Before him YES YES YES YES YES YES and then he says “Meh Okay”

John4229's Avatar
Don't take it personal John, you're a cool dude. I appreciate all your posts and reviews around here. I would of responded to anyone who posted. You just happened to respond and I had my take on the comments. Originally Posted by RogueOne
No worries - it was a growl to let you know you're getting on my nerves a little bit. I've noticed other slips where you responded without reading the original post quite attentively enough, so it's not like you're dogging me, but jostling folks in general. So keep an eye on that, and all is well.

That social glitch aside, there's mutual respect here. You provide good detail in your reviews, and your comments in the discussion threads are on-topic and add value to the conversation. So you strike me as a good fellow, all in all, and we're good.
Dr Grey's Avatar
All good man, appreciate the feedback. I have no ill will towards anyone and last I want to do is push buttons, not here for the gents buttons anyhow. I can see how things get heated on a board discussing such topics. We're good though John.

Never met the provider here, but hopefully she's seeing the feedback that was posted and taking steps to improve her art of providing.
DNinja69's Avatar
Good post. I have missed out a few times because when I try to ask or make sure something I want is on the menu am told 'we can talk about it when you get here ' or 'i dont discuss _____" and I understand why on a few levels but being on the same page can avoid the 'meh okay' or 'no' review.

Reviews can be a help, always good to do some research.

From your reviews it is pretty obvious you go above and beyond. We can filter out the 'meh okay'