Per Kurlarrow SPINNER/Slender provider DROUGHT IN SA! You can make $1000s

promdate's Avatar
Pepper, you my dear can eat anything you want cuz you always look lovely! i guess the cheesecake tip is not a good deal!LOL!
Did someone say cheesecake. Damn there goes my diet!!!!! There are some great places to eat here in SA.
A good topic after a Memorial Day Weekend! Freedom of Speech...that's one of the things some of our troops have paid the ultimate PRICE for. Whether we think it's right or is what it is.

What saddens me most...because I have a child who serves this great Country is... when someone uses their freedom of speech...without a ABUSE, rather than APPRECIATE the women...who take the many RISKS, in order to accomodate the hobbyists of this community.

I believe he has a right to his opinion...I would rather that he not be so disrespectful, but we can't change people. As long as a woman chooses this lifestyle...we have to be STRONG and realize that there will always be a group of adult bullys.

What's more important not allow that type of define who we are as BEAUTIFUL WOMEN...of all shapes, sizes, and color! Throughout history...the most revered and worshipped women...were VOLUPTOUS!

Mae West said it best: “Cultivate your curves - they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.”
blasian1246's Avatar
Everybody has there preference! Me personally, if she looks good, and she smells right, im going in! Btw, ill pick a bbw over a spinner any day of the week! I like cushion over bones...bones tend to hurt!
blasian1246's Avatar
Im half white does that count?? haha Originally Posted by CarmelCleva
Lol...just like im half asian. So i guess i could tell the girls with "nba" policies that! But i tend to give my money to those who dont mind the "other" half of me!
Thanks Promdate I do need some of your yummy cheesecake again!

Everyone is allowed to have their preferences, but maybe it would have been better to pm the people he wanted to see and fly them in, instead of trashing the girls from his own city.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
As a frequent traveler, I have to say you San Antonio guys have it made! By far the best variety of lovely ladies! Spinners to MILF's, and everything in between.

Back at home, my choices are not so great. No diversity, no true hot women, GFE is almost non existant....... and a full set of teeth is truly a bonus!

Someone once said the grass is always greener somewhere else......and I find it to be true.

Sometimes you never appreciate what you have available until you leave.
  • Laz
  • 05-29-2012, 11:29 PM
What is the saying. It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. He should have thought through what he was doing better.
Laz, with some people, there's a complete and utter lack of caring...that's the sad truth!! Thank goodness we realize that clowns like this...are the minority! I know there are those who agree with a degree...but, at least they were taught manners, and do not post something so cruel and tasteless.

What's funny is, he says that Dallas providers could make 1000's! (lol) Dallas providers do travel here...and, this is what most get through their PM's..."your donations are too high for the SA market."
He has pretty much gotten bashed in the Dallas thread as well so it is obvious his post orr shall I say posts left a lot to be desired.
82Vinny's Avatar
LMAO! Teaching dance and yoga is whats good for me!
Mature Companion's Avatar
Ain't that the truth!

All women are beautiful in their own way. No matter how thin or curvacious they are. But curves are something to be adored on a woman. Gives a man something to hold onto and something to caress when his fingers or lips trail down her body. Curves are incredibly beautiful!

And FYI, what *some* (not all) men may fail to realize, is. Is that more women with curves, tend to embrace their beauty and are more confident than (some) who are rail thin skinny. (I said some, not all).
So do you want a beautiful confident woman with curves, who's comfortable in her skin and can stand before you, beautifully naked?
Or do you want a beautiful rail thin skinny woman who's not confident/nor like her body and doesn't like being naked in front of man??

I'm just saying, there's a sense a beauty about all body types and how a woman embraces her beauty.

So give me a woman with curves over a skinny woman any day. Because I'm going to enjoy her body as if it were my own.
And I love my beautiful curves!

Everybody has there preference! Me personally, if she looks good, and she smells right, im going in! Btw, ill pick a bbw over a spinner any day of the week! I like cushion over bones...bones tend to hurt! Originally Posted by blasian1246
blasian1246's Avatar
Well said wicked...i use to date a girl that was about 95 pounds soaking wet! She never took off her shirt when doing the deed because she was embarrased about how skinny she was! Felt bad for her...and after trying a "variety" of spinners, decided i will stick to the girls with some meat on them. Nothing like seeing a big ass, some breast, and as you put something to hold on to!

Ain't that the truth!

All women are beautiful in their own way. No matter how thin or curvacious they are. But curves are something to be adored on a woman. Gives a man something to hold onto and something to caress when his fingers or lips trail down her body. Curves are incredibly beautiful!

And FYI, what *some* (not all) men may fail to realize, is. Is that more women with curves, tend to embrace their beauty and are more confident than (some) who are rail thin skinny. (I said some, not all).
So do you want a beautiful confident woman who's comfortable in her skin and can stand before you, beautifully naked?
Or do you want a beautiful rail thin skinny woman who's not confident/nor like her body and doesn't like being naked in front of man??

I'm just saying, there's a sense a beauty about all body types and how a woman embraces her beauty.

So give me a woman with curves over a skinny woman any day. Because I'm going to enjoy her body as if it were my own.
And I love my beautiful curves! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
There is nothing better than a woman who is confident and has no problem with being naked. I take that any day over a 95 pound spinner that leaves clothes on.
You mean Hispanic not Latina or perhaps Aztec Indian. You should consider moving since most people in SA haven't been anywhere.