Is it possible to sleep through immense pain?

Owww Poor Lauren!
I had that happen a few times and its horrible, sweating in a ball on the floor,screaming into a pillow-- 2 x was enough for me. I got off birth control pills and never had it happen again sooo worth it. Condoms for me thank you.

Now I worry about kidney stones, had that last winter, lost 15 lbs from all the water I drank, not my ideal weight loss plan though, that was prolonged pain ,took about 3 weeks to pass through my system. I know some of you gents can relate to that pain.

Sleep through pain, never. I cant sleep through a pin dropping either.
I will let ya'll know tomorrow.

My gall stones are acting up like never before.

It is gall stones vs. Ambien.

No matter who wins tonite , they will be gone before the weekend is over! Originally Posted by WTF
Gall Stones, hmm. I wonder how many providers that will read this will agree to give you BBBJ. Just saying.
Black Sedan's Avatar
It has decreased in frequency. I don't care much for using any hormonal medications. To be honest I like having a 40 day cycle, and I don't mind suffering through the pain a couple of times a year. I prefer not to fudge with my body's chemicals. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

FWIW, my former wife had this trouble with cysts often in her twenties, and it had just stopped bothering about the time we got together, and she didn't ever have it reoccur in her thirties or beyond. Hope you can look forward to it going away with age.
kendra kayy's Avatar
I will let ya'll know tomorrow.

My gall stones are acting up like never before.

It is gall stones vs. Ambien.

No matter who wins tonite , they will be gone before the weekend is over! Originally Posted by WTF

UGH!! Gall Stones are the worst!! I some how put up with that agonizing pain for 6 months before going to the doctor.. and had surgery within 2 days! He was kind enough to take pics of my GB after it was removed and let me tell ya-- it was freaky looking! He said (and it showed in the pics) my Gb was jam packed with stones. And he was amazed how long I delt with the pain.
I too have been the lucky recipiant of ovarian cysts and when they burst it is excruciating pain. I think sometimes I'v been so exhausted from the pain I just fell asleep! I hate taking pain meds but at times def needed. Really, my recent surgery (breast implants) made me understand the need for those pain meds! I figured since I endured a c-section and Gb removal, I would fly right through this procedure..BUT it kicked my butt! Wow, I literally slept the whole entire 1st week post op.. with of course the help of my hydro's!
So yes, I do believe our bodies can continue to stay in sleep mode during extreme physical pain. And at other times the pain is too much and our brain signals us to wake up and get some relief!
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  • WTF
  • 04-15-2011, 07:23 AM
Gall Stones, hmm. I wonder how many providers that will read this will agree to give you BBBJ. Just saying. Originally Posted by acp5762
I've never have a beauty try and suc out my gall bladder. Sounds better than surgey though.

UGH!! Gall Stones are the worst!! I some how put up with that agonizing pain for 6 months before going to the doctor.. and had surgery within 2 days! He was kind enough to take pics of my GB after it was removed and let me tell ya-- it was freaky looking! He said (and it showed in the pics) my Gb was jam packed with stones. And he was amazed how long I delt with the pain.
! Originally Posted by kendra kayy
How have you felt without your gall bladder? Any problems?

I have to have the surgey, I have been putting it off for over a year. I hate hospitials though.

Maybe I can talk Rudyard to put himself in my into my stones!
I will let ya'll know tomorrow.

My gall stones are acting up like never before.

It is gall stones vs. Ambien.

No matter who wins tonite , they will be gone before the weekend is over! Originally Posted by WTF

Oooooooooh big big big big big hug, Sexy Man!!!! so sorrry to hear that! Don`t you have some hardcore painkillers? Ambien does not take away the pain.

Ouch! That sounds very painful. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, even if it is becoming less frequent. You might want to read around Polycystic sounds as though it could be a candidate for your symptons...esp as it relates to your age. PO needs monitoring as it can lead to diabetes. Of course, I'm not a doctor, but what you are dealing with sounds very similiar to something a close friends of mine has.
Best of luck and feel better soon!!

C xxxx
@Camille--Nice new avatar. I can speak only for me, but I'm sure all the guys appreciate it.
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  • WTF
  • 04-15-2011, 08:00 AM
@Camille--Nice new avatar. I can speak only for me, but I'm sure all the guys appreciate it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Camille, Just say thank you charles
Hahaha...thank you Charles


Btw, my favorite ever avatar on here is Nina's current one. I LOVE it!

C xxx
whitechocolate's Avatar
Lauren, I am still curious as to what your gyn feels is going on as there are different types of ovarian cysts with and without the addition of endometriosis.
Sorry Lauren about that. Someone suggested going off the pill. I only took it for about two years. It was a nightmare for me. I can’t imagine just being relegated to just waiting for extreme pain like that.

I’ve had a headache so bad that I woke up dreaming about looking for aspirins. I will also wake up a bit and roll over if I have a cramp from laying in the same position for too long.