You know Obama has a few bucks right?
You all look at people and say they have money so they are bad.
You do know Obama has a few bucks right?
I want my President to be a rich mother fucker with money falling out of his pockets.
Why would I want a stupid broke fuck that doesnt know how to run anything?
Lets get away from the greed thing. A company, including mine is made to make money.
I don't get it. You want a company to fail at making money??
Why would I start something to give everything away.
You bitch and complain about greed yet you want what we worked for?
Keep your poor stupid little grabbing hands out of my fucking pocket and get a fucking job hippy.
Maybe smoke some more pot and stay in your mothers basement.
Buy over priced apple products and feed the machine you created that you bitch about so much.
Go to college, get a 4.0 and bring it down to a 3.2 and give the people that party all week a few points. They didnt work for it but you will still be fine and get your degree.
Its only fair right?