RGV Social

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A brief update:

I have a partial list of attendees. Something like 50-60 names. I know it is is not complete nor up to date, but it is what it is.

All of those folks will today get a "SAVE THE DATE - Thursday, November 11" email.

If you don't get that email and you are sure you are on the list, please email me at ck1942@gmail.com and I will compare your email address with what data I have and we can go from there.

Since I don't have any attendance list data, I'm shooting from the hip with folks who I know have private forum access and/or those whose handles I recognize from previous M&Gs I been fortunate enough to attend.

Obviously, I won't have a very current set of data, and for that I apologize.

I've asked several providers to scan the data do have and point out who's missing or who has dropped out sight and also to nominate other providers and hobbyists who might be interested in attending.

The CC social committee is in the process of selecting a venue for the Nov. 11 lunch.