Speaking of Perceptions Women Folk . . .

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You left out that civies do frequently up being more expensive to date
JRLawrence's Avatar
How many of you women think some, most of us guys partake in this hobby because we can't get a girl friend?

I did, in fact, talk with a young lady about that very subject about a week ago and she was of that persuasion.

Originally Posted by dumars

The language you have used, in particular the use of the word us, indicates a very personal statement. You could have worded it differently, but you didn't. So, my response was correct when I said "speak for yourself".

As a general discussion, we can eliminate the term "speak for yourself" Then we have just have the idea that most guys can get sex without having to pay for it. Just sometimes, it is more convenient.

I can grill a very nice steak on my back porch, so why do I go out to eat and spend 6 to 8 times what it would cost to just purchase the same steak and eat it at home?

Strictly, as a married man, I've recently discovered that having a mistress, side-chick or whatever, is so much more complicated than the idea of having one. As Unique metioned, it's also more expensive and if you're married, dangerous if it's discovered or if she becomes emotionally invested. There's been some conversation about why we pay providers. Ultimately, I pay providers for discretion.
Ultimately, I pay providers for discretion.
Perfectly put.
As far as I know most the guys have woman only difference between us and them is they pay us to LEAVE Lol jk jk
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Strictly, as a married man, I've recently discovered that having a mistress, side-chick or whatever, is so much more complicated than the idea of having one. As Unique metioned, it's also more expensive and if you're married, dangerous if it's discovered or if she becomes emotionally invested. There's been some conversation about why we pay providers. Ultimately, I pay providers for discretion. Originally Posted by wmnizer122
Thread wining comment.
How many of you women think some, most of us guys partake in this hobby because we can't get a girl friend?

I did, in fact, talk with a young lady about that very subject about a week ago and she was of that persuasion.

Originally Posted by dumars

I don't think men hobby cause they can't get a girlfriend/wife I KNOW they hobby because they DO have one. Just kidding. Kinda.

NOTHING is as it seems. EVER. Don't underestimate who may hobby. I assure you it's not as bad as one would think. I can honestly say I've had some of the best sex of my life with some really great looking and successful men while being a provider. I've had some doozy's but ppl want to think that's all the hobby is and it's far from it.
I can honestly say I've had some of the best sex of my life with some really great looking and successful men while being a provider. Originally Posted by MissSaraXXX
Why Thank You Babe! Very kind words about our time together
Why Thank You Babe! Very kind words about our time together Originally Posted by BigDeal
You know I love our time together, Wiz.


dumars's Avatar
Perhaps, perhaps not. You'd have a real problem convincing me the woman I was talking to was the ONLY one with that attitude. I've heard it before I also refuse to believe I am the ONLY one she (and ultimately others) direct that attitude at. Just because you have no experience with the attitude doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Lots and lots of things happen outside our 3' personal space we don't know about.

The language you have used, in particular the use of the word us, indicates a very personal statement. You could have worded it differently, but you didn't. So, my response was correct when I said "speak for yourself". Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I actually do have a girlfriend that I live with.
Most of us pay here, because our girlfriends / wives will not do what we pay to have done.
It is cheaper to pay for this than it is to pay for a divorce / seperation and find another girlfriend / wife that wont do what we want either.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Perhaps, perhaps not. You'd have a real problem convincing me the woman I was talking to was the ONLY one with that attitude. I've heard it before I also refuse to believe I am the ONLY one she (and ultimately others) direct that attitude at. Just because you have no experience with the attitude doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Lots and lots of things happen outside our 3' personal space we don't know about. Originally Posted by dumars
Dear DumArs,

Of course one may hear this attitude stated. In every aspect of life and with all groups with which one associated, the 1% people are there. That means the lowest 1% of group. So just walk away from them. You can be polite, just ignore them. We don't have to give them our attention.

In the Marine Corps it was made even stronger. Don't associate with the low 10%. The 10%ers are not worth your time or trouble. You can do better than to allow yourself to associate with them.

There are some very fine ladies in the hobby. The cream rises to the top.

Try to figure out who the best ladies are. For ones with obvious mental problems, go to their personal information page; at the top you will find the buttons to ignore their postings.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Sometimes it's just an escape to reality.
Yes, to reality.
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 12-14-2015, 07:59 PM
I don't think that my clients can't get dates. I have met some of the most AMAZING people in my 4 years. I just think that they're looking for someone who will do something that maybe they're not getting at home.
I think assumptions that men who patronize sex workers do so because they can't date "regular" women are unfair to clients, and especially harmful to sex workers. It is rooted in pervasive attitudes that sex workers are so vile and abnormal, so therefore the men who patronize them must be as well. And I personally haven't found this to be true as a good amount of the clients I know of are married. (For the most part, you have to have dated someone in the past to eventually get married.)

I patronize sex workers on a much smaller scale, and to a lesser extent. And to be quite honest, I would even more if it were a sound financial decision for me..