PrePaid Session

Fancyinheels's Avatar
I had a couple of gentlemen I'd seen regularly for quite a while come out of the blue during the holidays and, unasked, paid for sessions to be scheduled later, sort of a Christmas bonus, I guess. It worked out fine, although I did offer a refund to one fellow when conflicts with our mutual schedules delayed us for a few weeks, but he refused. I had a "mistress" arrangement with another fellow from the old ASPD days who gave me an allowance at the beginning of every month for an agreed-upon number of visits, and until he moved out of state, that worked, but again, I didn't solicit it, just went along with the arrangement he wanted. I've never had to ask for an advance from a client to help me out of a jam, so as Naomi said, I must be sucking right.

On the whole, for reasons stated already, probably not the best idea, but I am toying with a "pre-paid pleasure plan" at the request of some gentlemen, and I know another lady on here who's implemented one. The concept of a "gold pass" for unlimited play at an amusement park has been around since Mickey Mouse, so as long as the operator doesn't have a Goofy reputation, board the ride. (If you meet the minimum height requirement.
Ms Francisca's Avatar
LOL! You didn't do this when we met. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
You should demand more money... according to your review, he only gave you $12.50 per 5 mins... That is $90 per hr, $900 less than what he typically pays for a 10hr "Date"...
Some might think you are worth less than the typical provider...
You got fucked in more ways than one...
Wicket's Avatar
I prepaid once for lady coming in from out of town in return for a discount on a date. The problem? The processing fee for the Green Dot card almost ate up the discount I received.
Naomi4u's Avatar
You should demand more money... according to your review, he only gave you $12.50 per 5 mins... That is $90 per hr, $900 less than what he typically pays for a 10hr "Date"...
Some might think you are worth less than the typical provider...
You got fucked in more ways than one... Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
*sigh* since you want to know ...


Let's see from 1pm - 9:30pm at $1,500 clock free rate

Mind you we spent 2 hours at a nearby restaurant.

You do know there are a lot of ladies that have their clock free rates set at $1,500 like Ms. Marie and Ms.
Lina. Ladies you couldn't stand next to

............And your rates - you really can't talk about anyone's rate. Silly rabbit.
shorty's Avatar
I don't disagree with you, Naomi. I think if a provider does come at a client wanting a advance or loan on a session, then I would be very leery of her and the way she manages her money. I can see a life changing unforseen circumstance that I can get confirmation that it did happen, that I might would do it. It would have to be with someone that I've seen multiple times before I considered it, though.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I prepaid once for lady coming in from out of town in return for a discount on a date. The problem? The processing fee for the Green Dot card almost ate up the discount I received. Originally Posted by Wicket
That reminded me, I took prepayment from a gentleman from out-of-town via Paypal for a date, someone I'd seen before in his hometown. Was what he preferred to do to secure the eve, and he included a little extra to cover PP's processing fee.

I had to institute a deposit for first-time Fancy frolickers on "hot holidays" like New Year's Eve, Halloween, and of course, St. Paddy's Day, after I got stood up one too many times all dressed up for a night out and ended up cooling my heels all alone after turning down other "legit" offers.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-24-2011, 04:38 PM
A very interesting question was raised late last night and early this morning about Prepaid Sessions. If your a hobbyist, would you consider Prepaying for the session? Ladies, if you did accept the Prepaid amount, would you refund his money before the session took place, if asked? Originally Posted by shorty
I can see only three situations where I would pre-pay anything:

--A deposit, as others have mentioned. Especially if the lady has to put out some $ before we meet.

--A lady I know well and trust completely. If she needs the money today or her car gets reposessed and I won't be in town until next week for example.

--A lady I know well and trust completely and we don't want large amounts of cash with us for safety or legal reasons.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-24-2011, 04:44 PM
You should demand more money... according to your review, he only gave you $12.50 per 5 mins... That is $90 per hr, $900 less than what he typically pays for a 10hr "Date"...
Some might think you are worth less than the typical provider...
You got fucked in more ways than one... Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
I have never understaood why anyone should question the price of an agreed upon transaction between two other people.

Francisca, I have paid above or below the "typical" rate a number of times and since neither you nor anyone on these boards (other than the ladies involved) know the reasons I would find it part insulting and part laughable that you would make such a comment about what I paid.
Wicket's Avatar
--A lady I know well and trust completely. Originally Posted by Old-T
Still Looking's Avatar
I don't disagree with you, Naomi. I think if a provider does come at a client wanting a advance or loan on a session, then I would be very leery of her and the way she manages her money. I can see a life changing unforseen circumstance that I can get confirmation that it did happen, that I might would do it. It would have to be with someone that I've seen multiple times before I considered it, though. Originally Posted by shorty
Prepay? BS, it opens the door to scams! If you ever don't like someone, I mean really hate them, LOAN them some money! You'll never see them again! Happens every once in a while. I just do a Nike Reverse! I just say "No"
A very interesting question was raised late last night and early this morning about Prepaid Sessions. If your a hobbyist, would you consider Prepaying for the session? Ladies, if you did accept the Prepaid amount, would you refund his money before the session took place, if asked? Originally Posted by shorty
Why would a refund by necessary? If someone goes to the trouble of paying a deposit - or in full - in my experience they always come through.

I don't think it would be fair to us to repay the full amount - there should be some deduction for the time and energy we've expended on communicating with the gentleman and the work of arranging it to be deposited.

Interesting point though - a client recently sent me the full amount before we met. His understanding was that I required a 50% deposit to meet and he said as a show of good faith he would send the 100%, which he did. When we met he gave me the cash to pay for the hotel.

Today he sent me more money, for a hotel we both prefer and for which I can get an amazing rate right now. Fun!
As Naomi layed it out she did damn good. Dinner for 2 hours, cool guy, spent the whole day with 1 man instead of many for 250 an hour(your rates) and I doubt they were fucking the whole time. Its called companionship. And I think for a days work, not an overnight, she is far from being cheap, or fucked(at least not in the bad way)

And people think I attack, wow, some make me look like an angel.

We all set our own rates, and negotiate as we please and see fit. Its really not anyones elses effin business.

*sigh* since you want to know ...


Let's see from 1pm - 9:30pm at $1,500 clock free rate

Mind you we spent 2 hours at a nearby restaurant.

You do know there are a lot of ladies that have their clock free rates set at $1,500 like Ms. Marie and Ms.
Lina. Ladies you couldn't stand next to

............And your rates - you really can't talk about anyone's rate. Silly rabbit. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Still Looking's Avatar
As Naomi layed it out she did damn good. Dinner for 2 hours, cool guy, spent the whole day with 1 man instead of many for 250 an hour(your rates) and I doubt they were fucking the whole time. Its called companionship. And I think for a days work, not an overnight, she is far from being cheap, or fucked(at least not in the bad way)

And people think I attack, wow, some make me look like an angel.

We all set our own rates, and negotiate as we please and see fit. Its really not anyones elses effin business. Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
OLE" (Hey is that thing loaded?)
shorty's Avatar
All I was doing was passing along what happened last night in chat with a hobbyist and a provider. I personally wouldn't get myself in that situation. It was his discreation on giving her the money in advance. I think the hobbyist was wrong on wanting a refund from the lady before the session. That's like saying "Your don't give a good BJ and your not a good fuck, so can I have my money back?" LOL
Pre-paying...I don't think that is a good idea. Some ladies are not trustworthy. And what is point of pre-paying?? Why not just wait until you see the lady?
As far as deposits go, I have used that. I am an outcall only provider when I'm at home, and I get asked to travel hours away just for an hour or few. So I do ask that they send me half of the donation up front, just to be sure they are serious. And the serious ones never have a problem with it