where are you from?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Lived in NY, just north of NYC, all my life until I moved here in 1992. Every state has pluses and minuses. I enjoy the weather, people, live music and many other aspects of Austin. If I ever moved, it would be to the mid-Atlantic states such as NC, Virginia, Tennessee where the summers aren't so brutal, the winters aren't so brutal, and you are close to the Atlantic coast.
Agent220's Avatar
Born in Texas, attended college here in Texas, moved here in 2017.
EagleEye's Avatar
Born in Santa Monica California. Been here 16 years. My kids (in early 20s) were born in SoCal but have been here so long they say y'all natively.

Came here to do a software startup. Wouldn't have moved to TX if it was in any other TX locale. Dallas is uptight, Houston is a smaller, more humid version of LA, San Antonio is a Latin sprawl and just forget El Paso.

Austin has (had?) some of the idiosyncrasies that 60s era California surf towns like Malibu, Manhattan Beach et al had. Those towns all got uber pricey and the craziness got diluted... hmmm, sounds like Austin. Just another city loved to death.
ivy_rose's Avatar
I'm from Britain and I've moved around a lot. Next year I will have been in Austin 8 years and it will be the longest I've lived anywhere! I have a pretty generic American accent now though and I am a dual-citizen.
sue_nami's Avatar
odd how still none from the Pacific Northwest, Seattle or Portland HELLO?? lots of computer folks should be here in Austin from there. very interesting results.
Born and raised in the Texas Panhandle between Lubbock and Amarillo.