Do you think Colonel Peters is correct?

LexusLover's Avatar
The Christian right is a far greater threat to individual freedom in this country than any of those groups named. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF is already "hedging" for when the ISIS "agents" appear at his residence to cut off his head.

Have you ever met someone who is a "Christian right"? Be honest.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2015, 09:02 AM
WTF is already "hedging" for when the ISIS "agents" appear at his residence to cut off his head.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you out of your fucking mind? That was a rhetorical question in case you were so inclined to answer...

Have you ever met someone who is a "Christian right"? Be honest. Originally Posted by LexusLover
gfejunkie's Avatar
The Christian right is a far greater threat to individual freedom in this country than any of those groups named.

Those mutherfuckers will have us sipping Tea with no alcohol in site. They are the
ISIS, the Taliban, Al Qaeda of this country. Far right wing radical group that in their peaceful way (I'll give that to'em) want to take our choice of individual rights away.

How 'bout you STFU Mr. gfejunkie....the Christian right gets done with you and the only pussy you'll be buying is from the SPCA.

We leave the Middle East and concentrate on our own oil and we won't have to worry about ISIS, the Taliban, Al Qaeda. Not that I spend a second worrying about them as it is. That is just a ploy to gladly hand over more money to the Defense Industry. Seems to be working. Vietnam, Russia, it's terrorism we are supposed to be shitting bricks over. Originally Posted by WTF
See? I told ya.

When was the last time Christians flew planes into buildings?

When was the last time the Tea Party shot up a newspaper?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-11-2015, 09:08 AM
Peters is a very dangerous man. Comfortable in his retirement knowing that he would not have to live with the results of his stupidity should anyone listen to him. This is not WW-II revisited.

Read Che again. Learn something.

That being said, yes, we do need some serious changes to our approach, but mass killing of civilians isn't it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Opening Post by JDIdiot
Post #2 by LLIdiot
Post #3 by TrendingIdiot
Post #4 by LLIdiot

It didn't take long for this thread to turn into a Clusterfuck! Originally Posted by bigtex
I disagree, BT. Ths thread didn't turn into a clusterfuck.

JDIdiot "glibly" wrote it to be a clusterfuck. The immediate chorus of howler monkeys ensured it would never be anything BUT a clusterfuck.

The "poll" should have had two options-- yes and no. But JDIdiot presented answers to his "question" in a way that could only spin the answers his way.

Looks to me like somebody needs to stop eating his Froot Loops in front of Sunday morning Faux News programming and spend a little more time exercising his brain.

Great job, JDIdiot. I hope you get the answers you're looking for.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Have you ever met someone who is a "Christian right"? Be honest. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who here hasn't???

Are you: naive, living in a bunker since 1990 or just plain stupid. Pick one, LLIdiot!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-11-2015, 09:25 AM
See? I told ya.

When was the last time Christians flew planes into buildings?

When was the last time the Tea Party shot up a newspaper?

Idiot! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
When was the last time you comprehended the written word?

The Christian right has a way better chance of denying you store bought pussy than ISIS, the Taliban, Al Qaeda has of laying a finger on you.

Were it not for their oil and our presence in that region, you wouldn't hear a peep from those fuckers.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Radical Islam has a way better chance of being able to deny people the ability to breathe.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe I should have added a choice, "Right wing christianity is just as bad as Islam, attack them both." I would have gotten a couple of takers.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Naa. Just keeping it to the beheaders was the correct choice.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Only fox and judy like a man named Peters. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I bet your mouth is watering just thinking about it. [now watch him change a word and repost]
I don't think Peters is right, or at least it's not his idea. These people tell us point blank, with no speculation, our only choices are to convert, be killed, or kill them first.

I don't think how we kill them is that important, as long as they are all dead.
rioseco's Avatar
Peters is a very dangerous man. Comfortable in his retirement knowing that he would not have to live with the results of his stupidity should anyone listen to him. This is not WW-II revisited.

Read Che again. Learn something.

That being said, yes, we do need some serious changes to our approach, but mass killing of civilians isn't it. Originally Posted by Old-T
Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters is not so dangerous.
If he had any real power, he could pose a threat to terrorist, but we can't have that can we ?
I say playing by the "rules" has not worked well for the western world. It is time to meet all these groups on their own terms. If you do not strike true terror into their hearts and minds nothing will change. Do it now, quickly and without fail. No apoligies either. We have had six years of that tactic and look where we are today.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When are you enlisting, rio?
LexusLover's Avatar
When are you enlisting, rio? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Someone needs to stay here at home to keep you safe.