Question for the Gents About Eccie vs P411 Handles

Compartmentalization of information. Originally Posted by NMEufdaST8
"You gotta keep 'em separated now" ... The Offspring
Because P411 is what you are using for screening purposes, so at the end of the day, the info you use from P411 to screen is the only information that matters ... to both of us. And, we don't write anything on P411 ... it is purely for the references, Provider OK's and to make your screening easier.

You also knowing my handle on ECCIE will do very little (ie: absolutely nothing) to help you with screening. I use ECCIE purely for entertainment purposes and I use a different handle from my P411 handle which allows me to freely make comments on here that are as outrageous as i want them to be and they are just a reflection of an Internet Board persona, not my real personality.

Plus, with some of the outing that has happened on here ... it's an added layer of protection to have a separate ECCIE handle unrelated to your P411 handle. No one's going to out you on P411. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Outing concerns, I can understand.

I will respectfully agree to disagree with you though, on the whole, "Eccie handle tells you nothing," thing.

Not pointing fingers here, but your rationale suggests that you don't share your Eccie handle with ladies you contact through P411, because you indeed, do not want them to know about your Eccie doings....

You can assume if he denies eccie membership that he is a liar and a troll. Decline the appoint - lol! Originally Posted by Slitlikr

They don't lie when asked, more like just neglect to mention.

Every time I have found out they have an Eccie handle and asked them to PM me from such, they do with no issues.

So, that is why I do not feel they are shady or trying to hide anything, which brings me back to my initial curiosity as to why they don't offer up this info straight away.
There's no point in doing it.
discreet_in_houston's Avatar
It's a tricky world, and it's easy to slip up when keeping the hobby life separate from real-world life. I think that in itself is enough to keep up with, and it seems way too complicated to keep hobby handles secret from board to board. Just my opinion.

Since 2002:
ASPD: discreet_in_houston
ECCIE: discreet_in_houston
P411: discreet_in_houston
It's a tricky world, and it's easy to slip up when keeping the hobby life separate from real-world life. I think that in itself is enough to keep up with, and it seems way too complicated to keep hobby handles secret from board to board. Just my opinion.

Since 2002:
ECCIE: discreet_in_houston
P411: discreet_in_houston
Email: Originally Posted by discreet_in_houston
My kinda man....
It's a tricky world, and it's easy to slip up when keeping the hobby life separate from real-world life. I think that in itself is enough to keep up with, and it seems way too complicated to keep hobby handles secret from board to board. Just my opinion.

Since 2002:
ECCIE: discreet_in_houston
P411: discreet_in_houston
Email: Originally Posted by discreet_in_houston
did Schoolhouse Rock teach nobody nuthin'? Originally Posted by idiot savant
I think the "No Greek" ladies learned: "Hey, ouch! That's not fair! You're not sticking that in my hole back there!"

It's a tricky world Originally Posted by discreet_in_houston

I believe in complete transparency, for what that's worth regarding this world. I can see how someone "may" simply not consider it pertinate and I can see others wanting to hide what their personality really is that a simple p411 "yes" will not show. You can give benefit of the doubt. We men are simple creatures, some yes, devious bastards. My opinion is, ask the john.
I will respectfully agree to disagree with you though, on the whole, "Eccie handle tells you nothing," thing.

Not pointing fingers here, but your rationale suggests that you don't share your Eccie handle with ladies you contact through P411, because you indeed, do not want them to know about your Eccie doings.... Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
ROFLMAO! ... My ECCIE postings have absolutely nothing to do with anything when I book a session, it is completely irrelevant.

LOL! ... Who knows how many gents you have booked through P411 who also have an ECCIE handle and you never even knew it. Did it make any difference? ... Nope.

Just what is it that you expect to glean from knowing someone's ECCIE handle?

Hypothetical: If I contacted you for an appointment from P411 and also told you I was Stinkyfingers on ECCIE ... what difference would that make to you in making your decision?
ROFLMAO! ... My ECCIE postings have absolutely nothing to do with anything when I book a session, it is completely irrelevant.

LOL! ... Who knows how many gents you have booked through P411 who also have an ECCIE handle and you never even knew it. Did it make any difference? ... Nope.

Just what is it that you expect to glean from knowing someone's ECCIE handle?

Hypothetical: If I contacted you for an appointment from P411 and also told you I was Stinkyfingers on ECCIE ... what difference would that make to you in making your decision? Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Every P411 gent I have seen, I have also found out if they have an Eccie handle, just fyi.

To me, and I think a lot of ladies, it does matter, because you can glean a gent's personality, etc, through his Eccie postings. Just as you gents can about us.

I get lots of messages from people saying how they follow my posts and that is ultimately or at least partially what led them to decide to book with me. The same works in reverse.

You can also ascertain if the gent is legit, meaning a legit hobbyist versus something scary that you want to stay away from.

For myself, it just helps me feel that much more secure, in being able to verify that someone is who they say they are, and that they don't have anything to hide. As Mythos said, "transparency" (as much as can be expected in such a thing as this crazy circus) helps loads when screening, in helping me to feel safe and secure when deciding to meet someone for the first time.
rmrstyle23's Avatar
I have both but I have never had an Indy ask for both but mine are both the same employing the kiss method. I have nothing to hide except my real identity
citizen44's Avatar
which brings me back to my initial curiosity as to why they don't offer up this info straight away. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
You ask this question like it somehow gives you some additional knowledge.

Let me tell you of a fairytale I once heard...

There once was a whore who got pissy after being turned down by a fucktard she had never laid eyes upon

There was then some trolling. Things were said, and it would be safe to say, that the fucktard would be about the last client she would ever want to see.

Said fucktard over the next month then set up an additional hobby number and additional 411 account

Soon after, there was a very pleasant and respectful appointment

At the end of this appointment, the whore knelt before the fucktard until he sprayed his seed into her pretty little mouth. While in the process of swallowing his load, the whore looked up and saw that the fucktard had about the biggest Cheshire cat shit eating grin that she had ever beheld. Believing herself to be be a BJ queen, she actually grinned and said "That must have felt pretty good". The simple fucktard just smiled and replied "You have no idea".

Fucktard then politely thanked the whore and went on his merry way, while the whore pocketed her 300, none the wiser and none the worse for wear.

So the moral of the story would be that when you think you know something, some times you actually don't

So the moral of the story would be that when you think you know something, some times you actually don't Originally Posted by citizen44
Awe, what a beautiful, heart warming story; they should tell it every Christmas. Sometimes you gents really do come up with the most absurdly hilarious things. Lols.

It's not about "knowing" something. But your story does sort of validate one of my points; if a gent has nothing to hide, then he should have no issue offering up this info.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Every P411 gent I have seen, I have also found out if they have an Eccie handle, just fyi. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
I'm TravelingGentleman on e-mail, P411, ECCIE, etc. However! A name here is irrelevant.

If I PM a provider here, she wants my references.
If I PM a provider through P411, she already has my references.

Where the goal of guys on here is to successfully pass a screening test that confirms that they are:
1. Safe
2. Not LE
3. Pay

Are you going to change your willingness or rate to see someone based on the personality that they show here?

I'm a perpetual gentleman, kind-hearted, and my posts on ECCIE tend to be informational or self-deprecating. I book multi-hour sessions and my references would tell you that I'm an absolute sweet heart. Do I get to see you for less than your advertised rate because of all of this information disclosure? If not...other guys sharing or not sharing their ECCIE handle is irrelevant as long as they meet those three screening criteria.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
if a gent has nothing to hide, then he should have no issue offering up this info. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Please define the specific value add for a potential customer of yours to specify their ECCIE handle during a P411 inquiry.

How does it benefit him?

Are you going to change your willingness or rate to see someone based on the personality that they show here?
Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Rate no; mine are the same across all platforms. Willingness possibly yes. I have read many gents reviews on here and simply based on their attitudes in such, it has helped me decide whether or not I would see them.

You guys get WAY more info on us before a sesh; website, profiles, pictures, reviews, our posts here (if we post). We get little to no info on you; only what you share with us and what we can glean from our own screening.

Not complaining about this, because that is the dynamic of being a provider and I have been doing this long enough to accept the risks, etc, or I wouldn't be doing it.

I guess my point is, I would like as much info on the gent as humanly possible, so I can make an as informed decision as possible when deciding if I will meet him or not.

Some ladies may not be as discerning when deciding to accept a session; I on the other hand, am, because I want to make sure that we are both happy and have a good time.

I have always operated in such a fashion, and to date, I can say I largely have only positive experiences (let's a say a 98% ratio), so I feel that the way I make these decisions has steered me right so far.