Campaign to Create "Caylee's Law" Goes Viral

Instead of campaigning for more laws cops and prosecutors can use to attack the innocent (like all those "fetal murder" laws that are overwhelmingly used to prosecute women for miscarriages), how about investing your time and energy in an effort that affects everyone on this board? Here are two examples (one issue, two ways of fighting):
We may not have been the jury but this speaks volumes

Please sign petition Originally Posted by Lorelei Jesse
No matter what the public may think, no one really knows what happened. The fact is that the prosecution could not prove their case. As far as I am concerned our judicial system did it's job. I think it is dangerous for the public to carry on and the media to push all this "make her pay" crap, because some nutcase out there just might do something horrible thinking he is going to be the vigilante in some way.

I wish everyone would put this to rest. I feel sorry for that whole family.
It's not up to me to judge her-I just pray that she finds forgiveness, Is truly sorry for what happened and changes her life around for the best......................
searchme's Avatar
First how can you prosecute someone for murder when you can't prove murder was committed and for that matter can't prove the cause of death.

Why is everyone so upset at the jury, be upset at the law enforcement people, the botched up coroners report. THEY DID NOT DO THEIR JOBS!

Now as far as the prosecutors being not as talented as defense attorneys, in this case every pundit was saying what a joke the defense attorney was and the prosecutor even laughed at him in court. Now who is laughing.

If the mother committed a murder, it wasn't proved. I personally see 10 murders go free than to execute one innocent human being do to poor police work and poor prosecutors.

How many people were released on new DNA after years behind bars because of bad defense and possibly false police evidence.

I'm sorry but I don't buy the Calyee's Law
I am shocked at all the comments about not "judging" poor Casey. Are you kidding me? I can see not having proof of murder but letting your kid go missing for a month while you party, is not an example of a poor, innocent mother. She is guilty of neglect t the very least.

If there are no consequenses for criminal actions, we would live in an unruly, unsafe, country. If your house gets robbed by someone who robbed three of your neighbors, same time of day, same MO, are you going to say "I'm not going to judge, God will"?

Give me a bleeding heart break!
pyramider's Avatar
The prosecution did not do their jobs well enough. Simple enough.

Now had the case occurred in Harris County, TX, death row would have a new resident.
Omahan's Avatar
I'm against making up laws for every specific tragedy that happens. There are already laws that would have put Casey in prison had the prosecutors charged her with the crimes they could prove. Like neglect of a child. They might even have gotten her with manslaughter.
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 07-10-2011, 12:44 PM
I feel very strongly that the government was not created to legislate morality or personal behavior. Over the years, we have been weighed down with an increasing number of laws that limit our personal freedoms. The law that would make it a federal crime to not report a missing child after 8 hours would be an almost useless waste of time and effort. Who can say when the 8 hours started? If a parent did murder their child, what does it matter when the 8 hours began, they will be tried for murder. Any reasonable parent would report a missing toddler within a few minutes of the child going missing.

So, what possible good can this proposed law do?
Radley Balko's view on the matter:

Well-considered, as usual for Mr. Balko.