The FBI Is On The Job!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Poor Salty…

According to Media Bias Fact check, the AP is rated as Center-left. Revolver News is rated as Extreme Right.

You seemed like a smart lad. However, if you only reference “news sources” that routinely publish lies, then it’s really hard to run around crying that you think others call you a liar.

So keep posting the lies and own them or quit this little victim game.

We all know it’s another one of your lies.

I've read multiple articles about the trial.

Not going to watch tucker carlson.

The post was about this trial, not the first one.
You bring up that 2 guys were acquitted but no mention of 2 guys that pled guilty.

I called you a liar over Ray Epps. Not the pipe bombs.

The revolver article (both parts)is full of bullshit. I've posted before pointing out many parts that are incorrect.

Once again, the lesson is to check everything you say.
You haven't refuted any of the info I posted about Ray or the trial. The lesson you keep missing is verify the information you use. Revolver's info is unverified.

Why would I mention the 2 guys who were acquitted? That happened in a different trial.
... Crikey! ... News from the AP??

Wasn't their last story that Tom Brady was gonna
play football for the Dolphins??

... Have you watched the trial?
Did you look at Tucker's show as suggested??

WHERE was your mention of the two defendants
who were AQUITTED??

... Come to mention, didn't YOU call me a liar
over the Ray Epps story? ... And the pipe bombs??

If so - Revolver News has something to tell you.

Once again - the lesson here is to look at MORE
than just liberal news sources.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... We were refuting your pieces on Epps before.
And WHO was come out and said that Revolver was WRONG
- except Ray Epps?

But Revolver is NOT WRONG on the pipe bomb story??
Fair enough... So they're wrong concerning Ray?
But correct on the pipe bombs.

Now - the Whitmer thing:

The two fellows pled guilty to things outside of
the FBI scope of Entrapment... Bad things that they did.

The next two - "ENTRAPMENT!" and were AQUITTED.
Their story of FBI entrapping them WAS BELIEVED.

Very interesting how it all went down...

Surely makes a walk down Bourke Street seem like
Mother Teresa reading the Bible book.

But it's okay that you wanna backpedal on things, Skep.
Wanna move on to the FBI whistleblowers now?
We haven't discussed them yet.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Revolver is rubbish Salty.
... So lemme mention the name "Wolverine Watchmen" to you.

Is THAT a new football side? ... Maybe Yssup and me can
barrack for them like the Astros.

... Ya know... I gotta mention, So the FBI RAIDS there
at Trump's place some 10 days ago... And NOW the FBI is
surely in trouble for CORRUPTION on 4 or 5 fronts...

The Trump RAID... The Whitmer "kidnap plot"... FBI 'whistleblowers"
telling the tattle on BIAS against Trump... Closing any and all
investigations on Hunter's laptop... No charges for Hillary...
Lying to the FISA Judge... Trump/Russia collusion...

Have I missed one? ... Have I missed two?... No doubt there's more.

But nice to know those lads ARE on the job...

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
Well said Salty.

Now then, will anyone care to refute his posts with more than a one line personal shot?

fifth grade playground banter is only effective when the parties are 10 or 11 years old.
ICU 812's Avatar

According to Media Bias Fact check, the AP is rated as Center-left. Revolver News is rated as Extreme Right.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fine then. You may call a news outlet anything you want. But the question here is: Are they wrong?

Same for Tucker Carlson. I will agree with anyone who is critical of his on air performance or presentation style. That is NOT Walter Cronkite or David Brinkley. But again, the question is: Is he wrong?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nowadays opinions are treated as facts by those too lazy to seek the truth.

Arguing the integrity of the AP vs Revolver is a perfect example.

One presents the news and opinions within the realm of journalist ethic. May agree or may not, but the facts are generally presented in a straight forward manner

The other aggregates dog whistles for Jan 6 wannabes.

I can’t believe we’re having this argument again. Just stop it boys.
... THE FACTS in the Revolver pieces were shown in
a straight-forward manner. ... On BOTH the Ray Epps involvement
in the 6th January protest and the "Pipe-bomber"...

And also the FBI's Whitmer kidnap plot... And the FBI creation
of the "Wolverine Watchmen"...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who is Ray Epps? Seems I’ve seen you invoke his name once-or-twice
HedonistForever's Avatar
Fine then. You may call a news outlet anything you want. But the question here is: Are they wrong?

Same for Tucker Carlson. I will agree with anyone who is critical of his on air performance or presentation style. That is NOT Walter Cronkite or David Brinkley. But again, the question is: Is he wrong? Originally Posted by ICU 812

Been asking that question for years now. Lately all I get from a Democrat is "I would explain it but your not smart enough to understand". In other words, "I can't explain it because I'm not smart enough to explain it".
... That's all fair dinkum, mates.

The liberal lads here don't wanna discuss things like this.
Once they do take a good look and see the TRUTH of what
we say - they surely seem to run away in the opposite direction.

I was called "a liar" when I first mentioned that the
FBI agents there "masterminded" the kidnap plot.

Not sure if it was just a insult to me - or the
stunning fact that the FBI might actually do something
like that (or lie to a FISA Judge)...

The apologies have been s-l-o-w in forthcoming.

#### Salty
Pretty stupid open questions.
The first answer obviously depends on what they say. I'd have to answer on a case by case basis.
The second one is very similar.
But we actually have a definitive answer supplied by Fox.

"Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's York lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way.

Since Fox and a federal judge say you literally can't believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth, the question you've been asking for year is moot. It doesn't matter to anyone but you. Things he says aren't intended to be true

So why do you watch? He is nothing more than Op-ed.
See, I gave you a real answer.
Been asking that question for years now. Lately all I get from a Democrat is "I would explain it but your not smart enough to understand". In other words, "I can't explain it because I'm not smart enough to explain it". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I'm sorry we didn't yank your chain sooner. Did you lie about the FBI being "masterminds"? I don't know and I don't need to know right now.
Do I believe you? No fucking way. You lie on a regular basis. Are you lying this time? I don't know. Somebody who takes the 5th don't want to incriminate themselves.
People who don't post links to prove themselves correct are probably lying...or at least that's the case with you.

If being called a liar insults you, stop lying.
Been asking that question for years now. Lately all I get from a Democrat is "I would explain it but your not smart enough to understand". In other words, "I can't explain it because I'm not smart enough to explain it". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
... That's all fair dinkum, mates.

The liberal lads here don't wanna discuss things like this.
Once they do take a good look and see the TRUTH of what
we say - they surely seem to run away in the opposite direction.

I was called "a liar" when I first mentioned that the
FBI agents there "masterminded" the kidnap plot.

Not sure if it was just a insult to me - or the
stunning fact that the FBI might actually do something
like that (or lie to a FISA Judge)...

The apologies have been s-l-o-w in forthcoming.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Hmmmmm... I see.

... So you and the others who have claimed me to be a liar
are just "yanking on me chain" and YOU actually now
"don't know" about the FBI being masterminds and
you "don't care right now".... Hmmmm... Ok.

I told you where to check the information.
The liberal main stream news media aint gonna
mention the "Whitmer" revelations concerning the FBI
- and have NOTHING to say about the "pipe bomber"...

They surely wouldn't want the American voters to
see the Corruption and develop a mistrust of the FBI.
Especially since the Trump Raid.

Though YOU are free to believe whatever you want, Skep.
At least THAT concept is somehow still allowed in Biden's America.

But YOU are too intelligent to shy-away
from facts like this, mate.

#### Salty