Biden environmental team heavy on experience, diversity

Omg ob1...i know who won by the biggest margin ever. It was the greatest and most beautiful fair election ever

What's you excuse now for being stupid rpst reporter in chief of stupid on here
winn dixie's Avatar
Rising in DOTY votes hugely ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ob1 gonna report me bigly. How will I survive

If I can survive the ob1 i35 truck stop skanks n twit head in chief. That's a big ole lol n wtf.uts

It's just way to fun to fk w the really stupid clueless 24/7 orange suckers on here
Ob1 gonna report me bigly. How will I survive

If I can survive the ob1 i35 truck stop skanks n twit head in chief. That's a big ole lol n wtf.

It's just way to fun to fk w the really stupid clueless 24/7 orange suckers on here
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So typical and predictable - DPST's

Get some professional help - There is life beyond Trump hatred!

And - taunting name-calling, and disrespect are liable to be 'reported" Originally Posted by oeb11

Taunting, name-calling and disrespect? Taunting as in ...

Read your post, oeb!

Read them all. Kinda sound the same. In fact, a LOT of them ARE the same.

Then report yourself. You know you want to. Then possibly move on over to Another Realm...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
So typical and predictable - DPST's

Get some professional help - There is life beyond Trump hatred!

And - taunting name-calling, and disrespect are liable to be 'reported" Originally Posted by oeb11

Taunting, name-calling and disrespect? Dude, you just did a whole thread on fat shaming. I get you don't like Staci Abrams, but she kicked Trump's ass up one side of Georgia and down the other. I guess that makes her a bitter cunt, as WD said or whatever nasty shit you said about her appearance. Based on your narcissistic revelations over the past few years, we know you're probably not Adonis yourself.

Read your post, oeb!

Read them all. Kinda sound the same. In fact, a LOT of them ARE the same.

Then report ... yourself! You know you want to do it. Little self deprication. Humiliation. Another Realm kinda stuff.

You'll feel better.

Merry Xmas!

I'm beginning to thank that the ob1 poster had a clueless mom too. Such a shame that boys n girls are still raised that the 50's. Maybe they will get a clue in 2021 that women and kids are not all clueless n stupid
winn dixie's Avatar
snick oink
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dat woman is full of manure... ew!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
She is a bitter cunt Originally Posted by winn dixie
Oh, you've tasted that thang?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It's refreshing that after Trump stacked the "environmental" positions in his administration with industry shills that Biden is looking at people who understand the need to balance the land's economic opportunities with reasonable protections and regulation. Without government regulation and intervention the private sector would pollute everything without a second thought. We've seen this time and time again. Trump destroyed countless environmental measures and organizational filters that protected air, water, soil and food. One of the most revealing things Trump did that was especially brazen was attaching an amendment to his wealthy-oriented "tax cut" measure that allowed the oil industry to develop further exploration and new drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge, a gift to an industry that gives a shit about ecological protections or water quality. He dismantled numerous monitoring measures and procedures that help us understand pollution levels and natural resource conditions. Trump's selections to manage key administrative environmental positions included an array of oil and mining lobbyists - people beholden to polluters rather than the public. What we witnessed with his flaky disinterest regarding the challenging and complex public health problems related to the pandemic, was also on full display as he slashed and destroyed environmental protections in favor of short-term economic benefits for polluters. It became obvious very quickly in his term that he doesn't care about public health. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
It always amazed me that someone who has nothing to say can talk so much.
winn dixie's Avatar
Oh, you've tasted that thang? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
dat woman is full of manure... ew!
Mister Barleycorn, I shall make it simple for you. President Donald Trump ran the most corrupt and backwards administration in modern history, including his natural resource giveaways and his mindless slashing of public health and environmental protections.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

That alone should earn him 10-20 in Leavenworth

Or 5-10 in Woolworth, if the economy hadn’t tanked so badly on his watch.

  • oeb11
  • 12-20-2020, 10:32 AM
Thank you - DPST's - never ceases to amaze how the total absence of independent thought rules the DPST mind - and the LSm, DNC, and Comrade Xi - who owns Biden - are loving every moment of the dedication of their pawns/acolytes/minions.

Grow up and learn to think for Oneself - DPST's!!!