Last month, Trump said he'd leave if if Electoral College votes for Biden -- well GUESS WHAT!

winn dixie's Avatar
Thank You President Trump for the hugely successful Warp Speed! You've saved Millions of lives!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Stolen election! Ya'll know it! Originally Posted by winn dixie
eccieuser9500's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Nice kitty.

Makes zero sense though. Lame attempt at even getting a smile!

The kitty aint even smiling. lol
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank You President Trump for the hugely successful Warp Speed! You've saved Millions of lives! Originally Posted by winn dixie
A nutless monkey coulda done a better job.

Trump tried hard to fuck it up and almost did.

Thank God there were some smart people who were able to persevere through the daily flood of tweets and hysterical bullshit that will forever be the Trump legacy. Thanks to those people, we’ve got a vaccine rolling out as quickly as we have.

Just think how much easier this could have been if we would have just done the simple things months ago. Followed the science rather than confuse, attack and discount it.

I personally don’t give a frog’s fat ass who gets credit for the vaccine. Actually, it probably should be named for Trump, whose tireless efforts made the vaccine so essential in the rest of the country not dying. His leadership turned our country into the World Leader in COVID cases and deaths.

His disease. His vaccine. When taken in proper dosage, both will disappear.
winn dixie's Avatar
A nutless monkey coulda done a better job.

Trump tried hard to fuck it up and almost did.

Thank God there were some smart people who were able to persevere through the daily flood of tweets and hysterical bullshit that will forever be the Trump legacy. Thanks to those people, we’ve got a vaccine rolling out as quickly as we have.

Just think how much easier this could have been if we would have just done the simple things months ago. Followed the science rather than confuse, attack and discount it.

I personally don’t give a frog’s fat ass who gets credit for the vaccine. Actually, it probably should be named for Trump, whose tireless efforts made the vaccine so essential in the rest of the country not dying. His leadership turned our country into the World Leader in COVID cases and deaths.

His disease. His vaccine. When taken in proper dosage, both will disappear. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Trump gets credit for saving millions!
Trump will soon go down as the worst president of our generation. No one will remember how quickly the vaccine was developed, particularly since the actual distribution will occur on masse under the Biden administration.

what will trump be remembered for in 10 years

Pandemic and terrible handling of same.
300,000+ deaths which could have been prevented.
Trying to overturn the will of the people after he was voted out.
Getting bitch slapped by courts in 50+ suits including the SC 2x
His twitter rants.

History books will not be kind to him, or his followers. As Barr stated, "the winners get to write history" and poor Trump and the Trumpys are the LOSERS
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup the CHINA pandemic, start lessens in Chinese
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Trump gets credit for saving millions! Originally Posted by winn dixie