So, TheNew York Times Now Admits That The Information In Hunter Biden’s Laptop IS AUTHENTIC

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Actually, a lot of responsible, law abiding citizens do.

It's those who believe in voter fraud and open borders who don't.

But I'm pleased to know you believe criminal behavior is good! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Not to mention that Hunter has been raking in millions in an influence peddling scam and kicking back a good percentage to his Father.

Think if Donald Trump Jr we’re doing the same thing. The whole family would be in Leavenworth.

But for some reason, the Biden Criminal Cartel seems to operate with impunity.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-18-2022, 07:14 AM
Not to mention that Hunter has been raking in millions in an influence peddling scam and kicking back a good percentage to his Father.

Think if Donald Trump Jr we’re doing the same thing. The whole family would be in Leavenworth.

But for some reason, the Biden Criminal Cartel seems to operate with impunity. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Probably because there are no kickbacks taking place except in your imagination
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Wait a fucking minute! Didn't the Democrats impeach the last President for holding up aid to Ukraine? Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Trump's impeachment came after a formal House inquiry alleged that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
As noted on 2020 when the laptop was all the rage with the right wing crowd and Trump.

No one gives a fuck.

Party on. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
IF Hunter is guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I too don't give a fuck if he ends up in jail. On the other hand, there is no proof Joe Biden is guilty of anything Hunter was involved in. Just another hope by the Trump crowd without any proof. Just like voter fraud.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And covefe.

I agree with Speed. IF there’s a crime, prosecute. If not then STFU already. It’s all about trying to make the Trump mob look better.

Exactly where does one appeal a conviction by the scholarly pundits of the ECCIE political forum?

... Other than than the FACT the "Big Guy" got his cut
of the foreign money... So if Joe is the "Big Guy"
- then prosecute him? ... OK!

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
IF Hunter is guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I too don't give a fuck if he ends up in jail. On the other hand, there is no proof Joe Biden is guilty of anything Hunter was involved in. Just another hope by the Trump crowd without any proof. Just like voter fraud. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What is the functional difference between a random druggie on a San Francisco street corner crapping on the sidewalk and Hunter Biden on the board of Burisma? If you guessed The Big Guy or F Joe Biden, you are correct, because without him, Hunter would be crapping on a sidewalk somewhere.
IF Hunter is guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I too don't give a fuck if he ends up in jail. On the other hand, there is no proof Joe Biden is guilty of anything Hunter was involved in. Just another hope by the Trump crowd without any proof. Just like voter fraud. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I will admit that the only thing Joe Biden is 100% guilty of now is being an old, stupid, lying inept piece of shit.

As soon as the Republicans take control of the House and Senate come November, we will be able to add corrupt to his resume’.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Other than than the FACT the "Big Guy" got his cut
of the foreign money... So if Joe is the "Big Guy"
- then prosecute him? ... OK!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What is the functional difference between a random druggie on a San Francisco street corner crapping on the sidewalk and Hunter Biden on the board of Burisma? If you guessed The Big Guy or F Joe Biden, you are correct, because without him, Hunter would be crapping on a sidewalk somewhere. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That is true. Hunter got his job due to his father, just as Donald got his job due to his father and Donald Jr. and Eric got their jobs due to their father. Eric would be alongside Hunter on the sidewalk if not due to daddy.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That is true. Hunter got his job due to his father, just as Donald got his job due to his father and Donald Jr. and Eric got their jobs due to their father. Eric would be alongside Hunter on the sidewalk if not due to daddy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Of all the names slung about, which made $$ or exchanged $$ with other parties in Ukraine?

Regarding "proof" of The Big Guy getting 10%: Seeing whereas the conspiracy theory, aka Russian disinformation, is now corroborated as true: I guess those emails where he said The Big Guy gets 10% are also now verified. Not to mention the emails between Hunter's business partners, where he details how his family name is on the line, etc., etc, are now also corroborated. Hey, that's just how it works with lies and cover-ups. They are like the proverbial loose thread on the sweater where once you start tugging at it... Well... you know - the thing. Come on man!
HedonistForever's Avatar

Trump's impeachment came after a formal House inquiry alleged that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You mean the same House that had 60 members calling for impeachment the day Trump was elected? The same House led by Adam Schiff that made up a phone call suggesting that Trump had asked Zelinsky to investigate and if you can't find anything, make something up? That House?

So let's break down this "soliciting foreign influence" shall we. We now know for a fact what Hunter was doing in Ukraine. Trump asked the President of Ukraine to further investigate this corruption and you call that "soliciting foreign influence" but have nothing to say about the Clinton campaign soliciting for influence with the Debunked/ Dis-credited Steele dossier?

And a clever mind could easily twist Obama whispering in Medvedev's ear to pass along to Putin how flexible Obama will be after he gets re-elected. I'd really like to hear your opinion as to what Obama meant when he said that because to me, that sounds like collusion meant to be hidden from the American people.

Oh, and let's hear your opinion on the conspiracy between Big Tech,, Twitter and Facebook, the Democrats and the MSM to not only suppress the Hunter laptop story but to ban anybody that even mentioned it. A story that 16 months later, the Times admits it has verified/ authenticated.
HedonistForever's Avatar
IF Hunter is guilty of a crime, prosecute him. I too don't give a fuck if he ends up in jail. On the other hand, there is no proof Joe Biden is guilty of anything Hunter was involved in. Just another hope by the Trump crowd without any proof. Just like voter fraud. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Plenty of proof has been presented and now that the Times has verified that Hunter actually wrote "and put aside 10 million for the Big Guy, Joe Biden" on top of first hand testimony from Bobulinski that confirms that Joe not only knew everything Hunter was doing but approved it all. That's why Bobulinski had to meet Joe before Bobulinski could be made head of Hunter's China plans, for Joe's approval.

But that's OK, I know you will not accept any of this until it is raised in a court of law which more than likely will not be done as long as the AG is Biden's wing man but 2023 just might change all that.
what? hunter biden's laptop is for real???????

no way,

on top of our great internet companies safeguarding us from the fake information out there

and on top of our free press, taking personal risks and speaking truth to power and skewering lies and fakeness with courage and aplomb

on top of all that, we have experts signing letters stating the laptop is disinformation

these people are experienced intelligence officials

we rely on them to safeguard our nation

they have our best interests at heart

they recognize lies and smears when they see them

they have studied russia and they know disinformation campaigns when they see them

so at every layer, our internet platforms, our press and tv punditry and our intelligence community, americans have been safeguarded from conservative lies

thanks be to our elite who save us from liars and tinfoil hat wears and deplorables and walmart shoppers and anyone who might have a different opinion than us

More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

and if we cant believe them and trust them, well let me put it this way....i for one believe everything biden and hellary and obama and schiff and clapper and brennan and comey and the washington post and well all of them, say

and the 1619 project is a true understanding of history too and no we dont teach it in school