MMS.......OK, when I get back on Thurs. I'd like to rent your dick. How much is your donation and is it for a full hour? None of this one pop thing and then kick me out.
How do I handle a wife calling? I play stupid or tell her a great story that usually makes them believe that her husband is a saint unless she has concrete proof that he's not. flatter me, thank you. We seem to think a like on these matters. Yes, its true that guys love to have a new kitty to pet. Now, some guys like to have the same lady because they click and that's great when it happens. But, you still need to keep it new to some have to keep piquing his interest and keep the time you spend together fresh.
Grits.....hahahaha I don't think that'll happen.
HGO.......If there is something on one of the blacklist sites, I make sure to go to the others and check it out. I will also look at the lady who left the complaint and see what her track is like.
I'm sure that scenario could happen and probably has happened. That's why I miss the old school ways of hobbying because you didn't have scandalous so called providers messing with a guy's life or hobby life.