Honest and friendly provider

sexualdeviant69's Avatar
Not sure why you think this is BS? I thought it was a good coed post. Didn't think it would offend anyone.
The provider asked me not to mention her name.
On the other post you are referring to I have replied to those who sent me a PM. Originally Posted by enartloc
Great!! Please send via PM me the name of the provider that your a referring to in ML so I can have a heads up...
Reminds me of the time I returned a Ulyesses for being 10 minutes late to an appointment (for reasons outside of my control) while the guy waited in my hotel parking lot. He didn’t want to accept, but I was insistent and told him that his time was just as valuable as mine. He was stunned. He would have been a loyal regular if I hadn’t of left town. Didn’t stop him from continuing to try to book with me and trying to get me back there.

Sometimes a little integrity can go a long way.