The Great American Embarrassment!

Without getting too deep (this is the wrong forum), the birther movement started with Hillary Clinton in 2008. The evidence is out there if you look. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is incorrect.

The Obama birther claims were first raised by Hillary Clinton SUPPORTERS, but no evidence was ever found to tie these people to the Clinton campaign.

However, that is irrelevant to this thread. Donald Trump DID promise he would produce evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii, but Trump never did.
dumars's Avatar
I would disagree, with your second paragraph and too, as I described what I remember earlier but, as you said, it ain't relevant.

By the way, republicans favorite tactic is to change the subject or distract. For example, raise a question about Donny and reply with something about Clinton. Sean Hannity is really good for that.

That is incorrect.

The Obama birther claims were first raised by Hillary Clinton SUPPORTERS, but no evidence was ever found to tie these people to the Clinton campaign.

However, that is irrelevant to this thread. Donald Trump DID promise he would produce evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii, but Trump never did. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You bullshit real good. That's the dems first line of defense when arguing.
I would disagree, with your second paragraph and too, Originally Posted by dumars

The Politifact article above challenges Donald Trump's claim the Obama Birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton.

Politifact rates Trump's claim as FALSE.

As Politifact states, it was a Clinton SUPPORTER who started the rumor, but the Clinton campaign organization had nothing to do with it.

My statement was correct.
dirty dog's Avatar
The point is he was pulling shit out of his ass then and still is. RWNJ/TBers were applauding his shit talking ass then and still are. Originally Posted by dumars

Much like your doing with this post. You libs must be getting nervous if your pulling this silly shit out of your ass.
dumars's Avatar
You bullshit real good. That's the dems first line of defense when arguing. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Damn dude, the proof is just a few comments above!

Denial is sometimes more than laughable! 'Specially when it's in your face!
dumars's Avatar
Much like your doing with this post. You libs must be getting nervous if your pulling this silly shit out of your ass. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Strange how libs silly shit, from the cons past, is related to the present cons silly shit but the cons don't seem to fess up to their past silly shit! Kinda like it never happened or a REAL short attention span.

And in a few short years the present time cons silly shit will become libs silly shit when libs remind cons of their now present time silly shit since the cons will forget or deny their own silly shit from the now present time.

Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Anybody that actually gets caught up in this piddly bullshit is a fucking buffoon.

Here, have a nice shiny gum wrapper to play with for the next several years while we fuck you in the ass.
dumars's Avatar
Anybody that actually gets caught up in this piddly bullshit is a fucking buffoon.

Here, have a nice shiny gum wrapper to play with for the next several years while we fuck you in the ass. Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
Damn dude, get your feelings hurt?

I was hoping you would post this in the political forum, would have been great entertainment.
dumars's Avatar
Didn't know there was a political forum. Do now! It's posted. Now, take notes, watch the distractions! You'll see what I was talking about!!

Frankly though, I'd just assume keep it local.

Looks like a "ol' boy" forum.

I was hoping you would post this in the political forum, would have been great entertainment. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Moot point. Obama has an American citizen for a mom. Doesn't matter where he was born much like current rep candidate Cruz. Too bad Obama is oh so shady with revealing any of his private details.

Let us know how your experience in the official political forum goes Dumar. From what I read here, I'm not in the least impressed. If you can't smell the strong scent of sarcasm here laid onto you then you are likely in for a big surprise with the posters who eat chums like you as a snack. Sorry if my opinion hurts but everything I read so far is weak sauce at its best. I don't want to get into a political discussion because it changes nothing and nobody's opinion changes ever. It always devolves into name calling in the end. Big waste of time. The right direction is what's most important to me not bashing each other for what we believe in.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I don't like talking politics and don't know what kind of President DT might be, but personally I don't think BO's done a good job with his 2 terms in the office. I especially hate his ObamaCare crap. Originally Posted by KCAsianDude
why do you hate obamacare?
why do you hate obamacare? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Most hate it cause they are told they are supposed to by the media.

Personally I haven't seen any increase out of the normal except for deductibles and co pays. People forget that insurance isn't there to pay 100% of your bills. It just shields you from that catastrophic bill that many can't pay. If someone has a 5000 deductible, and hit it because of a surgery one year, then yes it sucks having to pay 5000, but it shouldn't bankrupt a person. However with no insurance, that bill could easily hit 50-60000 for something semi major. Now that will possibly bankrupt someone.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Most hate it cause they are told they are supposed to by the media. Originally Posted by royamcr

who is "they"
"supposed to" do what ?

Personally I haven't seen any increase out of the normal except for deductibles and co pays. People forget that insurance isn't there to pay 100% of your bills. It just shields you from that catastrophic bill that many can't pay. If someone has a 5000 deductible, and hit it because of a surgery one year, then yes it sucks having to pay 5000, but it shouldn't bankrupt a person. However with no insurance, that bill could easily hit 50-60000 for something semi major. Now that will possibly bankrupt someone. Originally Posted by royamcr
Yes, insurance gets you a discounted rate and I know people who go to the ER, with no insurance and then when they get bills, toss them.

Look around merica,. people want everything for nothing.
How many people do you know who thinks it is a "RIGHT" to have kids?

Kids should be told in high school they better study, do well to get a job, so they can buy healthcare,. buy food, buy somewhere to live, buy a car...
That's why you work hard in school, or whatever job(hooking?) so you can buy your own stuff.
I had a GF who complained she couldnt get money for college, but her friends easily could cause they had kids.
That is so much america, don't help those rise above mediocrity just help you attain it