.

I am a proud Texan, but I am first and formost a proud American. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I don't advocate secession, but why is anyone who does painted with the brush of a traitor? Read the Declaration of Independence: it declares to the world that people have the right to self-determination, and that if they disagree strongly enough with their government they have the right to form their own government. To call someone advocating secession traitors is to call our founding fathers traitors to the King. It was the King who abdicated his responsibility to us; it is the Federal Government that is doing so now. Again, I don't advocate secession, but I understand the point of view of those who do.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timpage, as people keep saying "Times have changed".
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am first an foremost a proud Texan; I live in a republic of States.It is sad that so many people including our federal government has forgotten that we are a republic of states.
I would have no issue fighting against the rest of them to gain our freedom if it came to that.

The reality is that at some point, should we continue down the path we are on, the federal government will fail and the union could be dissolved.
It will begin with individual states failing and looking to the federal government to bail them out over the objections of the solvent states. The federal government will not be far behind.

It is like I have said many times; it is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
I am first an foremost a proud Texan; I live in a republic of States.It is sad that so many people including our federal government has forgotten that we are a republic of states.
I would have no issue fighting against the rest of them to gain our freedom if it came to that.

The reality is that at some point, should we continue down the path we are on, the federal government will fail and the union could be dissolved.
It will begin with individual states failing and looking to the federal government to bail them out over the objections of the solvent states. The federal government will not be far behind.

It is like I have said many times; it is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
2Pups, you only owe me $2. Get a grip!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
2Pups, you've only lost $2. Get a grip! Originally Posted by bigtex
seems like he's gripping pretty hard to me.
LexusLover's Avatar
... no, LACK, of logic
1. The tech brains in Austin will hit the fu*kin' door if Tejas seceeds. Plus 10
2. All of the United States of America military installations will either be evacuated or defended to the teeth. If the latter were to happen, hell San Antonio would be this huge hole of United States soverignty right in the middle of the new republic...he he he! Plus 10 .. military personnel based there prohibited from leaving base.
3. Enjoy dealing with the next hurricane that hits the gulf coast all by your little lonesomes. Plus 10 ... Katrina, Ike, .... Sandy? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
4. Seal southern borders + 10
5. No Obamacare +10
6. No "tech brains in Austin" + 10
7. No "tech brains" in Austin +10
8. No BMW driving, suspender wearing, bean sprout eating "tech brains" in Austin + 30

Austin will so pleasant to visit, again.*

*ban all guitars and sidewalk mimes.

Austin will so pleasant to visit, again. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I spend quite a bit of time in Austin and always find it to be quite pleasant.

Perhaps you're panhandling on the wrong street corner!
Lexus is just envious of the BMW driving tech crowd. Well, the Texas GDPand average IQ would take a significant hit.
Lexus is just envious of the BMW driving tech crowd. Well, the Texas GDPand average IQ would take a significant hit. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
True Texans drive Mercedes Benz and AIDS would be nonexistant...Shit fuck
I thought real Texans drove Chevy, Ford, and Dodge trucks. Mercedes are for sissies.