The walls are closing in on Hillary, Obama, DNC, Deep State

TechPapi's Avatar
I disagree. You think this just recently happened? I say let him go until they cart him away for further study.

It's unlikely he's seeking anything out at this point. His phone "alerts" every 5-10 seconds with some bullshit that he immediately reposts here.
Precious_b's Avatar
She spied, she lied, she’ll be tried. As a traitor. Originally Posted by bambino
#HeWhoMustBeNamed spied: made it possible to hack his personal devices going to Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea.
OH, you blasted your foot off with the lies.
And why do you think he didn't want transcripts for interpreters when he met putty and rocket man?
Seeing that there is already sedition based charge for 1/6 are on the books, if you can just sit on your hands while trump appointed judges do their work....
Lucas McCain's Avatar

70 posts in one day.....just on this website alone.

The internet is consuming you. Save yourself before it is too late. If not for you, at least for your family's sake. Don't just throw away a 35 year marriage. You are spending all your time trying to locate websites that publish fake material. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Dude, do you really think that guy is married? He calls everyone a fraud for a reason. He just likes to project.

I didn't need my bullshit easy "A" psychology elective class in undergrad to know that. What wife do you think would ever let her husband spend every waking minute of his day doing his illogical shit 7 days a week?
  • Tiny
  • 02-12-2022, 10:18 PM
Dude, do you really think that guy is married? He calls everyone a fraud for a reason. He just likes to project.

I didn't need my bullshit easy "A" psychology elective class in undergrad to know that. What wife do you think would ever let her husband spend every waking minute of his day doing his illogical shit 7 days a week? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well, Marjorie Taylor Greene for one. Not only would she enjoy Bambino's spin on popular conspiracy theories, she was so busy screwing every guy in her gym, including her polyamorous tantric sex guru, that she'd never notice what hubby's doing in his spare time.

So could Bambino actually be Perry Greene in real life? Highly doubtful. He's from Pennsylvania and Perry lives in Georgia. But yes there are many women who would approve of Bambino's hobby.
Well, Marjorie Taylor Greene for one. Not only would she enjoy Bambino's spin on popular conspiracy theories, she was so busy screwing every guy in her gym, including her polyamorous tantric sex guru, that she'd never notice what hubby's doing in his spare time.

So could Bambino actually be Perry Greene in real life? Highly doubtful. He's from Pennsylvania and Perry lives in Georgia. But yes there are many women who would approve of Bambino's hobby. Originally Posted by Tiny

I'd say that most wives that fall into this category are either:
1. Too unattractive to get laid at all so it's zero loss
2. He's got a lot of money and is too consumed to notice somebody else is getting the pussy...and spending his money.

I'll keep my guess to myself.
matchingmole's Avatar
Bambino after a new post from Donnie shows up on news feed..............
... Hee Hee! ... You Biden lads surely continue to
make us laugh... Your bloke there is destroying America
and NOBODY fancys him or his presidency.

His poll numbers are in the shithouse and he's ridiculed at
sporting events and concerts all across the country!
"Let's Go Brandon!" ...

No bleedin' wonder you gotta piss on Trump in every thread.
Ya can't prop up Biden... Or can you? ...

Like Bambino sayes:
It's "Trump WINNING - and Biden LOSING!"

#### Salty
Yeah, poll numbers suck.

Joe Biden's approval ratings are worse than every recent president -- except 1 -- at this stage

Can anyone help me figure out who was worse??
matchingmole's Avatar
Yeah, poll numbers suck.

Joe Biden's approval ratings are worse than every recent president -- except 1 -- at this stage

Can anyone help me figure out who was worse?? Originally Posted by 69in2it69
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
LexusLover's Avatar
When was it Clinton was in office? Originally Posted by Precious_b
Which one? If you inquire about HillariousNoMore:

In 2000, Clinton was elected as the first female senator from New York and became the first First lady to simultaneously hold elected office, and then the first former First lady to serve in the Senate. She was re-elected in 2006 and chaired the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee from 2003 to 2007. During her Senate tenure, Clinton advocated for medical benefits for first responders whose health was damaged in the September 11 attacks.[1] She supported the resolution authorizing the Iraq War in 2002 but opposed the surge of U.S. troops in 2007.
Of course during Obaminable's years of White House Occupation she was his "Secretary of State" ... you do remember Benghazi (Libya) ... during which she facilitated the killing of her "friend" the U.S. Ambassador to Libya ... don't you? Her "friends" die early.

The Clintons made good money off the Russians. Particularly Bill who got paid well for speeches ... and her campaign paid good money for a fake "report" on Trump .. including the false claim some hooker pissed on Trump. Given the recent truth disclosures about those two ... "Trash" is a good description.
LexusLover's Avatar
I see that MM finally found a job for which Bitten is "qualified"!

Unfortunately, the symbolism of the contents of the can is fake.

MM enjoys being in the 30%. Speaking of "the walls closing in" .... the Demented POTUS (Pile Of Terribly Ugly Shit) no longer has the truckers support to end the empty shelves caused by the DumboCrats Pro-China domestic political agenda.

The Hill
DHS warns police of US trucker protests around Super Bowl, State of Union
"Police"? What "Police"? The DEFUNDED ones? The DHS needs to stay focused on PTA Moms who attend PUBLIC school meetings to protest about the non-academic propaganda being regurgitated by the "Department of Education" and the MANDATORY mask wearing by the students. Those are "priorities"! The "civil unrest" created by the CommunistSocialistLiberals needs immediate attention.

The negative voter response is going to be tough to defeat with only 10-15 million illegal aliens voting with fake ballots.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

Well... I do not believe Michael Sussmann shares your in-considered opinion, given that he appears to be the hub in the Hildabest spinning wheel. In one, single, defendant the prosecution will have potential witnesses direct from the Hildabreath campaign, related law firms as well as a cadre of others - such as a Tech CEO and University president.

Given that viral outbreaks of Arkancide tend to run rampant whenever Hildabarf is involved, Michael Sussmann's best vaccine may well be to sing like an opera singer and slowly slip away under the witness protection program.
bambino's Avatar
Well... I do not believe Michael Sussmann shares your in-considered opinion, given that he appears to be the hub in the Hildabest spinning wheel. In one, single, defendant the prosecution will have potential witnesses direct from the Hildabreath campaign, related law firms as well as a cadre of others - such as a Tech CEO and University president.

Given that viral outbreaks of Arkancide tend to run rampant whenever Hildabarf is involved, Michael Sussmann's best vaccine may well be to sing like an opera singer and slowly slip away under the witness protection program. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Suicide weekend coming soon. Odummer should sneak back to Kenya. If they’ll take him.
bambino's Avatar

Imma add on to this tweet. As it caught my eye coming from Grenell.

“This is a crisis.”

A crisis, you say? Kind of like a Constitutional Crisis? Which would be required for the military to act?

Couple that tweet with learning today that Ratcliffe has handed thousands of intel documents to Durham.

I can’t say it enough, and I’ve stayed on this hill since day one as an Anon in this movement; Military is the only way and everyday we are inching closer and closer to the curtain pull.

Hang in there, Patriots. Keep pushing. Keep fighting.

If this were boxing, we “have them on the ropes”. This is no time to let off the gas. Push. Push. Push.



(h/t @KarliQ for the tweet)