Trump wants to invoke martial law

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bull Shit Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
As per usual - DPST's are hysterical about fake news.

No link, no documentation - just LSM XiNN hysterical BS
get a life - DPST's

Trump hate - well - just go on hating trump - it is all you have - certainly the DPST /DNC party platforms are intellectually bankrupt - just as the DPST posters are .

such Nonsense - and yet the fools believe the LSM Lies.

go On hating - DPST's - it is all you have!Now for bleating from the DPST acolyte/minions!
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
You have not denied or refuted anything oeb11, just foamed at the mouth.

Trump tweets are the paragon of accuracy and truth.

Go back to your gif contest. You’re just another triggered Trumpite howling against reality.

Ripmany's Avatar
Yes but at trump efficiency it will be day before biden takes office. He talk to much.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Find the evidence for yourself pinhead. You never posted any proof to all your lame ass claims that the election was stolen.

Besides -- if I had posted a link to this you lame ass wouldn't have believed it anyway.

Here is the link you might have posted if you knew how

So do your own research and continue to come up with your own flawed conclusions. Originally Posted by Jam3768
I always do or in this case, "lack of evidence". Without audio or a signed order, there is no evidence only propaganda.

Social media users that would be you I take it are voicing a theory that President Donald Trump planned to invoke a 2018 executive order to impose martial law by Friday, Dec. 18.
"Martial law or something very similar is going to happen, likely before this Friday, that’s what the experts are saying," says conservative television host Zach Drew in a Facebook video. "I’m talking about John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence, invoking a 2018 Executive Order."

As he speaks, text from the "Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a U.S. Election" flashes on screen.
These claims echo extreme calls by Trump supporters for the president to impose martial law in light of unproven allegations that voter fraud swung the election to Joe Biden.

No evidence that Trump ever considered this, only that it was "alleged" to have been discussed by people who were not there.

There are varying definitions of martial law, and many of the purveyors of this particular theory don’t specify what form they expect it to take. However, their descriptions seem to reflect martial law at its most extreme: the suspension of civil authority and military control of civilian functions such as the courts.

PolitiFact spoke to six scholars of constitutional law and presidential power and asked them whether the executive order allows Trump to declare martial law.
They were unanimous: It doesn’t.

"There is literally nothing in the executive order that allows for any kind of use of military force where it isn’t already authorized by statute," said Stephen Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas School of Law and a leading expert in martial law.

"The statutory authorities that the executive order invokes would not extend to declaring martial law," said Bernadette Meyler, a Stanford Law School professor.

"It’s painful to hear about this theory, both because it’s not based in fact and because it’s dangerous to be thinking this way," said Chris Edelson, an assistant professor of government at American University.
Theory rests on an inaccurate reading of an executive order

The 2018 executive order at the center of the claim allows the president to impose sanctions on foreign entities or individuals who have interfered in a U.S. election. It was signed amid reports that the Russian government had attempted to disrupt the 2016 U.S. election and help Trump’s electoral efforts.

"Basically, what (the executive order) does is allow people in the executive branch to impose economic sanctions on foreign actors interfering in the election," said Edelson. "How you get from there to imposing martial law, I don’t know. It doesn’t make any sense."

The president cannot unilaterally impose martial law

Any executive order that gave the president the authority to unilaterally invoke martial law would be unconstitutional, the scholars we spoke with said.

But your post was useful in pointing out how people like yourself promulgate fake news, so thanks for providing an example.

Ripmany's Avatar

I heard Tesla stock is headed down next week. Originally Posted by VitaMan
What about bitcoin???
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
bitcoin is at an all time high, and has been on a plateau for the last 5 days.

You know what they say: but high and sell low.

  • oeb11
  • 12-20-2020, 03:34 PM
HF - well written - but U R throwing 'pearls before swine" - be not mistaken that FACTS alter the beliefs or behavior of the radical rioting pathologically Trump hating DPST's - to whom 'Truth" is independent of Facts, and as their NYCrimes has shown itself to be deliberately LYING many times just this year alone - they care not for FACTS - only their narrative Propaganda!

And the foolish, brainwashed DPST minions eat up the CCP propaganda of Chariman Xi!!!
I don't believe far Right news or far Left news. Far Right take one or two words and make Trump say things that he didn't to make him look bad. Far Left makeup things that no one said for emotional sells.
  • Tiny
  • 12-20-2020, 04:02 PM
Flynn and Powell both suggested it. On NEWSMAX. Trump then called the reporting of it FAKE NEWS.

You’re as muddled as he is.

Open your eyes, lemmings! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's probably not fair to say based on what's coming out of the press that Trump considered martial law. Flynn did propose it. And according to CNN he and Sidney Powell attended the meeting described in your NYT link where it was discussed, with Trump's advisors shooting it down:

There's no indication that Trump seriously considered the idea. And indeed he did tweet that it's fake news:

Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!

Donald J. Trump
11:06 PM · Dec 19, 2020·Twitter

There's no way it would happen. Trump probably doesn't have the legal ability to make it happen, and in any event event the military and the states wouldn't cooperate.
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's probably not fair to say based on what's coming out of the press that Trump considered martial law. Flynn did propose it. And according to CNN he and Sidney Powell attended the meeting described in your NYT link where it was discussed, with Trump's advisors shooting it down:

There's no indication that Trump seriously considered the idea. And indeed he did tweet that it's fake news:

Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!

Donald J. Trump
11:06 PM · Dec 19, 2020·Twitter

There's no way it would happen. Trump probably doesn't have the legal ability to make it happen, and in any event event the military and the states wouldn't cooperate. Originally Posted by Tiny

The salient point! Then add to that , he couldn't do it even if he wanted like all the other things he may have wanted to do but couldn't by law. That's why any talk of being a "dictator" was so absurd but of course that doesn't stop the fake news people who get all excited over nothing.

Our democracy was never in jeopardy, period.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I don't believe far Right news or far Left news. Far Right take one or two words and make Trump say things that he didn't to make him look bad. Far Left makeup things that no one said for emotional sells. Originally Posted by theotherguy1

If I hear something that I doubt or don't believe whether from the right or left as in this case from the left, I reserve judgement until I do further research. As soon as I looked into this topic, it was evident from the reporting, that jumping to the conclusion that Trump liked this idea and wanted to act on is presumptuous to say the least and spurious at worst.

It was never going to happen for multiple reasons which made it a non story for those looking for facts but this is what happens in order to get the less informed riled up and yes, it happens on both sides. Take a breathe and do a little research before you commit to believing anything and even then consider that you may have very well come to the wrong conclusion and if proven wrong, own up to it.

It's really not that big a deal to admit when one makes a mistake but I predict that won't be happening from the guy who saw all the cool bands.
winn dixie's Avatar
Seems the op has left the building!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Seems the op has left the building! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Maybe that's his MO. Throw shit against the wall and see who is foolish enough to believe it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2020, 05:12 PM
Maybe that's his MO. Throw shit against the wall and see who is foolish enough to believe it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Actually that is exactly wtf Trump did here. He floats up trial balloons to see how his supporters react. They obviously did not like it so then Trump shot it down.

But you'd have to be biggly naive to think he did not have Powel and Flynn come pitch the idea to him and staff.

If his supporters get behind it...Trump then will start contemplating it more and more.

I'm suprised you Trump lovers (and hater) haven't figured out this buffoon yet.

Flynn and Powell would not have been at the WH if Trump was not contemplating this.

You can take that to the bank. Plus it fires up his suckers to continue to send Trump money.
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's probably not fair to say based on what's coming out of the press that Trump considered martial law. Flynn did propose it. And according to CNN he and Sidney Powell attended the meeting described in your NYT link where it was discussed, with Trump's advisors shooting it down:

There's no indication that Trump seriously considered the idea. And indeed he did tweet that it's fake news:

Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!

Donald J. Trump
11:06 PM · Dec 19, 2020·Twitter

There's no way it would happen. Trump probably doesn't have the legal ability to make it happen, and in any event event the military and the states wouldn't cooperate. Originally Posted by Tiny

I don't want to get to argumentative here but just because CNN reported that Michael Flynn said it, we should just accept it as truth knowing what we know about CNN and their stated goal of destroying Trump as we heard Jeff Zukerman telling his employees to give Trump no quarter?

Who says Michael Flynn said that and where is the proof? Is there audio? E-mails talking about it? What, other than somebody at the meeting told me. What is the sense in even considering that?

Focusing on things done instead of things possibly said is a more productive use of time IMHO.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2020, 05:22 PM
I don't want to get to argumentative here but just because CNN reported that Michael Flynn said it, we should just accept it as truth knowing what we know about CNN and their stated goal of destroying Trump as we heard Jeff Zukerman telling his employees to give Trump no quarter?

Who says Michael Flynn said that and where is the proof? Is there audio? E-mails talking about it? What, other than somebody at the meeting told me. What is the sense in even considering that?

Focusing on things done instead of things possibly said is a more productive use of time IMHO. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Flynn said on Thursday that President Donald Trump should impose martial law to overturn the results of the 2020 US election.

Specifically, Flynn told the pro-Trump network Newsmax that the president should deploy the military to "rerun an election" in battleground states that he lost to President-elect Joe Biden.

The former national security advisor, who was recently pardoned by Trump, made a similar suggestion earlier this month when he shared a message calling on the president to deploy the military for a "national re-vote."