Lets get this party started

atlcomedy's Avatar
Thanks SR. But if ATL starts thinking I'm hot it would get complicated. There is noooo way I am going to lose my lunch partner. Originally Posted by Ansley
&Ans is hot.....but I'd be crazy to mess up a good thing
Hi all! Thank you PJ for the invite. This is our new home. I'll miss the old one, but with a new decade comes new horizons.
We need the emoticons from ASPD. These are REALLY bland.
TexTushHog's Avatar
A few familiar faces. Welcome to the 21st century board guys.
Welcome to the new forum, where's Rudyard K
atlcomedy's Avatar
what does "premium access" buy you?
Alt, as an old timer I figured you would know.
I see that foX is one the the mods.
what does "premium access" buy you? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
If you click the Premium Access tab above, you'll see that:
"Premium Access enables members to view "The Rest of the Story" content within reviews which is not available to guests to the site, registered members, or our female members. You will also be able to make and view "Private" posts in our public forums as well as have access to additional "Premium Access Only" forums...such as the Men's Lounge."

Its also a way to support the site and pay for the bandwidth all these new members are going to use.
Snorwood's Avatar
Good evening everyone! I'm visiting from ASPD, like many noobs here I imagine. I'm sporting the same handle (but a shiny new avatar). I was a constant visitor but relatively infrequent poster on the Houston pages (94 posts in 6 months), but never broke into the HDH forum.

I do have a penchant for the more expensive things in life, as a quick tour of my reviews at the old place will show (while they remain, of course), so I'm hoping that I can get in on the ground floor of this new forum. Hopefully this will be as lively and entertaining a site as ASPD, perhaps with a touch less drama.

Happy New Year to all.
Does it benefit the ladies? Or is it a man thing?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-30-2009, 10:00 PM
Hi Ansley.
Does it benefit the ladies? Or is it a man thing? Originally Posted by Ansley
Its a guy thing. But ladies can buy ads.
Welcome Snorwood! You will find that we do have a great bunch of folks around here. As far as the drama goes, well we have it every now and then. The kissing and making up can be fun though.
Oh my gosh!!!! Carl! It is great to see you. Please oh please start posting in here. Talk about a pleasant surprise.