millennials take heed: socialism has failed whenever its tried.

Dilbert, you just don’t grasp the idea that everything is going to be FREE, FREE, FREE.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Capitalism recovered because of Socialism. Jesus. Do you not know a thing about history?

You take the best of both.

The real problem with either is a consolidation of any form of government.
Originally Posted by WTF
Would love to know how this is the case.
Originally Posted by Thatoneguy4171

it recovered in-spite of FDR's socialists policies. his actions delayed recovery. If it weren't for WWII, FDR would not have his 3rd & 4th term.
Capitalism recovered because of Socialism. Jesus. Do you not know a thing about history?

You take the best of both.

The real problem with either is a consolidation of any form of government.

Originally Posted by WTF
The element of divided power wielded by responsible and ethical people is very important.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Socialism is ALWAY's """" a work in progress""" that Never work's
Same old question to the supporters of socialism Where has / is it working
matchingmole's Avatar
Canada, Norway, Finland, California, Toledo, 1545 Park Lane
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Canada, Norway, Finland, California, Toledo, 1545 Park Lane Originally Posted by matchingmole
  • oeb11
  • 10-17-2019, 09:22 AM
hardly bastions of socialism - Go to cuba, Venezuela, Totalitarian China, etc.

Foolish DPST's!
Canada, Norway, Finland, California, Toledo, 1545 Park Lane Originally Posted by matchingmole
More people are moving out of California every year that are moving in. Cali use to be a place where you can become wealthy now it's a place where you go to become homeless. So much for Socialist California.
The element of divided power wielded by responsible and ethical people is very important. Originally Posted by friendly fred
That’s what’s so frightening about the dim attack’s on the constitution

The protections in it like the arrangement of two senators from each state

The electoral college

The bill of rights

About the amendments, they can’t seem to find freedom of religion or the right to keep and bear arms or free speech in the constitution but they found the right to an abortion in it
That’s what’s so frightening about the dim attack’s on the constitution

The protections in it like the arrangement of two senators from each state

The electoral college

The bill of rights

About the amendments, they can’t seem to find freedom of religion or the right to keep and bear arms or free speech in the constitution but they found the right to an abortion in it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
They are destroying a once great nation.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just as I predicted The facts threaten the fantasies,, ,of socialism
Thatoneguy4171's Avatar
That’s what’s so frightening about the dim attack’s on the constitution
The protections in it like the arrangement of two senators from each state
The electoral college
The bill of rights
About the amendments, they can’t seem to find freedom of religion or the right to keep and bear arms or free speech in the constitution but they found the right to an abortion in it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Fun fact about that last bit, the Justices interpreted the right to privacy as the right to have an abortion. Not sure how that makes sense.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ Oh and Norway is a Mixed economy ( work is progress again) with a personal tax rate of 47.8 % , Canada is right with them so again the Predictably Irrational arguments for socialism again abound.
  • Tiny
  • 10-18-2019, 02:10 PM
nice write up on the 3 countries that went on the socialist drug and got out of it for good. the 4th is a work in progress. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Good article Dilbert. I've only gotten through Israel so far, looking forward to reading about India and the UK after work. What's striking from this is the initial success of "socialism", as the government starts to spend loads of money, followed by stagnation and failure when effects of shrinking the private sector and starving it of investment are realized.

Name one form of government that has worked long term....

We had Capitalisms collapse in 1929.

Have you ever read anything other than right wing propaganda?

Originally Posted by WTF
I'd argue that capitalism has lifted billions out of poverty and made the world a much better place.

First, you need to make a distinction between crony capitalism and free market capitalism. An example of the former are the high tariffs imposed by countries in the 1930's, and other kinds of support showered by politicians and governments on their favorites. The tariffs didn't set off the Great Depression, but they made it worse.

Second, and more importantly, many of the failures you might want to blame on free market capitalism should be blamed on bad government policy. With respect to the Great Depression, the government should have increased the money supply, cut taxes, provided liquidity to the banks and started spending more money earlier. Prior to 2008/2009, we should have had better regulation of financial institutions, especially the people handing out mortgages, and perhaps the Fed should have been on the stick raising interest rates before asset prices got out of hand. These were failings of government, not the capitalists.
  • oeb11
  • 10-18-2019, 04:48 PM
Thank you tiny - interesting post.
In my perusing the topic - came across this :
On his blog, Barry Ritholtz puts the truth-deniers into three groups:
1) Those suffering from Cognitive Dissonance — the intellectual crisis that occurs when a failed belief system or philosophy is confronted with proof of its implausibility.
2) The Innumerates, the people who truly disrespect a legitimate process of looking at the data and making intelligent assessments. They are mathematical illiterates who embarrassingly revel in their own ignorance.
3) The Political Manipulators, who cynically know what they peddle is nonsense, but nonetheless push the stuff because it is effective. These folks are more committed to their ideology and bonuses than the good of the nation.
He is too polite to mention:
4) The Paid Hacks, who are being paid to hold a certain view. As Upton Sinclair has noted, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Barry Ritholtz concludes: “The denying of reality has been an issue, from Galileo to Columbus to modern times. Reality always triumphs eventually, but there are very real costs to it occurring later versus sooner .”
An excellent and cogent, concise explanation of the DPST leftists and their idiotology.

Bernie is a prime example.

Interesting to me tht the DPST name-callers and flamers seem to be absent - the Axis of Socialism either joined the Band or realized it was time to play cogent and constructive - and could not bring themselves to do so.

it has been a time recently - IMHO - of rational discussion rather than name-calling flaming - in general and on balance.

Positive and refreshing!