How many text messages?

atlcomedy's Avatar
slow months 500, busy months 1500-2000 Originally Posted by discreetgent
Is that business or personal? Just curious. Seems like a wide variance.

BTW most of my texts are while I'm watching sports. It is a way to share the experience but you really can't talk
atlcomedy's Avatar
hell i think people have become text daughter ( 26 ) would rather text than talk and her bill shows well over 4000 to 6000 texts a month .
you have to be constantly texting throughout the day to do that..Omg !
Im 54 and i looked at my bill the other day and i now have well over a 1000 because the peolpe i do business with depend on it to get hold of me when im in the field and of course communications with my daughter are mainly texts.
the way we communicate has steadily changed over the last decade and you either have to adapt to the change or get left behind.
20 yrs ago i would of never thought id be using an air card or texting out in the field and i wonder what the next 20 yrs will have us doing ?
where are pay phones? lol you never see them anymore
where are faxes headed to now that we have email !
dont get me wrong i like the changes for the most part and it has made my job easier and how in the world would you get hold of your favorite provider without text?
its adapt to change or die !! lol... Originally Posted by wildwooly1
It is amazing the changes over the last 10 -20 years but I'm not sure they are all positive.

When I started in the professional world, I'd leave the office around 5 or 6 on most days. I'd take my laptop home with me and if I had some more work to do I'd do it & I might check my email but there was no expectation that I'd respond to anything until the morning. Some nights I wouldn't check anything. And literally nobody would call me unless the building was burning down.

Now every organization or work group has their "norms" and while formally might say something about respecting personal boundaries/"away from work" time but the reality is expectations have changed in many workplaces.
In the not so distant past a family member had several chats with my brother and myself over this very issue. We both avg. over 3500 texts per month, but that was only the half of it, it didn;t count the 4000 text we were getting. Text total both incoming and outgoing 7/8000 a mouth. Do the math on that, I don;t know how we did it but we were consistant month after month
hell i think people have become text daughter ( 26 ) would rather text than talk and her bill shows well over 4000 to 6000 texts a month . Originally Posted by wildwooly1
Damn! She's 26 and still on your plan.

[Well, come to think of it, the SO is at half century mark and still on her Dad's. ]
atlcomedy's Avatar
Damn! She's 26 and still on your plan.

[Well, come to think of it, the SO is at half century mark and still on her Dad's. ] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It isn't so much that he's supporting her, but these "extended" family plans just save money and are common sense.

My parents have two of my adult siblings and an inlaw on their AT&T (I think?) plan and it saves them approx 40% per person vs. what I pay & if they could have more than 5 on the plan I'd happily let them pay for my phone & I'd reimburse them.

The only watchout if you do this is make sure you use your hobby phone to arrange your dates
Sa_artman's Avatar

Speaking of smoke....WTF happened to the Spurs? Originally Posted by WTF
They always suck at the start of the false hope to the other teams.
less than 200 a month.
26 yes Lol..I have her on my small business plan and it helps having more people on the plan.
But the younger generations mainly use texting to communicate because most business dont allow phone calls but they can set their phone to vibrate and recieve texts all day and when they are on breaks you see them out there texting away !
i am sitting on a well location in texas as i type this on my laptop and have had to adapt to the new means of communication which are texts, im's and email.
Seems like just yesterday i was driving down the road listening to my 8 track player trying to find a pay phone to use to send a am glad those days are over and cell phones have advanced our business more than anything.
John Bull's Avatar
If you want to direct contact with me, talk! If you want to write me a letter, email. If you want to be ignored, text!
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you want to direct contact with me, talk! If you want to write me a letter, email. If you want to be ignored, text! Originally Posted by John Bull
Good post!

What's that saying: "Silwy wabit, txtngs 4 kds!"
Some people just really prefer texting. In those cases you had better be ready for multiple responses; or you might see things fizzle off. I was probably texting about 20-30 times per day -140-210 per week. I was amazed; but once again the people I was texting was mostly in response to their texts - a phone call is nice also.
In the not so distant past a family member had several chats with my brother and myself over this very issue. We both avg. over 3500 texts per month, but that was only the half of it, it didn;t count the 4000 text we were getting. Text total both incoming and outgoing 7/8000 a mouth. Do the math on that, I don;t know how we did it but we were consistant month after month Originally Posted by chelsea simms
Doing math: 3,500texts / 30 days per month = about 120 texts a day. At 1 minute per text, thats 2 hours a day. How the hell did you get anything done? I agree that texting is often quicker than a call because there is no chit-chat -- but thats for one text. If it goes back and forth for 5-10 texts each way, calling has to be faster.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Doing math: 3,500texts / 30 days per month = about 120 texts a day. At 1 minute per text, thats 2 hours a day. How the hell did you get anything done? I agree that texting is often quicker than a call because there is no chit-chat -- but thats for one text. If it goes back and forth for 5-10 texts each way, calling has to be faster. Originally Posted by pjorourke

The total amount of time still boggles my mind...

but your minute per text (to write) is way off...maybe 10 seconds? often I send & get a reply within a minute
Black Sedan's Avatar
Well I guess this just proves that I am out of touch with the modern day technological world as I refuse to have text on any of my phones. Hey the way I look at it is if you want to talk to me then just call. If I can answer I will and if I am busy just leave me a message and I will call you back. Has worked for me for the longest time. Originally Posted by OneHotMale
I refused to have it enabled on my phone accounts for the longest time... then I turned it on, and within 14 hours I was booty called via text message. I'm a convert now.
OneHotMale's Avatar
I refused to have it enabled on my phone accounts for the longest time... then I turned it on, and within 14 hours I was booty called via text message. I'm a convert now. Originally Posted by Black Sedan

LMAO at Black Sedan. Now that has to be a record for enabling text and then getting a booty call text. As for me I will never convert and my booty calls can continue to just call.