Texas-Nebraska guess the score

Maybe after I've met you. I'll give if you give too.
burkalini's Avatar
Ok I will email you next week. It's time we got together
Omahan's Avatar
Nebraska 48 Kansas State 13. We are like a goddamn yo yo! How can we predict anything?
burkalini's Avatar
Hopefully this game is how we will play Texas
burkalini's Avatar
MMMMMMMMMM!!! Just looking foward to my BIG FREE bottle of Jack
The bottle of Jack that you'll be buying yourself? Whereas you should call the Winery and ask them to order my wine, they don't stock it.

MMMmmmm, I can taste it now. It slides down my throat so easily...so smooth.
burkalini's Avatar
ok had to say that last line huh
John Bull's Avatar
#1 Now and Forever.

John Bull's Avatar
Wish I lived closer, dear Lady. We'd have a little bet that would be beneficial to us both. LOL
LOL Well my dear Mr. Bull, I have made plans to be in Ohio at the beginning of Feb. I know its months away, but I have too many family obligations starting next month to be away that long.

So, what kinda bet are we talking here?
burkalini's Avatar
Ok John why don't you two get a room lol
Omahan's Avatar
#1 Now and Forever. Originally Posted by John Bull
What's a buck?
burkalini's Avatar
A buck is from Milwaukee. It has cheese on it's antlers. Some cows are from Texas. They have shit on their horns. A cornhusker is from Nebraska. Their tired of shitty cheese. lol Sorry Elena Did I tell you I love Jack Daniels

Darlin', that bottle of Jack will be sitting on the shelf until you go pay for it yourself because you will be losing the bet. As for me, I'll be thinking of you fondly as I'm having my wine with some fine Wisconsin cheese and crackers.


Now, where is Mr. Bull to explain this bet and what a Buck is?