Get over it Conservatives, Obama was "elected by a majority of the popular vote twice!"

Ignore my last post. My coffee consumption has not reached a therapeutic level yet. I just wanted to write something and/or bitch a little. The article makes a very, very good point. Thanks for sharing.
Ignore my last post. My coffee consumption has not reached a therapeutic level yet. I just wanted to write something and/or bitch a little. The article makes a very, very good point. Thanks for sharing. Originally Posted by frustr8d
You're welcome!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
So now you want to quibble over the margin?

The fact is that the Republicans brought out all their big guns and outspent the Democrats, but they still lost!

This election was a decisive victory for President Obama, anyway you want to slice it.

. . . As for weak opposition, well what do you expect from a weak party?

Liberals need to recognize that a 2-3 % difference in the popular vote with some 8 mil. fewer votes for Obama this election is not a ringing endorsement by any stretch. Especially in light of such weak opposition. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
So now you want to quibble over the margin?

The fact is that the Republicans brought out all their big guns and outspent the Democrats, but they still lost!

This election was a decisive victory for President Obama, anyway you want to slice it.

. . . As for weak opposition, well what do you expect from a weak party?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Actually if Ducbutter wants to quibble over the margin, the Repubs lost the election by much more than 2%-3%. The electoral vote tally (which decides the election, not the popular vote) was a 62%-38% margin! That's a sizable 24% difference. But who's counting? Personally I would rather quibble over "having a legitimate debate on the issues." It is quite obvious that Ducbutter is much more comfortable debating the "President's legitimacy," as opposed to the legitimate issues confronting the nation.
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 11-24-2012, 12:39 PM
I just want my Obama phone!!!
I just want my Obama phone!!! Originally Posted by b2pop
Junior, your new Obama phone just arrived. The phone number is BR-549!

Write it down and don't lose it!
Ducbutter's Avatar
Oops. Totally passed over Hahn's birther angle. My bad. Not a question as far as I'm concerened. It's long been proven that Obama was born in Hawaii. But I don't really see where it's being made that big an issue of that Hahn needs to address it, but whatever.
I still stand by the position that fiscal conservatives don't need to get over anything and capitulate to all of Obama's demands on the budget and economy. Regardless of any margin of victory. And despite my poor comprehension, previously demonstrated, I did notice the popular vote was what was alluded to in the title of article. That's not quibbling and also renders your reference to the electoral college moot.
A simple best of luck Mr. President would be a mighty good start! Originally Posted by bigtex
Oh I certainly wish him luck. I wish us all luck for that matter. Sorry to put this one point out here, but I see war. Iam not talking about the Middle East either, conflicts there are just scenery.
Oh I certainly wish him luck. I wish us all luck for that matter. Sorry to put this one point out here, but I see war. Iam not talking about the Middle East either, conflicts there are just scenery. Originally Posted by acp5762
We should all wish him luck! As for the possibility of war, every President of my lifetime has faced the threat of war and I was born during the 40's. President Obama is no different.
We should all wish him luck! As for the possibility of war, every President of my lifetime has faced the threat of war and I was born during the 40's. President Obama is no different. Originally Posted by bigtex
Well Iam actually referring to war here at home.
Well Iam actually referring to war here at home. Originally Posted by acp5762
I stand by my previous statement.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Ah, yes!

Seems like I remember that enduring skit from days gone by.

. . . Always lots of lovely ladies on that show!

Junior, your new Obama phone just arrived. The phone number is BR-549!

Write it down and don't lose it! Originally Posted by bigtex
There is alot of BT's here. Hopefully I got the right one. If not they all will be...fuckers
A simple best of luck Mr. President would be a mighty good start! Originally Posted by bigtex
I'll drink to that, but would note that I believe his luck will be a lot better if he moves toward the center like Bill Clinton did in 1995. That means that he needs to lead the nation in serious discussions (not just happy talk) of entitlement reform, tax reform, and something resembling Simpson-Bowles. (If he doesn't like Simpson-Bowles, it should at least be the starting point for a wide-ranging debate, or he should tell us what his plan is for placing us on a glideslope to fiscal sustainability.)

Remember, Bill Clinton cooperated with Republican congresses to produce serious welfare reform and responsible budgets. Government spending as a percentage of GDP fell by about three percentage points during the latter half of the 1990s. The policy mix was going in a sustainable pro-growth direction, whereas for the last ten years the opposite has been the case. Now the economy has a very large, growth-retarding meal to digest.

From this point forward, navigating the shoals is going to be very difficult.
If not they all will be...fuckers Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
classless, YES...