Review:CG4U Redux Grade A++ For Style....LOL

Prowordsmith's Avatar
Wow! What a TON of personality is in that communication.
No, I'm serious!
I saw CG4U several times before something happened between us and she no longer took my calls or emails. Disappeared.

But in a short time I did get to know her as a sweet, very attractive young lady. And an above average Provider.

But the communication above from her has opened a door to knowing her even better.
We all know she's a student. But her writing says she's 'way above average in intelligence. She communicates better than 95% of adults I know.
She has a passion for life that is clearly evident and a super strong personal basis for integrity and individual responsibility.
She has taken the time to rant (in my four to almost five years here I have NEVER known that to happen - it seems she has stayed out of all controversies!) and do it in a well-thought out missive that's, for the most part, grammatically correct and spelled correctly (how many other rants have you seen here that can be similarly characterized?)
I felt there was a lack of vitriol mixed in with her statements. Facts, intense personal feelings - yes. But slobbering, stammering, misspelled lashing out? Absolutely not.
The intellectual capability is clearly shown. And nay I say a razor-edged, needle-pointed lance of wit all the perceived horse puckery she evidently has endured.
Huzzah, say I! (Wish I could trade other "Victorianisms" with her...)

I am very impressed. And quite saddened that I, for some reason(s), never got to known her better.

Even though I am one of The Excluded Ones, to me she has proven herself to be most exceptional both as a person, a lady, a young mother and excellent Provider. i can see you took the high road on this... hahaha and it didnt bother you! (sarcasm) the one HUGE and OBVIOUS mis step in your response and hypothetical question to me..."if providers believe everything they read in alerts and whatever it is you guys read" is that I ACTUALLY CARE! lol, moreover you assume me , we or whoever you guys are talking about in your little rooms think we dont know when it happens!!!! and who is saying it... when the ones who say those terrible thing ultimately get over it and we all move on... (that was a friendly suggestion) and i would surely suspect that someone who would "seem" well read... would be able to get what the "topic" and "narrative" of what i was posting!!! which was obviously missed with you and your response. i will make it clear for you...although i am sure i will get another 500 word unoriginal thought reply... but here it there should have been NOBODY taking any sides at all!!! as i stated in the very first line... the op is stating what happen to HIM!!! doesnt matter if you the best hooker south of down town san antonio or where ever.... he was just stating what happen to him!!! my opinion (which is MINE) is that why do idiots try and discredit what happen to someone else!!!! so much so i did repeat it .... had nothing to do with you, until you completely internalized as it as some personal attack.... but thats what you do... as you judge street walkers who do exactly what you do...and for some reason your better than they are because you have carpet and air conditioning??? really??? it pains me to think that so much education grants private funds time and effort only separation from a street walker is an account on excuse me while i call a high priced hooker who doesnt judge
promdate's Avatar
YIKES!!! that's my gal! i think your comments were duly noted & appreciated. of all my dalliances with the ladies>>>CG4U is the ONLY gal that i ever stood up(NS) --yeah i know>>how stupid can i be to NS this lovely young lady. but all was forgiven by her--whew was i lucky. hopefully this mini-drama will fade away. she doesn't need me to be her WK, but i think she knows that i always appreciated her kindness to me during some difficult times i went thru.
Joe Buck's Avatar
I vote for "pretty cool girl to know"!
SAS Originally Posted by SASpurfan
+1 She is indeed a sweetheart.
Rollin DeHay's Avatar
Wow CG, I love your spunk, your righteous indignation, your verbosity, your verve, your logic and your vocabulary. I thought I knew you and I really liked you but now it goes to a whole new level. Next time we meet I just want to talk with you!

You must have to deal with a lot of dirtballs, and I commend you for keeping your sweetness, enthusiasm and sanguinity. Can't wait to see you again!
Can't imagine this was a good idea. He prematurely ejaculated with his ncns thread, but to me this comes off horrible. It seems to me making things right no matter his error would have made you look better. There is no excuse for not calling!
bearf15amc's Avatar
Nothing more sexy or beautiful than an intelligent woman.
Nothing more sexy or beautiful than an intelligent woman. Originally Posted by bearf15amc
I have never met the young lady (I will have to rectify that some day... no bonn11 I did not mean what you were thinking )

but I have only heard great things about her and bear is right there is nothing sexier than an intelligent woman!!

BTW Brofender = fucking hilarious

tim_29m's Avatar
Excellent reply CG4U....your response makes me want to meet you.
Your font color killed my eyes Originally Posted by mayorcastro
Mayor, I had the same problem. I copied her post and pasted it into MSWord so I could set the font to black and get sufficient contrast so I could read it. I certainly don't mind people showing their own personal flair through fonts and color. I've just realized if I really want to read something I copy it out and deal with it myself. Want is the key word there. Most of the time I just decide to skip it and move on to the next post. This time I wanted to figure out what was going on.
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 10-15-2014, 07:53 PM
Darn I miss you!....since our last meet. .....I am afraid to schedule with you because I can't take a "turn me down".....I am an insecure man when it comes to meeting you again. ...."Ms Highness" I will just ride into the sunset and retire. ...
uparoundnoon's Avatar
Wow CG4U I haven't seen you get this excited on the board since Mitt Romney picked his running mate. Paul Ryan was going to save the day.

My first thought was "this girl is amazing. So articulate and intense."

My second thought was " Why is she striking back in this way? She was the one that was wrong. No "I'm sorry" here even though she briefly used those words. But then she says in practically the same sentence "I am sorry…Very sorry to have wasted your time that day, but look on the bright side of things, I don’t think we would have been much good together anyway as I only have room for one cry baby in my life". Some apology. Mainly just pages and pages of an attack on this guy AFTER she wasted his time.

My third and lasting thought was this. Her quote "As Dada Vaswani said “Only a fortunate few seek the Beloved. Only a blessed few seek to enter the shrine of the heart”. I studied the Vedanta for 10 years and I can't figure this out. How does someone make reference to such a beautiful sublime tradition in an excuse for a NC/NS on a prostitute board? It's one thing to be so smart and so eloquent but sometimes I think simply being able to humble yourself and apologize trumps all that.

CG4U you have a real hot body and I hear (but don't know) you are great in the sack. And I see all these guys chiming in how it's s real turn on that you can use words like "symbiotic" "visceral condemnation" "malicious" "riveting" and "facade". Which really aren't big words but rarely used by providers who are generally stereotyped as dumb. So that seems so sexy to all these guys. But to me it comes off as mean (which seems to be the operative word on eccie lately) and defensive and condescending.

And I totally agree with las vegas about your attitude about SW's just because you own a computer and they don't even know how to use one. I don't use them and never have but can't really see putting them down because they have such a sad life. I would love to see you but unfortunately I fall into the most loathsome of categories to you. I'm a LIBERAL.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Nothing more sexy or beautiful than an intelligent woman. Originally Posted by bearf15amc
Agreed. Maybe one will happen along at some point.
up... can i respectfully add to a perfect response... DROPS THE MIC!!!