GOP meltdown

... STILL not seeing the Republican "meltdown".

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
... STILL not seeing the Republican "meltdown".

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The fact that the republicans scuttled their own border bill at the request of the big cheato is a perfect example of the GOP meltdown.
... The border bill was from the Dems - and it STINKS.
Which is why it was scuttled. ... The wise and proper thing to do.

... Still not seeing the GOP "meltdown"...

### Salty
The senate bill was bipartisan and had been worked on for months. Once again, you are poorly informed.

The GOP dog caught the car. Again.

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

-beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
-a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
-hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
-huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
-reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).

House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Is the Senate Becoming the House?
The failure of border legislation exposed serious fault lines among Senate Republicans that rivaled the G.O.P. discord across the Rotunda.

After spending months demanding that Democrats agree to tough border security provisions as a condition for providing more assistance to Ukraine, Senate Republicans immediately tanked the resulting bipartisan legislative proposal. Republican opponents distorted major elements of the plan even though it was drafted by one of their own, the very conservative and popular Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma.

... The border bill was from the Dems - and it STINKS.
Which is why it was scuttled. ... The wise and proper thing to do.

... Still not seeing the GOP "meltdown"...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The senate bill was bipartisan and had been worked on for months. Once again, you are poorly informed.

The GOP dog caught the car. Again.

Welp, the dog caught the car again. After months — decades? — of running on tightening the border, House Republicans are suddenly paralyzed when offered the chance to do so.

A hard-won, bipartisan Senate deal dropped Sunday evening, with tons of items on conservatives’ border-policy bucket list, including many that former president Donald Trump had begged for. These include:

-beefing up border security as a condition for giving any more aid to Ukraine (check!)
-a tougher and faster asylum-processing system so that those who don’t meet asylum criteria cannot stay and work for years while their cases crawl through the courts (check!)
-hiring more personnel for Customs and Border Protection as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (1,500 and 1,200, respectively — so, check, check!)
-huge investments in fentanyl detection technologies and other anti-trafficking enforcement (check!)
-reviving something like Title 42 restrictions, wherein the president can “shut down” most of the asylum system (though this version doesn’t require a public health pretext and has more severe consequences for border-crossers — so, check-plus, perhaps).

House Republicans should have been pinching themselves in disbelief. Yet within hours of this 370-page bill dropping, House GOP leaders ruled out letting their chamber vote on any of it.

Is the Senate Becoming the House?
The failure of border legislation exposed serious fault lines among Senate Republicans that rivaled the G.O.P. discord across the Rotunda.

After spending months demanding that Democrats agree to tough border security provisions as a condition for providing more assistance to Ukraine, Senate Republicans immediately tanked the resulting bipartisan legislative proposal. Republican opponents distorted major elements of the plan even though it was drafted by one of their own, the very conservative and popular Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Trump spoke and the Trumpettes bowed down in obedience without thinking about what was best for the country.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... The border bill was from the Dems - and it STINKS.
Which is why it was scuttled. ... The wise and proper thing to do.

... Still not seeing the GOP "meltdown"...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Wrong again.
... Fact is - most Republicans aint seeing it the same way
you lads do. ... So I'm not seeing the GOP "meltdown"
because you lads didn't get yer way.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Maybe the meltdown is only happening when you look at all the failures. If you keep looking away, it's possible to miss it.

How did that impeachment of Mayorkas go?

Republican Impeachment of Mayorkas Fails Amid G.O.P. Defections
In a stunning defeat, the House rejected impeachment charges against the homeland security secretary, as rank-and-file lawmakers balked at what they considered a misuse of the process.

Ahh all the winning...

It's like a double scoop of ice cream for the GOP.


Melting down the arms of each and every one of them staining their blue suits and red ties.

Can anybody remember the last time the Republicans did something that actually worked?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, the MAGAs are partying because the Republican special counsel said Biden had issues with his memory - which of course, he was qualified to do based on his extensive medical background. NOT.

Why aren't dancing in the streets because of the other part of that report? The part that found no evidence of wrongdoing.

"Oh the places the investigations will go..."

Well guess what! Biden was completely exonerated by the special counsel. Not that there was any basis for charges to begin with.


Jacuzzme's Avatar
You guys don’t seem realize that everyone sees right through the “Border Bill” charade. Biden scraps Trump’s border policy on day one and encourages millions of indigents to pour into the country. Now, realizing what a political loser his policies are, comes up with a pathetic piece of legislation that allows millions more and tries to blame the other side for not “correcting” the mess he himself made.

Sorry, it’s not fooling anyone. Trump’s policy works, Biden’s doesn’t (by design). Some bullshit, unnecessary legislation designed only to deflect blame and does nothing to stop millions of foreigners coming in isn’t going to help. If Trump could slow immigration to a trickle with existing laws so could Biden, and everyone knows it. Biden owns this mess.

Biden - Whomever is is actually making decisions for the United States. Obviously, not the shell of a person currently residing in the White House. Clearly that person is far too impaired to make actual decisions.
eyecu2's Avatar
You guys don’t seem realize that everyone sees right through the “Border Bill” charade. Biden scraps Trump’s border policy on day one and encourages millions of indigents to pour into the country. Now, realizing what a political loser his policies are, comes up with a pathetic piece of legislation that allows millions more and tries to blame the other side for not “correcting” the mess he himself made.

Sorry, it’s not fooling anyone. Trump’s policy works, Biden’s doesn’t (by design). Some bullshit, unnecessary legislation designed only to deflect blame and does nothing to stop millions of foreigners coming in isn’t going to help. If Trump could slow immigration to a trickle with existing laws so could Biden, and everyone knows it. Biden owns this mess.

Biden - Whomever is is actually making decisions for the United States. Obviously, not the shell of a person currently residing in the White House. Clearly that person is far too impaired to make actual decisions. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
We can agree on a few things. I wish someone other than sleepy Joe was in office. He's done a poor job on a few things including the border. He's not the EO type of leader vs. telling Congress to do it's job; (and if we're being honest, the GOP has shit the bed in the house.). But there are some good wins in the past 3.2 yrs too. He passed a lot of bills which I won't list, but are easily seen by googling. Inflation is leveled off and getting better monthly.

Both Biden and Trump have made political enemies of the opposing party, but I am gonna give the win to Trump and FOX for that area. We don't need any more division today.

I'd really rather 2 other ppl were running. Maybe the gods of arterial sclerosis could shine down and take both away and in one swoop. What's fucked up is the political system and this as being the choices that Americans have!

It's a fucking shit show overall.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump loves the uneducated.

The uneducated GOP in Congress loves him back. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

yet another false claim about MAGA ..

this post didn't age well did it?

Nearly all members of the 118th Congress have a bachelor’s degree – and most have a graduate degree, too

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Smart and educated are two vastly different things.
eyecu2's Avatar
Little Donny Shitbag continues to deteriorate before our very eyes.

Trump gave another completely incoherent speech on Friday, and it was wall-to-wall batshit fucknuttery.

but this was the crowning monent of peak what-the-fuck:

“we have to— we have to win in November, or we’re not going to have Pennsylvania. they’ll change the name. they’re gonna change the name of Pennsylvania.”

it was at that point that the squirrels inside Donny’s head started arguing with each other.

what? what did he say? change the name of what? did you tell him to say that? I didn’t tell him to say that.

but yes please, media, tell us again how it’s Joe Biden who’s too befuddled to be president.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Someone who’d vote for Biden accusing his opposition of incoherence is as ironic as it gets.