Without crony capitalism, the wind industry simply would not exist.

You cite a report on Breitbart about a Mexican ecologist that no one has ever heard of.

Could your source possibly be any less reliable?

Breitbart couldn't find even ONE American scientist who thinks windmills are a bigger problem than the CO2 they replace? Originally Posted by ExNYer
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Israel fights as a proxy against Islam and for democracy on behalf of Los Estados Unidos. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
If Israel hadn't been established, there would be no war between the US and Islam. That was one of the worst decisions in history. Unless you profit from the implements of war.
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  • WTF
  • 09-23-2014, 11:39 AM
If Israel hadn't been established, there would be no war between the US and Islam. That was one of the worst decisions in history. Unless you profit from the implements of war. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They should of all come to Fl. and started Israel.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
They should of all come to Fl. and started Israel. Originally Posted by WTF
Maybe if you give us Florida we could do that - what say ye?
Maybe if you give us Florida we could do that - what say ye? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Our territory is not up for grabs. We settled that whole secession thing a while ago.
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Our territory is not up for grabs. We settled that whole secession thing a while ago. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I would call you a little greedy and nationalistic, and a borderist, but then you would reply rudely, and you have more important things to do, anyway. So I'm not gonna do it...
I would call you a little greedy and nationalistic, and a borderist, but then you would reply rudely, and you have more important things to do, anyway. So I'm not gonna do it... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I'm greedy?

You are the one trying to take someone else's land against their will and without payment. THAT is greed.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm greedy?

You are the one trying to take someone else's land against their will and without payment. THAT is greed. Originally Posted by ExNYer
No, it would be a land swap and compensation for fighting the Muslims on your behalf.
Besides, have you been to Florida? We own most of it already.
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  • WTF
  • 09-23-2014, 08:54 PM
No, it would be a land swap and compensation for fighting the Muslims on your behalf.
Besides, have you been to Florida? We own most of it already. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You aren't fighting Muslims. ..you are just stirring them up like a hornet's nest being over there. And you you do own most of Florida, why do you think I suggested it?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Israel fights as a proxy against Islam and for democracy on behalf of Los Estados Unidos. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
But do they kick ass with their bare fists? Huh, emasculated man?
No, it would be a land swap and compensation for fighting the Muslims on your behalf. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You got that backward. WE fight the Muslims on Israel's behalf. And we arm the Israelis on the cheap to boot. Like COG said, if Israel had not been established, it is hard to imagine that we would be involved in any war over there.

Israel owes US, we do not owe them.

[QUOTE=Jewish Lawyer;1055836333Besides, have you been to Florida? We own most of it already.[/QUOTE]

Uh, no. Move three miles away from the beach and it is all rednecks.

Or Hispanics.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jewish rednecks.

Hey, Bubba! Y'all going to Temple?

Ellie May, is these grits kosher?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Jewish rednecks.

Hey, Bubba! Y'all going to Temple?

Ellie May, is these grits kosher? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As I have said before, we know how to blend in!!
The company I work for has spent billions, if not tens of billions, on alternative energy projects: wind, solar, geothermal, ocean waves, biofuels...and those are the ones that come quickly to mind. We've bailed out of all of them at a big loss.

Nothing comes close to providing economical energy to world like fossil fuels. The whole CO2 thing is a scam. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Did you ever consider your company is run by idiots? explain how "the whole co2 thing is a scam". 98% of scientists disagree with you. 70,000 people die each year from air pollution. How much mercury flavored fish is it safe to eat? environmental controls have more of an impact than just on greenhouse gases, something that for some reason is not really part of the conversation.

When you say that "nothing provides economical energy to the world like fossil fuels" are you considering the cost to the USA to protect our interests in the middle east? The only interest, I see is oil (crony capitalism). Given that without the oil profits, terrorism funding would be GREATLY reduced, I don't think you're considering all costs. I thought we realized this 30 years ago, but because Americans have a "right" to drive gas guzzling vehicles, I guess it was forgotten. Homeowners who install new solar panels recoup their investment in 3 to 5 years, so I doubt your assertation has any validity. The sun and the wind are the future, embrace it!
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Homeowners who install new solar panels recoup their investment in 3 to 5 years, so I doubt your assertation has any validity. The sun and the wind are the future, embrace it! Originally Posted by drluv1
Not without government subsidies!!