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Yerassman's Avatar
hehe, definetly helps the hard ons. I am at the end of day 4 no cigs at all, never again. The snus did it, different delivery system, it works for me... I want to be on the porch with my sisters in a rocking chair in 30 years bullshitting about all the stuff we used to do that will be illegal by then.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
hmmm well i may have to give it a try ..i cant seem to get the cold turkey thing going
Yerassman's Avatar
Sweet N little, try the electronic cigs that were mentioned in an earlier post. People have had great results with them, from what I understand, they give the same body stimulation as a real ciggy. Good Luck!!
Yerassman's Avatar
9 days today, no ciggy's, I am so absolutely looking to the future about this!!! My life back after 45 years.

It's just awesome that you've made it 9 days now! The first two weeks really are difficult. I absolutely loved when I noticed the taste of food again...yummy. It sounds as if your desires have become reality.

Please make the next step in this adventure to cut back on the snus as well. It contains more carcinogens and still puts you at risk for cancer - although not of the lungs.

You've already made a wonderful change to extend your time with friends and beloved family. Keep up the good work!
  • Sami
  • 02-22-2011, 02:19 PM
Congrats Yerassman! Keep it up!
Yerassman's Avatar
Thank you ladies........