I've been informed that the mods will replace the stickied threads in the legal forum, but that I would need to find them. :-/
Thanks to all for your kind comments. :-)
Originally Posted by ShysterJon
When I get some time, I’ll pitch in and see if I can find some of them.
Originally Posted by B Three
Here's a start. These are all the threads I can find that ShysterJon started and that contain good information of lasting value. This is the tip of the iceberg by the way. The majority of Jon's contributions have come in response to questions by other members. There are several instances where Jon's thoughts were considered so highly by others that they re-posted them in other threads, so that, for example, wisdom imparted in the Dallas CoEd forum was spread to San Antonio, Houston, etc.
LE Arrests Hundreds in Houston & Waco Stings -- Learn Lessons
Security Reminders from the Perpetual Nag, ShysterJon
Did you know Texas law allows providers immunity if they give evidence against a hobbyist?
Questions regarding security
The woman jogger who was roughed up by the cops in Austin: An example of how NOT to interact with the police
I've been stopped by a cop. What do I do now? STFU!
Disclaimers in Provider Ads -- Do They Negate Criminal Liability?
Can a review be used as evidence in a prostitution case?