... Some o' you liberal lads surely seem AFRAID ![Fear](images/smilies/modern/fear.gif)
that Trump might Win again...
Originally Posted by Salty Again
Best definition I've found for the term Lawfare is from the UrbanDictionary:
The use of legal system to overwhelm an opponent, such as to stop or destroy them.
If they can destroy him, they win. But the insidious part is: even they think they may not be able to. As such, their efforts of keeping him jumping through hoop after hoop may not afford him the time to get his ducks in a row to snuff them all out. That is the point.
Remember, they entirely underestimated his work ethic the first time around. Not surprising given heir own pathetic work ethic, as evidenced by FJoeBiden. He was not a member of their club with backroom credits, favors and allegiances that they collectively owned. He was a filthy outsider and a threat to their "club" and grift-a-thon lifestyle. Why in holy-heck do you think they had to destroy General Michael Flynn, someone who knew the inner workings of the intelligence mechanisms, so fast out of the gate?!?
They fear the retribution he will surely rain down upon them. Trump was a neophyte politico his first round. Now he is more seasoned and pissed. I want a pissed President that will excise the cancer that is our body politic of late.
Politicians are there to serve us - not the other way around
The whole point being: We don't need no stinking uniter or someone leading us in signing Kumbaya. We got varmints in the rafters down to the basement. We need an exterminator.