
I like reviews when I have the pleasure of trying new things..Shows variety. And with variety the guys who research know that obviously I am not one of those mechanical scripted gals.. because my reviews are so different from each other. I have noticed that there are some menu options that guys desire to experience but are shy to ask. They can read that I not only please with said item but i also allow the gentleman to feel at ease and comfy.. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
I love ur reviews Lacy! Too bad I can only read right before ROS but very good...I'm all for variety (and ur booty is nice too) : )
Unfortunately you have to be able to read between the lines with most reviews. There are a few guys that are as fair as possible and I try to be fair as well, and I definitely won't claim to give a lady an O if I'm not 100% sure. I only wish there was a way for the provider to verify some of the events guys brag about or bash some ladies about. Or even review us hobbyists. Who knows, she may not have given the guy BLS because his nut sack smelled like boiled bologna not because she's a clock watcher. Just an idea.
B.Wayne's Avatar
I don't look at the ROS in reviews. I only look at the $ and the "yes" or "no" the stories can be embelished, or just flat out lies. They can also be used by "management" to get more attention to a particular woman, who is nothing what the review states. So I guess I don't really think reviews are THAT helpful or truthful. Not reading ROS is kind of a waste of PA but, I look at it as saving me a ton of time, the discussions however is where most of my time is wasted.
For me reviews are a must. I will no longer visit a provider that has no reviews. I know that alot of review are a YMMV but it at least give you a general idea on what to expect. Also a big factor is who writes the review. I have gotten great recommendation from seasoned hobbist over the years.
Bobave's Avatar
Not reading ROS is kind of a waste of PA but, I look at it as saving me a ton of time, the discussions however is where most of my time is wasted. Originally Posted by B.Wayne
I agree completely. ROS sections have become generally - not always, but generally - useless. And comments should be discontinued altogether in reviews. They're never anything but WKs, bashers or lazy self-aggrandizers talking about what THEY did with the provider in question.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I get my info in various forms but mostly it comes from a core group of guys I have met and developed trust with. Most of it is gathered while hanging out. When it comes to reviews I read the ones that I know the writer has a history of being humorous, well wriiten, or a proven history of being very honest while tactful. It can be one of those things or all of the above. I don't really need to read the experience because I prefer to make my own experience rather than expect someone else's. Sometimes reading reviews can taint your own experience.

As far as activities go the only thing I normally look for is msog but that is not necessarily a deal breaker but it's what's important to me. That can be found out in a multitude of ways. Other than that all I care about is that our time flows well and we both have a good time.

I share an awfully lot of information in various ways and so far this year have not felt motivated to write a review and don't know that I will. There are several reasons for that. In the end this is an information exchange site for the guys as well as the women and that exchange comes in all kinds of ways not just reviews.
pyramider's Avatar
Reviews are wonderful. Where else do I get to brag on my sexual prowess, and learn about ole in the wall restaurants?
It boost my self esteem everytime I get a review. It lets me know I left enough of an impression on him that he took time out of his day to sit and write it. I love getting reviews, and always ask for honesty. I found that some I got down and gave great service and he only wrote 2-3 activities and I'm like what? But like you said not everyone knows all the abbreviations (I know I sure the hell don't). Anyways I love getting them
oglfp12's Avatar
Reviews are an important part of my research. I don't necessarily believe everything that is in all of them, but taken as a whole a lady's reviews help me make my decsion about requesting an appointment.
Still Looking's Avatar
They are very helpful and entertaining! Especially if they have current pictures with them!
pyramider's Avatar
Wakeup actually had current and informational photos in his reviews.
geecue's Avatar
Actually the first thing I check when thinking about seeing a lady. Actually have seen patterns develop with some ladies.
The Activities, Fees, Recommendations are very useful, the ROS is usually 90% bullshit and for the most part useless. It's good to know a BP lady is legit by having a couple of reviews from trusted posters. Don't write them myself because of the asshat behavior afterwards, but for the most part about 50% of them are worth looking at and can be trusted, which is better than nothing I suppose.
plainjoe's Avatar
Part of doing research (and screening) is reading (and writing) reviews. Websites are great, but they are made by the ladies and inform me of basics. Reviews from this forum and others confirm (or deny) the website. As others have stated, some reviews are over-inflated, others more realistic - but they do show a pattern. After a while, you figure out who writes the most useful reviews...of course, YMMV.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I think they're helpful for the ladies and the guys. Ladies can check a guy out in part based on his reviews. May make it helpful so she's not in for a surprise, just as it helps the guys when their researching a lady.