Guest123018-4's Avatar
I thinck the G is silent as in Gnu.
TryWeakly's Avatar
SissyLips pants are saggin cause he puts 30-round clips in the pockets......LOL

Either that or midget spinners....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
took u dam 8 hrs for such a lame response... someone is definitely a bit slower in 2018....are you Bobby Boucher?

chicagoboy's Avatar
I thinck the G is silent as in Gnu. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Be Gneiss!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Gno. I had chit to do.

Butt, I thought I would drop in from time to time to help you with your view count since it's completely obvious that you need help.

Now go get my car, bish......and STFU .... heh...besos.
The police love it because they can run very fast....makes them easier to catch.

Doesn't matter what color they are
TryWeakly's Avatar
I thinck SissyLips is defending the practice on account that he likes to look at (or lick) other dude's asses.....

He sure had those pictures ready to post UITB, didn't he?
Meant to say "can't run fast". Sorry about that
Champagne Brown's Avatar
We're not in those conditions anymore to where folks were forced to sag their pants, it was the masters way saying they raped their "male" slave .. facepalm:

That is where saggin of the pants originated from, on the plantations..

Learn your history folks

I'm on deeper way of thinking, has nothing to do with judging..

Stay woke, lol

The jokes on y'all, that's also why I said y'all are a laughing stock for the ones that wear their pants like that. Now see why it spells what it spells backwards..

Pull up your pants!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
We're not in those conditions anymore to where folks were forced to sag their pants, it was the masters way saying they raped them.. facepalm:

That is where sagging of the pants originated from, on the plantations..

Learn your history folks

I'm on deeper way of thinking, has nothing to do with judging..

Stay woke, lol

The jokes on y'all, that's also why I said y'all are a laughing stock for the ones that wear their pants like that. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

All that may be true but just like use of the variation of the word negro it's been taken, re-purposed and used for something else..just like X-Mas...X-Mas was orginally celebrated by gay men in Europe and it evolved into a celebration of Jesus birth..So while orginal context is an historical fact related to cultural things....I don't think we should be overly judgemental about it. It's nothing but a modern day fashion statement in this context..I do appreciate you being woke though that is a good next step is to get active....Join BLM or ANTIFA
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I don't celebrate any pagan holiday, ask everyone on the board that told me Merry Christmas, I told them I don't celebrate.. New year's didn't celebrate that either, was in bed early... When does the new years actually start, anyone knows?

I wouldn't join any of those organizations either, not going to get into that..

I do have a question, isn't George Soros the founder/funds of black lives matter? hmm

I'm fine in my lil bubble here, I'm leader not a follower.. I checked out of the propaganda Society.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I don't celebrate any pagan holiday, ask everyone on the board that told me Merry Christmas, I told them I don't celebrate.. New year's didn't celebrate that either, was in bed early... When does the new years actually start, anyone knows?

I wouldn't join any of those organizations either, not going to get into that..

I do have a question, isn't George Soros the founder/funds of black lives matter? hmm

I'm fine in my lil bubble here, I'm leader not a follower.. I checked out of the propaganda Society. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

Ask yourself this question...Why does it matter that Soros is funding....what is the underlying objective? Is it a good one or bad one. Also ask yourself this question..Did All Lives Matter prior to Civil Rights legislation in the 60's?

and not to be funny but what are you leading? my point is you are black I don't care how you view yourself...and I don't care how educated or rich you're still vulnerable to the same mistreatment in the real world. Obama, Louis Gates, and all of the great black leaders deal with the same issues as well...Don't let some utopian idea of what life should be like get in the way of reality...and don't be like Bill Cosby going around the country giving Pound Cake speeches against blacks only to ask for our support when his ass got in trouble.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
He started blm to start a race war, and and not for the interests of black people... He don't give a damn for either side, unless your "Rich".. if you're not a millionaire or a billionaire, everyone is just a peasant to them(blacks, whites, Asian and so forth).. I think Dave Chappelle said it best..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Isn't George Soros the same person that had a bus, that had black lives matter and the alt right on the same bus? Mm kay

They got along on that bus ride, but in front of the camera a different story.. propaganda

United we stand divided we fall, once y'all know who the enemy is..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
He started blm to start a race war, and and not for the interests of black people... He don't give a damn for either side, unless your "Rich".. if you're not a millionaire or a billionaire, everyone is just a peasant to them.. I think Dave Chappelle said it best.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

You couldn't be more wrong..I don't get are you gonna claim "Woke" and yet miss the mark this badly...So Soros is starting a race war? Let me ask you in the wake of all the unjust police killings of unarmed black men you actually think this is Soros' fault? Let me ask you do you think Trayvon Martins execution was also part of Soros's plan?

I think you haven't really educated yourself on BLM and other causes. No way you should be talking like's discouraging to see coming from a Black woman no the message is just sit back and do nothing right? Let them have their way with us? I have no idea what you're really advocating.

I listen to the Young Turks (from Turkey) even other races understand the movement.