Okay, Hillary DID recieve classified email on her server...

  • DSK
  • 06-14-2016, 04:03 PM
So do Hillarious, Obaminable, and Billinsky. The Three Stooges!

I guess you caught the blurb on Hillarious ... about her failing the DC bar exam! Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, but she is probably still mad the assholes made her take it after graduating from Yale. She should have just been handed her license, she is so fucking smart.
LexusLover's Avatar
how else could the security on the secure system be breached? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It's relatively simple, actually. "Print" a password protected document to a pdf file and then send the pdf file to the server, which will then open up without the necessity of a password. The computer "believes" it's printing, but it's really copying. If you attempt to "copy" the document, the password protection will also be copied. Further more once it's in a pdf format it can be redacted to eliminate any unwanted information ... like the classification "heading", as well as the "source"! (What will not be changed will be the embedded metadata in the "file" showing the source of the creation of the "new file"!) You can't change or redact the heading on the password protected document.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's relatively simple, actually. "Print" a password protected document to a pdf file and then send the pdf file to the server, which will then open up without the necessity of a password. The computer "believes" it's printing, but it's really copying. If you attempt to "copy" the document, the password protection will also be copied. Further more once it's in a pdf format it can be redacted to eliminate any unwanted information ... like the classification "heading", as well as the "source"! (What will not be changed will be the embedded metadata in the "file" showing the source of the creation of the "new file"!) You can't change or redact the heading on the password protected document. Originally Posted by LexusLover

that sounds reasonable. no password, no problem! which means that Clinton's entire staff regularly circumvented proper security protocol. no wonder they are all lawyering up!

Mills is a real piece of work! she's now claiming attorney-client privilege when she was questioned. nice!

Pagliano is in danger of having his immunity agreement voided because he intends to "plead the 5th" .. even with immunity, while he has it.

wonderful crew Ms. Clinton surrounded herself with! let's vote them into the White House! NOT.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-14-2016, 05:01 PM
I think you are making this much harder than necessary. Without evil intent those e-mails would never have gotten to her personal account.

WITH evil intent the lower tech versions work quite well. Passwords on individual documents is typically not an issue--the access to the network is assumed to be the equivalent or better protection. Of course when you give access to scum with no morals, well then you have no protection.

Print. Scan to the other system into Word. Remove the inconvenient words. Print and scan again if you wish. Send.
LexusLover's Avatar
Print. Scan to the other system into Word. Remove the inconvenient words. Print and scan again if you wish. Send. Originally Posted by Old-T
When you move to a scanner you are then making another electronic copy in the scanner memory, which then ends up creating four documents marked classified that much be located and deleted from the system, which is contained in a "system wide" word processing program.

Too many "pecker" tracks!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
that sounds reasonable. no password, no problem! which means that Clinton's entire staff regularly circumvented proper security protocol. no wonder they are all lawyering up!

Mills is a real piece of work! she's now claiming attorney-client privilege when she was questioned. nice!

Pagliano is in danger of having his immunity agreement voided because he intends to "plead the 5th" .. even with immunity, while he has it.

wonderful crew Ms. Clinton surrounded herself with! let's vote them into the White House! NOT. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Remember Vince Foster...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-14-2016, 05:45 PM
When you move to a scanner you are then making another electronic copy in the scanner memory, which then ends up creating four documents marked classified that much be located and deleted from the system, which is contained in a "system wide" word processing program.

Too many "pecker" tracks! Originally Posted by LexusLover
That depends.....
There are only two possibilities for her:

1. The most likely. She directed people to strip all portion markings (which are just the way of identifying what is classified, and how classified it is) before sending them to her. The stripping of the markings is itself against all regs and a clear indication that the players all KNEW it was seriously wrong. In this case they should include conspiracy as well as willfully putting US lives at risk (given the nature of some of the info involved) and doing "great harm to the United States". But she clearly thinks her personal convenience is more important than lives and the safety of the country.


2. Even though she had original classification authority--the authority to determine that it was classified--she was incapable of applying the most basic classification principles and was too stupid to recognize the material for what it was. A first year in the government GG-1 would have known several of the e-mails she received were highly classified, markings or not. And the basic rule is if you suspect classified is out of the proper channels you protect it and report it. Personally, though she is an evil person, she is not stupid and this option--that she didn't recognize it--is beyond belief.

So: incompetent and stupid at best, criminally conspiratorial at worst.

But many will still vote for her regardless.
Originally Posted by Old-T
1. and 2. are basically the same. It's the difference between "arrogantly criminal" and "criminally arrogant."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
1. and 2. are basically the same. It's the difference between "arrogantly criminal" and "criminally arrogant." Originally Posted by gnadfly
and while we're at it, let's throw in "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is."
