Drop and givg me 20

Gym. Carb cycling. Hikes/bike rides on beautiful days. Originally Posted by strawberry skye
What is carb cycling? I'm guessing low carb mixed with days of high carbs?

I try to run 3x / wk, weights 3 or 4 x, and a couple of bike rides. But since turning 40 it's all about what I consume. Heavy on the green veggies, light on the ETOH.
Evisdoll01's Avatar
As for me Gym twice a day. Am is crossfit two hours. Evening is light weights or spinning. Also watch what i eat. No special diet just try to eat in moderation. I try to stay around 100 to 105lbs. Keep the flat tummy you boys love jiji. I can not wait to see you all tonight. Emma and i are about to leave for SA.
Ms Francisca's Avatar
I live in the southern coast of Spain..... I walk everywhere, eat fresh food, mostly seafood, drink wine, dance, laugh, no stress. I have never been to a gym, I have had 3 children, I am not a hard body, far from perfect, but I look good and feel great!
And..... I am blessed with beautiful green eyes and big boobies that keep attention away from my flaws
What is carb cycling? I'm guessing low carb mixed with days of high carbs?

I try to run 3x / wk, weights 3 or 4 x, and a couple of bike rides. But since turning 40 it's all about what I consume. Heavy on the green veggies, light on the ETOH. Originally Posted by slocum
Here is a good article on carb cycling:

I currently have been eating strictly ketogenic and am losing about 2 pounds of fat a week while building lean muscle mass. The carb cycling was causing me to stall.

Note to anyone who goes strictly keto: the lack of carbs makes you a cheap date lol. 2 glasses of wine and im buzzing. Something to keep in mind if you decide to go to 20g or less of carb intake per day...
nerdy123's Avatar
Daily run/walk. Gym 3-4 times weekly. Watch what crap I put in my mouth.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I go to the gym and do cardio on a treadmill 3-4 times a week. I walk for 2 miles and usually burn about 400 calories. I would like to do more but I don't have time.
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Tennis 45 yrs; hobbyist almost as long 👍
mitch p's Avatar
I ride my bike 8 to 10 miles, jog 1 1/2miles with my dog every day. Also I go kayaking when I get the time. I started exercising about a month ago, now I feel great, and I have lots of energy. Goal is to drop 20lbs.
Been lifting for awhile. I guess you could say I'm a gym rat. On my summer cut. Fav lifts are squats and deadlifts with benching and overhead presses as a close second. Squat PR: 495lbs (5plates each side) deadlift: 585lbs (6plates each side).

The lifting part I do constantly. The dieting... ehhh food is great
But you're right, it's a lifestyle.
italia's Avatar
Sex Olympics

ck1942's Avatar

Works for me!

Usually a couple of times a week.

Unfortunately, my doc won't give me a prescription which means I am unable to deduct on income tax medical deductions. LOL!

Good thing I have several lady friends "on the side."
mirandalee's Avatar
Stripping (stripper heels are heavy), weights, cardio, walking, I eat right and drink lots of water no sodas. Sometimes I go to the gym if I have time. When I travel I bring my resistance bands and get hotels that have a gym in it.
TucoSalamanca's Avatar
deadlift: 585lbs (6plates each side). Originally Posted by LemmePIITB
Killin it!
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
i walk everyday plus do something like stair climber, row machine or elliptical. I do some form of strength training 4x a week.