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  • WTF
  • 02-20-2015, 01:19 PM

With that kind of confusion it's easy to see why guys like WTF can easily make fun "Tea Wackos". Originally Posted by boardman
My fella Tea Wack, a national party is not in the cards. With our form of government coalitions must be doing so the Tea Party or any third party movement loses it's soul. As a Libertarian I have understood this quandary for decades. It sucks but it is a fact of life. Whirlaway has sold his soul to the GOP and does not even realize it.
LexusLover's Avatar
As a Libertarian I have understood this quandary for decades. Originally Posted by WTF
Trapped in a Libertarian's Body from "nativity"!
Actually it began with the bank, auto and mortgage bailouts. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It was a bunch of folks dressed like Ben Franklin who staggered from their double wide's screaming "don't tax the rich" ..Lewis Black
.......... Whirlaway has sold his soul to the GOP and does not even realize it. Originally Posted by WTF

I haven't "sold" anything. I am using the GOP as the vehicle for change that I want. In the last 30 years I have voted Libertarian more times than any other party (local, state, national).

Unlike the LP, the Tea Party movement has achieved rapid success as a political force. It is why many from the LP join with the Tea Party in fighting the good fight. But there are some in the LP, like yourself, you just bloviate and don't care about incremental wins. Your type only feel relevant when you can whine "why not" about things. I prefer the more positive approach of "yes we can."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-20-2015, 01:45 PM
I haven't "sold" anything.." Originally Posted by Whirlaway
See, I told ya he didn't even realize it!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Tea Party started out great, but was soon co-opted by evangelical Christians and RINOs. In its original form it was a Libertarian movement. Now it's a bunch of self righteous neocons. Sad.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Tea Party started out great, ..... Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They also allowed the whining media to define them rather than define themselves.
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  • WTF
  • 02-20-2015, 02:51 PM
They also allowed the whining media to define them rather than define themselves. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The real problem is exactly as boardman, COG and myself outlined.

What you posed is mostly red herring.
Baloney. The GOP establishment is trying to destroy it. If what you were saying were true GOP leadership wouldn't be acting the way they do with the TP members in Congress.

The TP has been the only real opposition to Obama over the past 6 years; the LP has been missing in action. They are useless when it comes to changing things thru our electoral process.

Even Rand and Ron Paul are smart enough to know changing the GOP from within makes more sense.

The Tea Party started out great, but was soon co-opted by evangelical Christians and RINOs. In its original form it was a Libertarian movement. Now it's a bunch of self righteous neocons. Sad. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You show your ignorance. The Tea Party isn't trying to be a "party". It is an organization that is locally driven.

Of course they try to influence the national agenda. But unlike the LP loons, they are actually accomplishing things.

You really don't know WTF is going on. But you remain true to the LP, because they aren't "co-opted" and are "pure of thought and deed".

Ha. Loser formula.

My fella Tea Wack, a national party is not in the cards. With our form of government coalitions must be doing so the Tea Party or any third party movement loses it's soul. As a Libertarian I have understood this quandary for decades. It sucks but it is a fact of life. Whirlaway has sold his soul to the GOP and does not even realize it. Originally Posted by WTF

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Personal freedom? I guess that doesn't extend to women having control over their bodies?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't really care for Rand Paul. He's sold his soul to the Republicans. And I see nowhere that Ron Paul wants to reform the Republicans. He ran for the Republican nomination, but when they rejected him, he rejected them. He knows that there is no reforming the Republican Party. The Tea Party won't save the Republicans. The Republicans will kill the Tea Party.

The Tea Party needs to get rid of the evangelicals and join with the Libertarians and other like minded parties, and form a solid third party dedicated to freedom and constitutional government. There is enough discontent in this country such a party could become viable. The two (actually one) major parties are too beholding to their corporate owners to ever allow reform, and will never permit a candidate who might really change things to get elected. We need a strong, outside populist movement that can capture the imagination and support of the people. That's not going to happen with Democrats and Republicans running the show.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why is anyone listening to the assholes who oppose the Tea Party? They are the same people who have their nose up Obama's ass. The Tea Party is more of a philosophy than a movement. You can be a republican, democrat, or independent and believe in the same thing the Tea Party believes in which is primarily fiscal conservatism and a smaller, less intrusive, and responsive government without the lies and pandering. It has NOTHING to do with abortion, gay marriage, or your aunt Biddy. It was not Obamacare that got us out into the street, it was the stimulus and the lies behind it (which have all be revealed as lies). It was about forcing banks to accept government money on threat of interfering with their business, it was the bailout of other banks and lenders who crapped out because of bad management, it was the take over of GM only to have prime pieces cut off and given to the unions, it was about our tax dollars being spent on democrat donors and unions that had no intention to pay anything back. The Tea Party is still out there. Ask David Brat who took down a sitting GOP congressman while being outspent 40:1.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Personal freedom? I guess that doesn't extend to women having control over their bodies? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
How about not having to be fondled by a dirty old man?

There are more but the girls are underage and you know the rules (even if Joe doesn't).