Random Police Stop

ShysterJon's Avatar
many years ago I was a passenger in a front seat, the driver got pulled over, I believe for an expired inspection sticker.. Cop got the driver's info, then asked for my I.D... I wondered why, and asked "what for"?

"because I said so"! the Cop bellowed.. the driver asked me to fork it over and avoid trouble, so I did.. nothing to hide.. but did the Cop have a legal right to demand my I.D.? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
lovestwospooge's Avatar
The first part of my statement was only regarding random stops if you were on the street as in walking. If you read the rest of the comment. I did state that if you are driving a car no matter what you have to have your ID and show your ID if pulled over.
I'm friends with the district attorney of a very large and populated county in Texas. I queried him about a drivers obligations under the law in Texas. The driver must produce a drivers license and proof of insurance beyond that, nothing. He suggested that an appropriate response to questioning or field sobriety testing requested by the officer could be "Officer I'm uncertain about my rights in this circumstance and want to talk with my attorney prior to doing anything." Then "shut the fuck up" (the DA's words, not mine). If the officer is suspicious of something being amiss he may place you under arrest. Then you have legal fees. I posed the same question to a friend who practices criminal law. She agreed with the DA's recommendation and reminded me the driver is most likely being videotaped and officers typically are carrying a microphone. Her advice was to be very respectful and polite toy he officer. Juries hate smart asses. Keep your mouth shut. A passenger in a motor vehicle does not have to supply any I.D. or answer any questions.
Yes. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

Jon, this one confuses me. Are you saying LEO have the right to demand ID from passengers in cars?

I woulda figured they had the same rights as someone walking down the street minding their own business.

Of course, as someone else mentioned "you can beat the rap..."
lovestwospooge's Avatar
ShysterJon's Avatar
Jon, this one confuses me. Are you saying LEO have the right to demand ID from passengers in cars?

I woulda figured they had the same rights as someone walking down the street minding their own business.

Of course, as someone else mentioned "you can beat the rap..." Originally Posted by Bad_Mojo
My recollection is there's a Texas Court of Criminal Appeals case that says a passenger in a stopped motor vehicle has to produce ID upon the request of a cop. The rationale was the passenger was in a detained vehicle and is also required to show ID because, as a passenger, he was making use of the public streets.

Hire me and I'll look up the case. Haha.
pyramider's Avatar
Look at SJ, generating revenue ... Good deal!
ShysterJon's Avatar
Look at SJ, generating revenue ... Good deal! Originally Posted by pyramider
Yeah, right. Most Eccie guys are cheap motherfuckers. They want free legal advice and $25 BJs.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-13-2014, 02:17 PM
Yeah, right. Most Eccie guys are cheap motherfuckers. They want free legal advice and $25 BJs. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
25$ Bjs, Free Legal Service, and some beer.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
a passenger in a stopped motor vehicle has to produce ID upon the request of a cop. The rationale was the passenger was in a detained vehicle and is also required to show ID because, as a passenger, he was making use of the public streets.
Originally Posted by ShysterJon
I thought the "detained" part may have been the key.. because the driver produced I.D. and insurance immediately, I was not asked until the Cop had determined the inspection was out.. my feeling is I would not have been asked, had the driver been "clean" and not cited for any offense..
ShysterJon's Avatar
I thought the "detained" part may have been the key.. because the driver produced I.D. and insurance immediately, I was not asked until the Cop had determined the inspection was out.. my feeling is I would not have been asked, had the driver been "clean" and not cited for any offense.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That's very likely.
Not all of us are so cheap Lol
planojim's Avatar
Agreed! My Dad was a cop for 20yrs and he always said that 'Probable cause can always be manufactured'.

Trust me if a cop wants to pull anyone over he or she can think of a good reason. Originally Posted by Ravasher
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah, right. Most Eccie guys are cheap motherfuckers. They want free legal advice and $25 BJs. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

I did not make reference for how much revenue ... Even the ickytards would be bitching about $25 bjs. We can only hope some fucktard decides its a good idea to piss off a cop ... there is your potential revenue.