For all married guys and gals, do you remember

albundy's Avatar
Very true Boudin all of it. Scaryyyyyy. At least the grape vine on who does bbfs gives somewhat of an idea of who to avoid. Simplistic but some warning is better than no warning. Originally Posted by OldGent

All irrelevant anyway. I promise you that most providers bare back guys in their private life. What's the difference? I don't feel any safer going after her "boyfriend" creampied her, than a middle-aged white guy who paid her to do it. Makes no difference. I mean, SOMEONE is getting these chicks pregnant.

As long as you wear protection anyway, knowing who does or doesn't do BBFS really doesn't matter at all. They almost all do in their personal life anyway. Not even a blip on my radar. I care more about menu and price.
I agree Al, I don't care who she is bare backing makes me feel no less safe. I don't do that with pristitutes. Cleanliness does matter that is why I don't kiss or DATY. I don't want to taste another man's cum. These women don't douche seven times a day nor brush their teeth that much. That is another reason sex with SO is better, I am not her 5th dude today and she is probably cleaner. Seems when there is an SO after time we both stop giving as much and start wanting to receive more. Women tell me I can talk to them about my fantasies and when I tell her I get a look and know that will never happen. I had a ln SO that sucked me and shot my load all over face, she rubbed my clock all over her chin and cheeks and lickec the last drop of cum off when we first started dating, at the six month point, when she thinks I will never leave her, no more facials. Why if she is willing to do that activity does she stop, takes 15 minutes and I am much happier. I don't stop taking her out to dinners, romancin g her, telling her how I feel, but the great sex stops. I hear some men stop the romance. I pick it up more as I know I want to do a facial I must first make her feel very special. No matter what i do, no more and then when I leave she acts all confused as to why. I want the whole package from a lady, humor, fun, and even great sex. I don't stick around when one of those things go bad.
Ummm..... I brush my teeth A LOT mister, and no need to douche 7 times a day when you only see one person each day. I'm not one of those girls that fits as many gentlemen into one day as possible... ask any that I've seen, I think it's a respect thing so call me stupid but it's how I feel. And seriously.... only douche? No, most of the time I'm always running behind because I SHOWER before an appointment.
Not getting all mad or anything but , hey man, don't put all of us in that category ya know?

Sex in relationships for me always got better though.....
myren1900's Avatar
I agree Addison.

Most providers I see are low volume and always have impeccable hygiene.
I don't believe a prostitute only sees one guy a day. A guy is in town and wants to meet you at 3pm and just fucked another guy at noon. If you have nothing else to do, you are going to fuck second guys as well. Or better yet you finish with first guy and another says he needs a dinner companion and if cannot do it tonight he will go somewhere else. You fuck him too. Tell you clients you see one guy a day is smart business, them believing it is dumb ass tricks. There is no such thing as low volume prostitute. They see as many as finances require. Once you got your money you may stop but income always tends to go up, so $300 a day is low income for a prostitute. I see you are selling and that is just good marketing, I am not buying the BS though. Your clients do not know how many guys you see unless they live with you. Don't be offended I don't believe the insurance salesman either when he feeds me a line of shit. If you see providers you are not seeing low volume, they do not exist. On some days shemay only see one but not becuase she wants it that way.
Boudin you say you don't kiss providers but one of your reviews clearly states you do. What's the story?
Have I kissed a few prostitutes yes. I dont do it any more and when i have done it, it was very rare. Some times it seems you dislike my posts OG, and that's cool. I don't attack your posts, like when you said you don't like when some men treat the ladies like a mouth and a vagina on life support. I left it alone, even though every time you pay a prostitute you are in fact treating her like a mouth and a vagina on life support and then you write a review entitled "sat with my fuck toy" that comment alone is degrading and treating a lady like a mouth and vagina on life support. I don't judge, I mean crap, I have done it too. Just try not to lie to myself about it. I know what happens here she is desperate for money and I want to get off. Problem is neither party is ever completely satisfied as sex was not intended to be transactional more deep than that.
I can't blame you for not believing by any means, I don't trust people either. But some of us do have RW jobs and other means of income. All I'm saying is don't judge all of us by the actions of some. If I did this EVERY DAY it would get old and actually seem like work and become mundane. I haven't even seen anyone in a couple weeks. And I have actually told several gentlemen that I already had an appointment for the day completely out of respect and asked if another day would be better.
No hard feelings by any means, as I only know me and you only know you.
Sometimes it's fun to be a fuck toy, sometime's is fun to be in that fantasy of two passionate lovers who haven't seen each other in a while, sometimes it's fun to dominate or vice versa. I think that's why my sex may have always improved when in a relationship.
Sex can become very flat line if you don't try new things. It can also get better with time as you explore and learn new things on your partners body. I prefer a certain type/brand of condom because I like how it feels rather than other kinds. I had a guy tell me once he would rather me show him exactly what got me off instead of him thinking he was, it was great! I did the same as some guys prefer slow over fast, it's all about learning what someone needs and wants. I love when a guy tells me exactly what makes him explode all the way down to the little things like the color of lingerie.
myren1900's Avatar

You are right that we cannot know for sure how many clients a provider is seeing.
But it varies widely. I had a popular Thai AMP girl tell me she saw at least a dozen customers each day when she worked. Another Asian sexworker who has her own place prefers seeing 2 to 4 customers per day, a balance between earnings and being over worked.
She told me she loves sex, but not 30 times a week.

Others use sexwork to supplement income from a regular job. They tend to have limited availability, do no provide every day, and are what I consider low volume providers.

Others use sexwork to supplement income from a regular job. They tend to have limited availability and are what I consider low volume providers. Originally Posted by myren1900
Bro it was a serious question. I wasn't attacking you. I wanted to know where on the iasue you really were. Relax. I generally agree with most of what you say, just not how you say it sometimes. And "Fuck Toy" was was supposed to be smartass not degrading I took the time to make sure she with it before I posted it so I did show some respect as I always do.