shared with me by a friend that is a licensed massage person.
Yes, instead of targeting the extremely obvious unlicensed fakes running “foot spas” and “Asian massage” and “feather touch” offerings cloaking prostitution and checking them for proper licensing, insurance, and criminal histories, let’s treat all law-abiding legitimate professional massage therapists and employers as criminals and demand they now not only display photos but provide their fingerprints!
All under the very dubious guise of “preventing human trafficking”.
But like all poorly-thought-out “do something!” laws, the costs and penalties target and affect only the lawful, who of course must comply or lose the profession they have devoted their lives and health to, and criminals will continue to flout existing background check, photo and licensing laws and this new fingerprint law alike.
Criminalizing the law-abiding never helps the victims, TDLR. Shame on you.
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
“Effective September 1, 2019, all massage therapist and establishment owner applicants (including renewals) must have successfully passed a criminal history background check to be eligible for licensing.
All applicants (including establishment owners) must submit fingerprints for national criminal history record review. The applicant will pay all fees associated with the review to the fingerprinting vendor used by the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Once TDLR receives your completed application, we will email you with instructions on how to schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted. Please be sure that your email address is current and legible so that we can send you the fingerprinting information.”