When Providers that stay busy get bored with the same rate & choose to raise their rates

No one is "bored" and raises their rates. One gets "greedy" and raises their rates. Personally, if I am not grandfathered in I go elsewhere.
No one is "bored" and raises their rates. One gets "greedy" and raises their rates. Personally, if I am not grandfathered in I go elsewhere. Originally Posted by mynameismudd
Yea sir! Absolutely. There is always someone younger, hotter, and thinner entering the biz daily. Fastest way to lose a regular is by trying to gouge him with some bullshit
I cannot pay more for the same level of service. However, the question on how to let us know...when I text, I usually assume same rate as before unless told otherwise.

When told otherwise, I promptly cancel.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I cannot pay more for the same level of service. However, the question on how to let us know...when I text, I usually assume same rate as before unless told otherwise.
Originally Posted by Quitididcb
I agree. I'd announce it on the ads where you advertise & then mention in when clients you've seen before reach out to you, but I personally wouldn't raise my rates with someone I've seen before. They have already been screened & approved by me, so that makes my job easier, not harder.
Michael8219's Avatar
Not raising your rate will make him harder…lol
  • mb75
  • 07-23-2022, 07:45 AM
You sir, win the forum for the day 😎
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
I see alot of you getting upset at her post like THIS isn't her normal style of posts.. she entertaining ..but nova as long as you've been in the game I find it hard to believe you don't know how to explain to your friend how this works.. but hey let's make it simple for them.. here goes.
You'll only get what you deserve - don't lay like a dead fish and charge xxx.00 or more you'll die in this industry quickly,raising your rates raises the expectation of better atmosphere " dining" choices and energy.. if your still working out the p.i as your main meeting space I would say your gonna have a hard time,

2. Don't advertise a service you can't keep up to par with ( i.e " my memu has this but I forgot it ymmv" that's called bait and switch or charging more for each entree you previously didn't mention an extra gratuity for ..
3. Don't be drama.. period. Starting pu lic post bashing or hating on someone else is ridiculous especially if it's all heresy, now if disrespect can BE PROVEN LIKE A MESSAGE BE PREPARED TO PROVIDE THAT INFO..( hell I got pdf drive saved messages from up to 5 yrs waiting for some to try me but i dont instigate or antagonize i just rebuttal the nonsense)
4. If your medicated crazy take your dam meds don't nobody want Alice and instead get the queen of hearts. If your out don't meet period..
5. Keep it cordial ..

(ALSO MEN IN REGARDS TO 2,Please keep your hygiene up to par as well,or at the very least don't be insulted when we treat you like an infant who needs a diaper change..)
Uomo's Avatar
  • Uomo
  • 07-24-2022, 12:08 PM
All good points lovely, but I need to comment on one. (and I never comment on the OP's crazy rants

raising your rates raises the expectation of better atmosphere " dining" choices and energy

I'm not sure I agree with this. Sometimes raising rates is just economics. A few of my favs have raised their rates and their impeccable service has not changed, which is why I return because the service was great to begin with. For those that have incalls (that are clearly not their place of residence) rent goes up, electricity, the costs of condoms, lube as well as Dove's men care body wash (which I see way too often) all goes up over time - especially this year. Most of the time when stellar reviews accompany the increase in rates no one really complains. Your comment about "don't lay like a dead fish and charge xxx.00 or more you'll die in this industry quickly" is spot on, I personally don't expect a sudden increase in IOP or activities because a rate goes up, that is almost never the case.

We mongers have a feel for what a 200/hr service is like vs a 300, 400, ...etc. The outliers, like AlyssaXOXO who has been at 200 for years and is a legend in this city will always grab our attention and $ and garner great reviews. Others end up pricing themselves our of certain budgets and for some SW that's ok. 5 x 1-hr sessions at 300 is less than 4 at 400 or the same as 3 at 500, however to make that jump, IMO, the service needed to be top notch to begin with and not come with a promises for more.

Now returning to my corner, say safe and kind everyone.
Oh your cute Lovelyxxxo..I haven't worked out of the pi..since 201? Miss those hustling days lol..roflmao

You brought great points and I wish I could make time to just meet someone at the pi but that was in the beginning we advance Dear and not to sound arrogant it us just the truth that is earned with time in the game and in building strong relations sweetie no offense and I thank you for the smile..I'm smiling lol!!
I needed that badly today ty!.Uomo, it's like getting treats for your Rottweiler after a while they get sick of beggin strips want some filet mignon
Like why even get out of bed & put on make up unless the treats really going to be super good because as a human with plenty of other toys that give orgasms without needing another human why go to the trouble of the time getting ready or preparing everything is safe if it's not worth the effort and not getting the fiker mignon only beggin strips .
Just gets boring

Assuming you've assessed and are comfortable with your own supply pricing elasticity for the change (tbh not sure how "bored with the same rate" relates to client demand in the biz, if at all) then consider a website centralization approach. This can be more effective than notifying upon client inquiry,and jocking across websites to distribute the update. Plus it can give you new avenues to explore with time available.

Also reconsider the approach of letting potential clients know if/when they inquire. Disregard this if you can't displace the presumption it's "tacky" vs part of your communications plan. Originally Posted by Swing Hustler

Your so delicious and thank you that makes perfect sense!!!!!
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
I'm so confused.. I wasn't directing any thing at anyone in particular.. I don't care what anyone has or is doing.. the rest I couldn't quite make out.. but I'm glad I could make you smile.. �� have a great day
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
All good points lovely, but I need to comment on one. (and I never comment on the OP's crazy rants

raising your rates raises the expectation of better atmosphere " dining" choices and energy

I'm not sure I agree with this.. Originally Posted by Uomo
Atmosphere meaning a a more relaxed and private setting .
Dining choices.. higher shelf libations etc.
,and keeping your service energies consistent ( if you have a bad day just take the day to center yourself don't force it)
As far as menu choices whatever a girl offers is her choice ( I don't ever get involved in others personal encounter choices..)

Sorry if my wording is a bit more in between the line..
All good points lovely, but I need to comment on one. (and I never comment on the OP's crazy rants

raising your rates raises the expectation of better atmosphere " dining" choices and energy

I'm not sure I agree with this. Sometimes raising rates is just economics. A few of my favs have raised their rates and their impeccable service has not changed, which is why I return because the service was great to begin with. For those that have incalls (that are clearly not their place of residence) rent goes up, electricity, the costs of condoms, lube as well as Dove's men care body wash (which I see way too often) all goes up over time - especially this year. Most of the time when stellar reviews accompany the increase in rates no one really complains. Your comment about "don't lay like a dead fish and charge xxx.00 or more you'll die in this industry quickly" is spot on, I personally don't expect a sudden increase in IOP or activities because a rate goes up, that is almost never the case.

We mongers have a feel for what a 200/hr service is like vs a 300, 400, ...etc. The outliers, like AlyssaXOXO who has been at 200 for years and is a legend in this city will always grab our attention and $ and garner great reviews. Others end up pricing themselves our of certain budgets and for some SW that's ok. 5 x 1-hr sessions at 300 is less than 4 at 400 or the same as 3 at 500, however to make that jump, IMO, the service needed to be top notch to begin with and not come with a promises for more.

Now returning to my corner, say safe and kind everyone. Originally Posted by Uomo

And pardon my crazy rants Sweetheart..looking at your history of reviews coming from Spas and very few providers it's evident you are not my type of hobbyist either.
There's a class of hobbyists that do not think or play the same way as far as hobby budget is concerned?
I'm hoping I am clear? Or making sense in a kind manner from my perspective Sir?
Uomo's Avatar
  • Uomo
  • 07-27-2022, 06:06 AM
it's evident you are not my type of hobbyist either. Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA
Oh thank god
Yes I agree & it's much better when we understand each other & no one's times wasted fellow member!
