For when the ill informed leftists say there is no voter fraud

berryberry's Avatar
THOUSANDS of fraudulent registrations found requesting absentee ballots on NY voter rolls

One fictitious identity with 22 registrations requested multiple absentee ballots to be sent to the same rented mailbox.
rmg_35's Avatar
THOUSANDS of fraudulent registrations found requesting absentee ballots on NY voter rolls

One fictitious identity with 22 registrations requested multiple absentee ballots to be sent to the same rented mailbox. Originally Posted by berryberry
Just another far-rightwing extremist website. Misleading and unsubstantiated claims. Basically bullshit to back up the other bullshit websites. This is what happens when you only get your information from the far-right extremist websites full of lies and misinformation.
Save your breath. There are guys that are just angry people, just ignore them. They know exactly who won. They are still dreaming and hoping. Remember he was going to take back over for two years after getting his ass kicked. The funny part they will still vote for a person who ordered people killed cause he lost. Think about it.

Don't waste your time. Just angry miserable people. Just hope they don't go some where and kill innocent people like the guy did at the Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Originally Posted by Cody69
Amen. There is a lot of mental illness in the far-right cult. They will never back down from the edge of their delusions. Even for a moment (even though, deep down, they all know it's bullshit too).
berryberry's Avatar
Just another far-rightwing extremist website. Misleading and unsubstantiated claims. Basically bullshit to back up the other bullshit websites. This is what happens when you only get your information from the far-right extremist websites full of lies and misinformation. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Right on cue. Just like the typical angry leftists, when you can't refute the facts of the article, you resort to bullshit lies about the news source

At least this time you didn't try to use some bullshit leftwing mediafacts site. No, you just made shit up.

Hate to tell you this, but there are more news sites out there than your DNC approved propaganda. Alas, you will never learn as you continually repeat the same bullshit lies and attacks on any source that is not DNC approved. Some would call that pathetic.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I rather enjoy rmg’s daily dose of seething anger, it reminds me of how not to be.
HDGristle's Avatar
Some would call that pathetic. Originally Posted by berryberry
Some would call the amount of time we waste on here shitposting pathetic and they'd be right.

But hey, fritter away the minutes you have left as you see fit.

Oh... right and left shitposting anonymously on the internet. Bipartisanship indeed.
I rather enjoy rmg’s daily dose of seething anger, it reminds me of how not to be. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Right, because you guys aren't seething or angry about anything in here lol
berryberry's Avatar
It's sad that leftists could be so ill informed especially when polls show a vast majority of the country believe unchecked voter fraud impacted our elections in 2020 and 2022.

Is it the fault of our DNC biased media?

Or is it the fault of our education system and leftist teachers?

Or is it that leftists in general are just plain dumb? Originally Posted by berryberry
So who's fault is it that we have so many ill informed leftists? Inquiring minds want to know
berryberry's Avatar
ELECTION FORTIFICATION: New video shows gloved Maricopa election official removing security seals, reprogramming memory cards, and reinstalling them days before the election. 59% failed on Election Day - in predominantly GOP areas

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Right, because you guys aren't seething or angry about anything in here lol Originally Posted by tommy156
I’d say most people here, yourself excluded of course, come across as having a calm demeanor. Berry is certainly passionate about his beliefs, but his writing doesn’t conjure up images of a forehead with blood vessels exploding.
HDGristle's Avatar
To you. It may to others.
Posting thread after thread, sometimes posting a bunch of times in the thread when no one else even posts in it, dozens of transgender hating threads, machine gunning and land mining immigrants posts, copy and pasting angry rants... etc. sure does "conjure up images of a forehead with blood vessels exploding" to me, but I wouldn't expect someone who also supports machine gunning immigrants to see it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
When did I say I support machine gunning immigrants?
When did I say I support machine gunning immigrants? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
In the immigrant hating exploding blood vessel thread where you and berry talked about it. Are you walking that back now?
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen this is becoming a common statement

Back on topic please