Obama sat on his hands and let them be killed.

LexusLover's Avatar
Didn't we learn our lesson? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Apparently not ..... here is the consequence of "domestic intelligence":

At least you are honest enough to admit ...

... there was "foreign intelligence" supporting the existence of WMDs.

I'm not sure how one "lies" when relying on "intelligence," but you are still ...

.... "under construction" ... so it is understandable you would say that.

Of course, WTF always claims "Bush lied"! His name fits as well .... "WTF"?
When bin Laden was killed it was revealed that the SEALs practiced on a full scale model of the OBL compound in North Carolina THREE MONTHS prior to the actual raid. Even then the operation lost one helicopter.

So given the decision process to vet the information they likely had the information 5 months before the actual go decision. Even then there was reported balkers.

No sense of urgency from this President, there's golf and selfies to be had. Anybody else notice the drop off in fund raisers he's participating in?
LexusLover's Avatar
When bin Laden was killed it was revealed that the SEALs practiced on a full scale model of the OBL compound in North Carolina THREE MONTHS prior to the actual raid. Even then the operation lost one helicopter.

So given the decision process to vet the information they likely had the information 5 months before the actual go decision. Even then there was reported balkers. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The information came from foreign sources. In fact one of them is in a foreign prison.
When bin Laden was killed it was revealed that the SEALs practiced on a full scale model of the OBL compound in North Carolina THREE MONTHS prior to the actual raid. Even then the operation lost one helicopter.

So given the decision process to vet the information they likely had the information 5 months before the actual go decision. Even then there was reported balkers.

No sense of urgency from this President, there's golf and selfies to be had. Anybody else notice the drop off in fund raisers he's participating in? Originally Posted by gnadfly
The information came from foreign sources. In fact one of them is in a foreign prison. Originally Posted by LexusLover

You two clowns watch too many Sylvester Stallion movies
Apparently not ..... here is the consequence of "domestic intelligence":

At least you are honest enough to admit ...

... there was "foreign intelligence" supporting the existence of WMDs.

I'm not sure how one "lies" when relying on "intelligence," but you are still ...

.... "under construction" ... so it is understandable you would say that.

Of course, WTF always claims "Bush lied"! His name fits as well .... "WTF"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
And I'm guessing you saw it coming? You're not sure how one lies when relying on intelligence? Again you're a victim of your own inability to reason. The intelligence is wrong therefore you lied.
And I'm guessing you saw it coming? You're not sure how one lies when relying on intelligence? Again you're a victim of your own inability to reason. The intelligence is wrong therefore you lied. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Whenever LLIdiot is losing his conspiracy theory argument, he posts the same picture of the Twin Towers. He has previously done it dozens, if not hundreds of times.

If I am not mistaken, he has previously posted the same picture trying to justify The Shrub's ill fated and ill advised Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq. As if one has something to do with the other!

I would not be surprised if one day soon he tries to link 9/11/2001 to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Or the Germans sinking of the Lusitania. Perhaps one day he will even offer up Fort Sumter! The sky's the limit with this Conspiracy Idiot!

It appears LL is trying desperately to somehow connect some dots. Any dots! He doesn't care when, where or how. Just so he connects a dot!

In reality, it is just another childish version of LLIdiot's delusional Conspiracy Theories!
LexusLover's Avatar
If I am not mistaken, he has previously posted the same picture trying to justify The Shrub's ill fated and ill advised Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq. Originally Posted by bigtex
According to WTF ... you are a liar. Because you are "mistaken"!

And if you don't believe him, he wants you to ask a Junior High School Student.
According to WTF ... you are a liar. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who died in the Nursing Home and appointed you to be the messenger for WTF?

I'm feel quite certain that if WTF has something he wants to tell me, you will not be the messenger.
And I'm guessing you saw it coming? ..... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You know who saw it coming? SOS John Kerry. He's on record several times that a Senate Committee found prior to 9/11 there was a vulnerability of hijackers using a hijacked plane as a weapon.

You know Kerry also voted for the Iraqi war based on "best intelligence?"

Yes, Senator, SOS and Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry.

You wanna get me started about Hillary Clinton?
You know who saw it coming? SOS John Kerry. He's on record several times that a Senate Committee found prior to 9/11 there was a vulnerability of hijackers using a hijacked plane as a weapon.

You know Kerry also voted for the Iraqi war based on "best intelligence?"

Yes, Senator, SOS and Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry.

You wanna get me started about Hillary Clinton? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Apparently LLIdiot has once again called upon his loyal and trusted Turdfly to help bail him of a jam.

Buzz - Buzz - Buzz!
You know who saw it coming? SOS John Kerry. He's on record several times that a Senate Committee found prior to 9/11 there was a vulnerability of hijackers using a hijacked plane as a weapon.

You know Kerry also voted for the Iraqi war based on "best intelligence?"

Yes, Senator, SOS and Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry.

You wanna get me started about Hillary Clinton? Originally Posted by gnadfly
So what? I don't suck at the almighty Democrat teat like you do with the Republicans. Democrats have the ability to be idiots too.
You know who saw it coming? SOS John Kerry. He's on record several times that a Senate Committee found prior to 9/11 there was a vulnerability of hijackers using a hijacked plane as a weapon.

You know Kerry also voted for the Iraqi war based on "best intelligence?"

Yes, Senator, SOS and Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry.

You wanna get me started about Hillary Clinton? Originally Posted by gnadfly
You whining about democrats or republicans that voted for a war based on false intelligence is lame. Fuck at that time if you didn't have a flag in your lapel you were unAmerican.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Disingenuous. It's not against the same enemy. I guess you have to twist it around though until it suits your position.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Apparently LLIdiot has once again called upon his loyal and trusted Turdfly to help bail him of a jam.

Buzz - Buzz - Buzz! Originally Posted by bigtex

What he said about John Kerry is true. Why don't you admit what we can all look up? There are others who also voted for the war before they voted against it.