
Semperfi86's Avatar
Yes Brooke You are fine!!! And doing find, next time we meet we should start in the car! Sounds really exciting!
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Mine would be the indoor hot tub at my old apartment. It is open 24 hrs a day so I went in there at about 2 am to just relax. It has those things that push out the hard stream of water. I was on my knees just sitting in front perfectly positioned. It was an awesome O until I realized there was a camera in there.. and the whole thing was caught on film. Thank god I was good friends with the apartment manager. LMAO
I was in the field last year in my sleeping bag surrounded by about 12 other Soldiers in my tent (GP large for those who are curious). After more than 2 weeks of no release from my tensions (sexual and otherwise), I just HAD to. Wasn't quite a combat jack, but man, I SO didn't want to get caught!

BTW combat jack is defined here
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 06-02-2010, 11:42 AM
In a confession booth.
SloaneMacallan's Avatar
So ladies and gents....

Please share with me the MOST outrageous PLACE you ever masturbated ALONE. Tell us YOUR story. I am eager to hear it being the pervert that I am. LOL

Have fun!

KKA Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
I have two games I love to play, one is "Beat the Trucker"

Its where I get ahead of a Truck Driver and I pace myself to see if I can get off before he gets up to me and catches me in the act.

Most of the time I win, and on occasion I have lost... But at leastthe trucker got an eyeful! he he he

Next I play beat the tanning bed. I see if I can get off before the tanning bed goes off....

Well my two favorite masturbation games..... Though I did masturbate in a movie theater once due to a dare from the guy I was dating at the time.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I have two games I love to play, one is "Beat the Trucker"

Its where I get ahead of a Truck Driver and I pace myself to see if I can get off before he gets up to me and catches me in the act.

Most of the time I win, and on occasion I have lost... But at leastthe trucker got an eyeful! he he he

Next I play beat the tanning bed. I see if I can get off before the tanning bed goes off....

Well my two favorite masturbation games..... Though I did masturbate in a movie theater once due to a dare from the guy I was dating at the time. Originally Posted by SloaneMacallan

Hey Sloane, Let's go tanning together! Will ya, huh huh please!!!!!?????? LOL

Seriously, though, will ya!?

i never Masturbate i am MASTER OF MY DOMAIN! lol
SofaKingFun's Avatar
On the driveway of one extremely hot, MOST amazingly talented 'teases' that I have ever encountered in my life.

It was back in college and she was a n-o-t-o-r-i-o-u-s tease. So much so that it became both a quest and a running joke between the guys to see who could seal the deal.
Her MO was always the same. If she liked you and you were on a date with her, she'd be all into you, flirting, sexual innuendo, kissing, etc. -- a great date...with the exception of leading you to believe that there was more to come later...and when later came, it was as if someone flipped a switch. (snaps fingers) Just like that. Done.

So we all figured, and it was pretty obvious, that it was a game to her...but she was so incredibly hot that guys would go back and get played, over and over again, self included where my date-count was well into double-digits with Zero happy endings

Anyway, we were at this party, both of us pretty buzzed, making out... and she wanted me to take her home "now", because she wanted me. Told the guys, "I'm effing outta' here". They laughed at my dumb ass, and I told them that the next time they saw me that there would be no white Russians in my Kremlin. Very short, very hot and steamy drive to her place. Up to the stoop; things still going great; she flips the switch. "Goodnight, I'll call you tomorrow" and then disappears behind a quickly closing door. I'm left standing there...'ready to go' trying to figure out what the eff just happened...

So, being a man of my word, I rubbed a quick one out, banished the Russians onto her driveway, and returned to the party where we all had a great laugh about it.


On the driveway of one extremely hot, MOST amazingly talented 'teases' that I have ever encountered in my life.

It was back in college and she was a n-o-t-o-r-i-o-u-s tease. So much so that it became both a quest and a running joke between the guys to see who could seal the deal. Her MO was always the same. If she liked you and you were on a date with her, she'd be all into you, flirting, sexual innuendo, kissing, etc. -- a great date...with the exception of leading you to believe that there was more to come later...and when later came, it was as if someone flipped a switch. (snaps fingers) Just like that. Done.

So we all figured, and it was pretty obvious, that it was a game to her...but she was so incredibly hot that guys would go back and get played, over and over again, self included where my date-count was well into double-digits with Zero happy endings

Anyway, we were at this party, both of us pretty buzzed, making out... and she wanted me to take her home "now", because she wanted me. Told the guys, "I'm effing outta' here". They laughed at my dumb ass, and I told them that the next time they saw me that there would be no white Russians in my Kremlin. Very short, very hot and steamy drive to her place. Up to the stoop; things still going great; she flips the switch. "Goodnight, I'll call you tomorrow" and then disappears behind a quickly closing door. I'm left standing there...'ready to go' trying to figure out what the eff just happened...

So, being a man of my word, I rubbed a quick one out, banished the Russians onto her driveway, and returned to the party where we all had a great laugh about it.

Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
LOL, funny stuff, IT SUCKS, but still funny.
silvester91999's Avatar
KKA & SM win this debate hands down!
sanantonioman37's Avatar
Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
Hey Sloane, Let's go tanning together! Will ya, huh huh please!!!!!?????? LOL
Seriously, though, will ya!?
Now thats a race I would love to watch..........I'm hoping for a photo finish.
Malachaii's Avatar
Post referencing forbidden topics removed.

Please consult the rules of this site before you post again.

Especially Rule 10! M
rules Malachaii??
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Sheesh, it's hell breaking in all of these new mods.

Mod Training 101.

(Pssst. M)
It helps to post either the rule itself or a link to the rules so that a member
can quickly and easily understand what he did wrong.

No. Me being nosy and wondering what the hell Rule #10 was and the fact that I'm lazy and had to search for the dang rules has absolutely nothing to do with's just the right thing to do.

Here ya' go. This one's on me but the next time, it's gonna' cost ya'.

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.


Malachaii's Avatar
Wow... My bad it would appear that I was incorrect in my recollection of events. Point in fact I had never even heard of masturbation till well after I turned 18. So it would have been impossible for me to have masturbated prior to then. Once again my sincerest apologies, I will be more vigillant in the future.