Trump admits he’s actively blocking funds to the USPS to thwart mail in voting. — blames Democrats of course

  • oeb11
  • 08-14-2020, 12:49 PM
DPST's are cosntructing systems of mass mailings to everybody on a voter registration list - with no controls - and many of those "ballots" will be voted for dead, incapacitated, or homeless people to alter real election results.

DPST's are long expert at ballot fraud - Chicago, JFK election, LBJ in texas, and th list goes on and on and on. Brenda snipes in palm Beach, and her successor - both committed voter fraud.

Are the republicans hands totally clean - no - but they are not the ones trying to set up ballots amenable to voter fraud - while holding the control of voting ini those areas.

Thank You - faux hefner.
LexusLover's Avatar

Trump said of DeJoy, claiming the Post Office was previously 'run poorly for many, many decades.' Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Quit whining. He's merely DEFUNDING an otherwise waste of money.
smokedog01's Avatar
Oeb you little scamp

You said the judge is an activist democratic judge. He is not. He was nominated/appointed by Trump. I knew that you would duck that fact.

Pennsylvania has basically loosened the requirements for voting by mail. Anyone legally registered to vote can now do it without having to give any reason other than they want to. Republicans got scared and sued to stop it using the tired "massive voter fraud" trope that has been debunked by every media source other than the 3 you pay attention to. The judge said, "okay if you want us to tighten the restrictions because of voter fraud then show us any evidence whatsoever to back your claims and put it on the record". Why are you against that very basic request of proof? This is your time to shine. Prove to the country that massive voter fraud is a legit problem and put in on the record under the penalty of perjury. Why would they possibly balk at that request? Hmm...
Large scale mail in voting in November will be a disaster for this country. It will make Katrina look like a spring shower.
smokedog01's Avatar
Large scale mail in voting in November will be a disaster for this country. It will make Katrina look like a spring shower. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Based on what?
pleasurem's Avatar
Dems don’t care... they don’t care if it’s illegitimate or not!

They think Obama was a good President... he wasn’t!!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Large scale mail in voting in November will be a disaster for this country. It will make Katrina look like a spring shower. Originally Posted by gnadfly
When did that ever happen in the USEh, eh?

The continued hysteria on this site is pretty damned comical, if you’d ask me.

Didn’t Trump and his hoe apply to vote by mail?
Budman's Avatar
Absentee voting and wide scale mail in voting are different. Absentee voters need to request a ballot and in many cases provide ID. What the libs want to do is mail out ballots to anyone that has ever been registered to vote. In many cases the people have moved or are dead. Acting like this isn't a voting fraud scenario waiting to happen is bullshit. If all these motherfuckers can go stand in line at the grocery store or home depot then they sure as hell can stand in line to vote. You cocksuckers that are pushing for this know damn well it's the only way biden has a chance to win. If Trump is holding up funds from the post office to block mail in votes then good for him. I hope all you fucking libs have a miserable 4 more years of Trump.

YssupRider / Hoehummer, I thought you had finally gone to join your boyfriend in hell. You are a POS and always have been. If you are actually a Canadian then STFU and mind your own fucking business.
Grace Preston's Avatar

Guess which party wants him on the ballot REALLY bad.....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Guess which party wants him on the ballot REALLY bad..... Originally Posted by Grace Preston

maybe the Lincoln Project will run ad's for him?

this clown is no threat to Trump or Biden

  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 08:28 AM
Kanye is desperate for Attention. Guess Kim shut him off.

he would do far better as DPST support for faux black Harris. And on the DPST ballot for 'Clown"!

Faux hefner - that is a Liberal activist Judge - regardless of appointer.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Kanye is desperate for Attention. Guess Kim shut him off. Originally Posted by oeb11
its the other way around. It was Kanye shut Kim off. they've been separated for a year.

Its just a PR thing he's doing.
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 02:01 PM
Kanye found out that playing in the snow of rich, spoiled , famous girl and her entitlement - is not what it appeared looking from the outside. !!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Noam Chomsky about 2020: "Election tampering is a huge industry"

Although Noam Chomsky has often been highly critical of former Vice President Joe Biden and other centrist Democrats, the 91-year-old author is encouraging progressives to vote for him in this year's presidential election — and to keep a close eye on Biden if he wins. But he's also warning that President Donald Trump is still "quite capable" of an "October surprise."

In an interview with writer C.J. Polychroniou for Truthout, Chomsky stressed that despite all the polls showing Biden ahead, a Biden victory is "anything but a sure thing."

"Well, if you'd asked me 10 years ago whether someone like Bernie Sanders could be the most popular political figure in the country, I would've said you're out of your mind," Chomsky told Giridharadas. "But it, in fact, happened in 2016, and it's continued to create a significant movement. There are real possibilities. I think if you take a look at the United States in the 1920s, and you asked, 'Could there ever be a labor movement?' you would've sounded crazy. How could there be? It had been crushed. But it changed. Human life is not predictable."

  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 02:50 PM
For once - chomsky is correct - he just has the wrong Party to give credit to - as usual.

Thank You - clueless marxist.