Molly si, you have every right to cancel apointment whenever you feel something is not right.

Yesterday I had a close friend text me asking me what race he looked. I said somewhere being hispanic mixed. Then he goes really..I asked him what race he was he's like hispanic. I was oh later he expained what happen. He was very disappointed what had happened. Originally Posted by Sonya
Thats exactly what happened to me before
I guess you have to ask for pics then, if they can't or won't send them then tell them you reserve the right to turn them away if they aren't the race and shade of color you prefer.

I still think no matter what it's more important to be up front than to play games with people all under the ruse of not being rude, when in fact what you're doing is a lot more rude than what you don't want to do in the first place.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
This wouldn't be an Issue if during the Screening Process you asked: Age Weight Height Race. Then if the Gentleman doesn't meet your criteria then you can politely say "your all booked & when you have an opening you will call." That's way better than phone tag & having him drive over & wasting both his & your time since time is $$!!! Originally Posted by Crispy1969
Crispy, Very true well said I always ask for height, weight, race, age, occupation. Also for my "security" so I do know who's walking thorough my door. . I think it's learning experience for everyone. Also know ones perfect we all make mistakes from time to time.
Thats exactly what happened to me before Originally Posted by Miss Molly
No that's exactly what happened to YOU. It's the same guy.
Crispy1969's Avatar
I'm mixed as well & a Provider Blew Me Off because of it. But I didn't get all Booty Hurt I got Smarter than the Game & once she met me she Loves me to Death now lol. But the Providers have the Final Say so just Move On Plenty other Women to see. No need for all the Drama just Brush yourself off & Move Around!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
He had told me that you had him waiting for about three hours around your place. When he arrived at your place you said you had a tummy ache. ? ?
He had told me that you had him waiting for about three hours around your place. When he arrived at your place you said you had a tummy ache. ? ? Originally Posted by Sonya
He text the day before asking if i'd be available the next day around lunch time. I replyed yes after 12:30

He text around 9:30 yesterday morning asking if I was going to be available around noon.
I text back after my class finished at 11 "12:30"
He arrived around 1:30 ish and Invited him in, then told him I didnt feel well my stomach hurt (and actually was the truth)

If he was waiting in my area waiting, I was unaware.
told him I didnt feel well my stomach hurt (and actually was the truth) Originally Posted by Miss Molly
WTF, now you're saying your stomach did hurt?
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
If your tummy hurt why did you invite him in then?
>I would told him over the phone that you were not feeling well and have to "cancel" it and make it for another day. How would feel if you entered the room and then get turned away?

I have nothing more to say..
You're going to make yourself look really bad to a lot of potential clients if you try to back track. Everyone here knows you felt fine and sent him away because of his race, or what you perceived his race to be. Don't try to turn your fake excuse into the truth because we can all see right through that.
How would feel if you entered the room and then get turned away? Originally Posted by Sonya

I wonder how often that happens, lol.

(I mean any guy turning away an escort)
Daracus's Avatar
I see this issue will never end! So sad
sushiguy's Avatar
This is a tough one. Provider can see whomever she chooses to see but to have the guy walk into your place and then cancel on him. Ouch.

I agree with Crispy on this one. Brush it off and move on sir. Upward and onward.
It's better to be upfront, both provider and potential client about personal preferences, fetishes, likes, and dislikes. That makes it so much easier to avoid situations like this. Personally, I appreciate candor to alleviate any potential frustration and avoid a terrible experience...Just my.02

Miss Molly,

Having been out of the game for awhile, as a provider I read your post and just wanted to give you a quick heads up on the Latino/Hispanic race response.

Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Brazilians, Venezuelan, Colombians, Panamanians and Hondurans (and mmaannnyy more) can have African features. I had/have a your exact same preference in reverse but didn't want to come across as a self-hating white girl

If race is that huge an issue for you, you need to notify the general public. Nothing wrong with backing up how you feel. I bet the men would much rather stay at work/home/a bar than run the chance of them not qualifying and waiting around. As much as you hate it when a man NCNS they feel the same when it's done to them (via a different means).

No one but you is running your business and if you aren't comfortable with something/someone, find a way to communicate it effectively AND respectfully. You've gotten some good suggestions, being very clear and concise about your criteria in your ad. Good luck gal.