Girl 25 & Under

mad469s's Avatar
I like to fuck the "under 25's", just for bragging rights to my married, sexually depraved buddies. Then I show them the pics I took and they really fuckin hate me.
mad469s's Avatar
I have found it has less to do with age and more to do with whether the girl really loves what she does and enjoys the whole experience. Originally Posted by Gbfsl
I thought "we" were paying "them" for our enjoyment
Thanks for the feedback and knowing I am in the majority. Zoëy is the exception, but she is in New York City, not down south here. Maybe a southern thing of young stuck up and lazy southern young girls. Any way, taking the advise and staying with 40+ ladies. Got a date Wed with a beautiful 45year young lady.
OleJetJock's Avatar
I'm with you sexsenior. Very rare to find an under 25 who just gets it. Yes, there are a lot of hotties in the U25 group, but there are just as many in the 30+crowd as well. There seems to be a shift I have found at about 28. Then, a bigger shift in the 39+ crowd.

They know it's a business and we as the customer (40+) need a bit more than a cum receptacle. They cater to engage more of our senses in providing the complete experience.

Yes, there are the rare U25s that go the extra mile, but as a general rule I think you're right on sexsenior.
THEY ARE NOT BEING TRAINED RIGHT! Bottom Line. Either being gorilla pimped or thrown to the wolves. No ground rules no business one on one.
None of that has gone on the last 10 years nearly and you can sure see it.... When I was in Austin I trained 5 girls all young hotties and they better not come out that room before the hr was up and I better have not ever got one complaint or there money would stop I would not give them any more business....Now Days Management just move on to the next one. Pop them and rock them.
Cpalmson's Avatar
You have to know how to find the right girls. It is a hunt.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I travel all over. But I do definitely give NYC credit for maturing and deepening the experience I provide. It's a competitive market. There's a lot of money to be made but the whole lazy giggly cutegirl thing doesn't tend to fly as much unless you look like a lingerie model. The south played a huge role in my development as a provider too and this board (Another Realm) definitely helped me mature into my niche and be more comfortable committing to that type of marketing (which tends to scare off everyone else). But I'm really happy with the type of clients that I get when I can be clear and honest about what kinds of encounters I enjoy. My clients in Dallas are some of my favorite in the country because they tend to read this board.

I wonder if you can determine which under 25 providers will provide the more engaging type of experience you seek simply by carefully vetting each consideration based on how she writes about herself and her relationship to sexuality? Sometimes when people are really vague / generic, it's because they don't really know what they're into or don't necessarily have a specific style that they bring to the table.
rogerdodger's Avatar
IMO, each person seeks a provider for a certain type of experience - I don't have any real interest in the 'alternative' areas explored in Another Realm, but I like hearing what others have to say to broaden my info/horizons. I am assuming that all men posting here are commenting that younger ladies in the 'Another Realm' world don't get it ...

If you are speaking of under 25 providers in general - frankly I disagree. I have found that for what I am seeking, many under-25 ladies are more apt to provide my preferred experience - in many cases much more than older ladies. Part of my experience does revolve around a certain look which is not really age dependent but requires a natural healthy body.

However, whether real or imagined, my experienced 'Illusion of Passion' is much higher with the younger ladies I have met, especially in the past 18 months.
Don't be fooled by illusions, RD.
I can see bringing in a young one to an occasional threesome for my ATF and I to enjoy. Outside of that, I want my mature ATF.
You have a beautiful mind, Zhivago52!
Well I'm 25 and I love what I do haha
I can't even lie, even if I wanted to!!
Hahahaha if u know what I mean
#wet n #wild
I travel all over. But I do definitely give NYC credit for maturing and deepening the experience I provide. It's a competitive market. There's a lot of money to be made but the whole lazy giggly cutegirl thing doesn't tend to fly as much unless you look like a lingerie model. The south played a huge role in my development as a provider too and this board (Another Realm) definitely helped me mature into my niche and be more comfortable committing to that type of marketing (which tends to scare off everyone else). But I'm really happy with the type of clients that I get when I can be clear and honest about what kinds of encounters I enjoy. My clients in Dallas are some of my favorite in the country because they tend to read this board.

I wonder if you can determine which under 25 providers will provide the more engaging type of experience you seek simply by carefully vetting each consideration based on how she writes about herself and her relationship to sexuality? Sometimes when people are really vague / generic, it's because they don't really know what they're into or don't necessarily have a specific style that they bring to the table. Originally Posted by spicyzoey
Well said .....
I'm 25 and feel this post to the 5th power lol
I have written before about older guys with younger women. A couple of years ago the consensus was age was not really an issue. Lately, I am not so sure, now! It seems these younger women are not really into their work. Limited touching, admitting they are more into other women and just want to do a quick bj, collect their money and go! Race is not the issue, but seems generally to be a generation thing. I am just having bad luck, getting to old for this or are others observing this? Originally Posted by sexsenior
Well hell I'm 25 and I love what i do... I enjoy the honest and open maturity of each encounter and am very comfortable with my sexuality
Zoey, I'm sure you're right. In your case, for example, I'd confidently bet the rent money that you're an absolute marvel of proficiency, diligence, consideration ... and maturity. But I'm 60 years old, and the reason I draw my absolute no-younger-than line at 40, and my line of preference at 50 and up, is that I would feel like a real first-class creep if I set out to be intimate with women young enough to be my daughter -- or worse!

I realize (with my head -- the big one, that is) that a woman of 18 or better has reached her majority, and there's no moral issue with her having sex with anyone else, age 18 through 118. Maybe it's really a cultural thing ... but, whatever the cause, I'm just not comfortable with intergenerational sex. Actually, now that I think about it, I conclude that with me, it's aesthetics, and a sense of the ridiculous. In any case, it's definitely not that I think you young ladies don't provide excellent value for your clients. Originally Posted by James1588
Well said and respected .....