Anyone seen todays hottie?

elghund's Avatar
I'm completely aware its carrot top...

Let me clarify my pun...I was inferring to watching a program like say a celebrity infomercial... In this case for example watching Xtreme Carrot Top wannabe's work out...Was in reference to how a dork can build up esteem mimicing another dork...Kind of like wasting your money on Randy Coutoure's work out dvd and think you can do MMA in 2 weeks just from watching "Wannabe stuff"

Anyway that's yesterdays news...

Today's pick really need's help...Dating advice...Never try to pick chicks up after coming straight home from "Comic-Con"... Originally Posted by wlhrgfan

Where'd you get that picture of me?!?!?!!?


(Kidding, I hope......)
roscoe14850's Avatar
you mean i cant be just like Randy? Damn, i really dig his cauliflower ears.....
Remember that Sir Mix Alot song..."Baby got Back"...What is it called when you got "Front"?
Oh wait today I found a date for that Comic-Con guy...Maybe he will post a review...
offshoredrilling's Avatar thats a lady that would give a dog a bone...literally 206 of them...
Here's when sexy goes wrong...Don't do this for valentines day...
smokey1187's Avatar
Whats really scary is that there some guy out there thats willing to tap that
And today you can see when an S&M fetish just goes wrong...